ILGenWeb Logo


Towns and Cities

Abbot Pope 373326N 0884156W Lansing Cook 413353N 0873220W
Abingdon Knox 404816N 0902406W Lanton Moultrie 394607N 0883621W
Adair Mcdonough 402508N 0902948W LaPlace Macon 394800N 0884303W
Adams Adams 395155N 0911153W Larchland Warren 404912N 0903910W
Adams Corner Wabash 383047N 0874431W Larkdale Macon 395318N 0885443W
Addatorata Village Cook 420854N 0875625W LaRose Marshall 405856N 0891407W
Addieville Washington 382329N 0892924W Latham Logan 395807N 0890944W
Addison Du Page 415554N 0875920W Latham Park Winnebago 422206N 0890346W
Adeline Ogle 420836N 0892925W Latona Jasper 385850N 0881842W
Aden Hamilton 381430N 0882730W Laura Stark 405517N 0895535W
Adrian Hancock 403115N 0911001W Laurette Mclean 401931N 0883236W
Advance Jasper 390924N 0880144W Lawler Gallatin 374341N 0881709W
Afolkey Stephenson 422557N 0893428W Lawn Ridge Marshall 405826N 0893745W
Agnew Whiteside 414712N 0894800W Lawndale Logan 401305N 0891657W
Ahern Kankakee 410915N 0873617W Lawrence Boone 422628N 0883828W
Aiken Jo Daviess 422109N 0902455W Lawrenceville Lawrence 384345N 0874054W
Akin Franklin 375916N 0884508W Layfield Perry 380623N 0892607W
Akin Franklin 375917N 0884451W Le Claire Madison 384744N 0895725W
Akin Junction Franklin 380036N 0884541W Le Roy Mclean 402107N 0884551W
Akron Peoria 405414N 0893914W Leaf River Ogle 420732N 0892413W
Aladdin Pike 394259N 0911923W Leamington Gallatin 373822N 0881825W
Albany Whiteside 414722N 0901309W Lebanon St Clair 383614N 0894826W
Albers Clinton 383236N 0893644W Ledford Saline 374200N 0883524W
Albion Edwards 382239N 0880322W Lee Lee 414742N 0885629W
Alda Washington 382746N 0891412W Lee Center Lee 414451N 0891643W
Alden McHenry 422732N 0883104W Leeds La Salle 410115N 0885917W
Aldridge Union 373330N 0892812W Leesburg Fulton 401450N 0901902W
Aledo Mercer 411159N 0904457W Leesville Kankakee 410129N 0873730W
Alexander Morgan 394328N 0900217W Lehigh Kankakee 410637N 0880105W
Alexis Warren 410348N 0903321W Leisure City Pope 372925N 0882633W
Alexis Junction Mercer 410402N 0903818W Leithton Lake 421447N 0875846W
Alexis Junction Warren 410402N 0903818W Leland La Salle 413645N 0884758W
Algonquin McHenry 420956N 0881739W Leland Grove Sangamon 394637N 0894045W
Alhambra Madison 385318N 0894353W Lemmon Sangamon 393153N 0894739W
Aliceville Henry 413308N 0895246W Lemont Cook 414025N 0880006W
Allen Mason 401818N 0893858W Lena Stephenson 422246N 0894920W
Allendale Wabash 383136N 0874235W Lenzburg St Clair 381714N 0894902W
Allens Corners Kane 420558N 0882853W Leon Corners Whiteside 413539N 0895513W
Allens Spring Pope 372208N 0883925W Leonard Iroquois 404607N 0875519W
Allentown Tazewell 403321N 0892348W Leonore La Salle 411122N 0885850W
Allenville Moultrie 393320N 0883147W Lerna Coles 392506N 0881719W
Allerton Champaign 395442N 0875611W Lester Marion 384809N 0885835W
Allerton Vermilion 395442N 0875611W Leverett Champaign 401121N 0881235W
Allright Clark 391750N 0874456W Levings Pulaski 371302N 0890342W
Alma Marion 384318N 0885433W Lewis Corner Pope 371621N 0883446W
Almora Kane 420339N 0882010W Lewisburg Menard 395812N 0894957W
Alonzo Iroquois 403400N 0874352W Lewistown Fulton 402335N 0900917W
Alorton St Clair 383523N 0900712W Lexington Mclean 403829N 0884700W
Alpha Henry 411130N 0902248W Liberty Adams 395246N 0910628W
Alpine Cook 413511N 0875253W Liberty Saline 374312N 0883418W
Alsey Scott 393338N 0902602W Libertyville Lake 421659N 0875711W
Alsip Cook 414008N 0874419W Lick Creek Union 373121N 0890430W
Alta Peoria 404839N 0893803W Lidice Will 413317N 0880525W
Altamont Effingham 390343N 0884453W Lifers Landing Hancock 401454N 0912909W
Altgeld Gardens Cook 413916N 0873607W Lightsville Ogle 420849N 0892415W
Altmar La Salle 410831N 0885333W Lilly Tazewell 403215N 0891712W
Alto Pass Union 373413N 0891903W Lillyville Cumberland 391123N 0882707W
Alton Madison 385326N 0901103W Lily Cache Will 413525N 0881053W
Altona Knox 410653N 0900952W Lily Lake Kane 415656N 0882840W
Altorf Kankakee 411125N 0875744W Lilymoor McHenry 421950N 0881247W
Alvin Vermilion 401830N 0873630W Lima Adams 401039N 0912242W
Alworth Winnebago 421437N 0891444W Limerick Bureau 412941N 0892801W
Amboy Lee 414251N 0891943W Lincoln Logan 400854N 0892153W
Amenia Piatt 400119N 0883959W Lincoln Estates Will 413009N 0874825W
America Pulaski 370818N 0890725W Lincolnwood Cook 420016N 0874348W
Ames Monroe 380848N 0900316W Lincolnwood Hills Will 413041N 0875445W
Amity Richland 384635N 0875527W Lindenhurst Lake 422438N 0880134W
Anchor Mclean 403405N 0883208W Lindenwood Ogle 420311N 0890150W
Ancona Livingston 410226N 0885221W Lintner Macon 394800N 0884004W
Andalusia Rock Island 412621N 0904303W Lipsey Coles 392929N 0882504W
Anderson Cass 395856N 0900932W Lis Jasper 390112N 0881537W
Anderson Macoupin 392038N 0895042W Lisbon Kendall 412853N 0882856W
Andover Henry 411738N 0901731W Lisbon Center Kendall 413128N 0882602W
Andres Will 412218N 0875257W Lisle Du Page 414804N 0880429W
Andrew Sangamon 395344N 0893824W Litchfield Kankakee 410948N 0873512W
Anna Union 372737N 0891449W Litchfield Montgomery 391031N 0893915W
Annapolis Crawford 390840N 0874900W Literberry Morgan 395115N 0901158W
Annawan Henry 412350N 0895416W Lithia Shelby 392539N 0884304W
Antioch Lake 422838N 0880544W Little America Fulton 402421N 0900204W
Apple River Jo Daviess 423018N 0900555W Little Indian Cass 395315N 0901204W
Applegate Lawrence 384734N 0874748W Little Rock Kendall 414303N 0883434W
Appleton Knox 405609N 0900939W Little York Warren 410040N 0904446W
Aptakisic Lake 421057N 0875650W Littleton Schuyler 401402N 0903720W
Arbury Hills Will 413208N 0875051W Lively Grove Washington 381823N 0893641W
Arcadia Morgan 395021N 0901441W Liverpool Fulton 402330N 0900003W
Archer Sangamon 394653N 0894409W Livingston Clark 392424N 0873846W
Archie Vermilion 395339N 0874942W Livingston Madison 385803N 0894550W
Arcola Douglas 394105N 0881823W Loami Sangamon 394032N 0895048W
Ardenmoor Clark 392157N 0874748W Lockhaven Jersey 385626N 0901717W
Arenzville Cass 395237N 0902224W Lockport Will 413522N 0880328W
Argenta Macon 395855N 0884922W Loda Iroquois 403103N 0880419W
Argyle Boone 422136N 0885624W Lodemia Livingston 404826N 0883357W
Argyle Winnebago 422136N 0885624W Lodge Piatt 400622N 0883336W
Arlington Bureau 412825N 0891457W Log Cabin Camp Kankakee 410942N 0873456W
Arlington Heights Cook 420518N 0875850W Logan Edgar 394414N 0873618W
Arlington Heights Sangamon 394911N 0893605W Lomax Henderson 404044N 0910422W
Armington Tazewell 402020N 0891841W Lombard Du Page 415248N 0880028W
Armstrong Vermilion 401823N 0875240W Lombardville Stark 411316N 0893930W
Arnold Carroll 421012N 0901335W London Mills Fulton 404238N 0901558W
Arnold Morgan 394316N 0900842W Lone Tree Henderson 405013N 0910105W
Aroma Park Kankakee 410447N 0874841W Long Branch Mason 401302N 0900216W
Arpee Mercer 411059N 0905649W Long Branch Saline 375306N 0883438W
Arrowsmith Mclean 402658N 0883754W Long Creek Macon 394843N 0885051W
Arthur Douglas 394253N 0882820W Long Grove Lake 421042N 0875952W
Ashdale Junction Carroll 420506N 0895528W Long Lake Lake 422247N 0880705W
Ashkum Iroquois 405249N 0875718W Long Lake Lake 422215N 0880739W
Ashland Cass 395316N 0900028W Long Point Livingston 410017N 0885330W
Ashley Washington 381946N 0891127W Long Shore Park Peoria 404522N 0893339W
Ashmore Coles 393159N 0880120W Longview Champaign 395312N 0880359W
Ashton Lee 415158N 0891316W Loogootee Fayette 385417N 0885113W
Assumption Christian 393113N 0890256W Loon Lake Lake 422649N 0880524W
Astoria Fulton 401339N 0902134W Loose Pulley Junction Ogle 420734N 0891326W
Athens Menard 395739N 0894326W Loraine Adams 400915N 0911320W
Athensville Greene 392720N 0901121W Loran Stephenson 421406N 0895437W
Atkinson Henry 412515N 0900054W Lorenzo Will 412050N 0881256W
Atlanta Logan 401534N 0891400W Loretto Livingston 405840N 0882605W
Atlas Pike 393050N 0905810W Lostant La Salle 410834N 0890336W
Atterberry Menard 400339N 0895525W Lotus Champaign 401908N 0882721W
Attila Williamson 374611N 0884616W Lotus Woods Lake 422519N 0881023W
Atwater Macoupin 391958N 0894330W Louisville Clay 384620N 0883009W
Atwood Douglas 394758N 0882744W Love Bureau 413409N 0894821W
Auburn Sangamon 393530N 0894447W Loves Corner Hardin 372944N 0881014W
Auer Landing Calhoun 385405N 0903122W Loves Park Winnebago 421912N 0890329W
Augerville Champaign 400823N 0881018W Lovilla Hamilton 380924N 0884000W
Augsburg Fayette 385200N 0890048W Lovington Moultrie 394256N 0883757W
Augusta Hancock 401348N 0905700W Low Point Woodford 405221N 0891848W
Aurora Kane 414538N 0881912W Lowder Sangamon 393303N 0895045W
Aux Sable Grundy 412341N 0881943W Lowell La Salle 411502N 0890038W
Ava Jackson 375318N 0892941W Loxa Coles 392950N 0881602W
Avena Fayette 390027N 0885540W Lucas Logan 401824N 0892203W
Avery Hill St Clair 383311N 0900137W Ludlow Mclean 402313N 0880739W
Aviston Clinton 383624N 0893627W Lumaghi Heights Madison 384013N 0895652W
Avon Fulton 403951N 0902605W Lusk Pope 372858N 0882827W
Ayers Bond 385749N 0892707W Luther Mason 401136N 0893911W
Ayers Carroll 420314N 0900656W Lyndon Whiteside 414303N 0895533W
Babylon Fulton 403527N 0902057W Lynn Center Henry 411745N 0902128W
Bader Schuyler 401023N 0902207W Lynnville Morgan 394113N 0902045W
Baileyville Ogle 421150N 0893536W Lynwood Cook 413135N 0873219W
Baker La Salle 413320N 0884840W Lyons Cook 414848N 0874905W
Bakerville Jefferson 381530N 0885351W Mabel Edgar 395235N 0874132W
Balcom Union 372447N 0891222W Macedonia Franklin 380307N 0884219W
Bald Bluff Henderson 410107N 0905113W Macedonia Hamilton 380307N 0884219W
Bald Mound Kane 415046N 0882423W Mackinaw Tazewell 403213N 0892127W
Baldwin Randolph 381059N 0895033W Mackinaw Dells Woodford 403726N 0891351W
Baldwin Beach Mason 402045N 0900155W Macomb Mcdonough 402733N 0904018W
Baldwin Heights Jefferson 382659N 0890841W Macon Macon 394246N 0885949W
Baldwin Heights Washington 382659N 0890841W Macoupin Macoupin 391248N 0895726W
Ballou Will 411639N 0880607W Madison Madison 384057N 0900925W
Banklick Williamson 374938N 0884208W Madonnaville Monroe 381554N 0901448W
Banner Fulton 403101N 0895430W Maeystown Monroe 381329N 0901400W
Bannockburn Lake 421136N 0875159W Magnet Coles 392621N 0882352W
Barbers Corners Will 414239N 0880406W Magnolia Putnam 410649N 0891140W
Barclay Sangamon 395229N 0893104W Mahomet Champaign 401143N 0882415W
Bardolph Mcdonough 402942N 0903352W Maizetown Vermilion 395715N 0874816W
Barlow Park Vermilion 401834N 0873723W Makanda Jackson 373703N 0891232W
Barnes Mclean 403010N 0885406W Malden Bureau 412528N 0892209W
Barnett Madison 385116N 0895304W Malta De Kalb 415547N 0885139W
Barnett Montgomery 391552N 0894150W Malvern Whiteside 415119N 0895312W
Barney Ford Coles 393307N 0880607W Manchester Scott 393232N 0901956W
Barnhill Wayne 381704N 0882151W Manhattan Will 412521N 0875909W
Barr Macoupin 392417N 0900615W Manito Mason 402533N 0894645W
Barr Sangamon 395743N 0894149W Manley Fulton 403502N 0902532W
Barreville McHenry 421632N 0881545W Manlius Bureau 412723N 0894008W
Barrington Cook 420914N 0880810W Mannon Mercer 411352N 0905724W
Barrington Lake 420914N 0880810W Mansfield Piatt 401241N 0883022W
Barrington Center Kane 420638N 0881139W Manson Ford Pope 372703N 0883403W
Barrington Hills Cook 420841N 0880920W Manteno Kankakee 411502N 0874953W
Barrington Hills Kane 420841N 0880920W Manville Livingston 410318N 0884558W
Barrington Hills McHenry 421007N 0881527W Maple Madison 385137N 0895235W
Barrington Woods Cook 420908N 0880321W Maple Grove Edwards 383200N 0880538W
Barrow Greene 393022N 0902405W Maple Park Kane 415427N 0883557W
Barry Pike 394139N 0910220W Maple Point Cumberland 391956N 0880647W
Barstow Rock Island 413106N 0902125W Maples Mill Fulton 402542N 0900150W
Bartelso Clinton 383211N 0892759W Mapleton Peoria 403359N 0894354W
Bartlett Cook 415942N 0881108W Maplewood Park St Clair 383432N 0901034W
Bartonville Peoria 403901N 0893907W Maquon Knox 404756N 0900956W
Basco Hancock 401940N 0911200W Marblehead Adams 395023N 0912206W
Batavia Kane 415100N 0881845W Marcelline Adams 400705N 0912202W
Batchtown Calhoun 390159N 0903927W Marcoe Jefferson 381601N 0885759W
Bates Sangamon 394327N 0895058W Marcus Carroll 420930N 0901145W
Batestown Vermilion 400712N 0874147W Marengo McHenry 421455N 0883630W
Bath Mason 401136N 0900827W Marietta Fulton 403004N 0902333W
Baum Greene 391939N 0901856W Marigold Randolph 380447N 0900023W
Bay City Pope 371456N 0882948W Marine Madison 384711N 0894639W
Bay View Garden Woodford 404832N 0893114W Marion Williamson 374350N 0885559W
Bayle City Fayette 390650N 0890958W Marissa St Clair 381500N 0894500W
Baylestown Macoupin 390529N 0895246W Mark Putnam 411552N 0891500W
Baylis Pike 394342N 0905429W Market Place Cook 420246N 0875621W
Beach Station Lake 422516N 0875057W Markham Cook 413537N 0874141W
Beamington Sangamon 394015N 0893530W Markham Morgan 394445N 0901940W
Beardstown Cass 400103N 0902527W Marley Edgar 393046N 0873654W
Bearsdale Macon 395349N 0890040W Marley Will 413255N 0875532W
Beason Logan 400837N 0891136W Marlow Jefferson 381915N 0884736W
Beaty Fulton 401630N 0901445W Maroa Macon 400211N 0885725W
Beaucoup Washington 382059N 0891731W Marquette Bureau 411951N 0891545W
Beaver Creek (Wisetown) Bond 384603N 0892337W Marquette Heights Tazewell 403703N 0893601W
Beaverton Crossroads Boone 422428N 0884918W Marseilles La Salle 411951N 0884229W
Beaverville Iroquois 405716N 0873916W Marshall Clark 392329N 0874137W
Beckemeyer Clinton 383620N 0892609W Marshall Landing Calhoun 385727N 0903021W
Bedford Pike 393145N 0903503W Martin Landing Calhoun 385437N 0903817W
Bedford Park Cook 414546N 0874800W Martinsburg Pike 393057N 0905033W
Bee Creek Pike 392401N 0903809W Martinsville Clark 392008N 0875255W
Beech Landing Calhoun 385825N 0904021W Martinton Iroquois 405457N 0874331W
Beecher Will 412026N 0873717W Marydale Clinton 384151N 0892219W
Beecher City Effingham 391117N 0884712W Maryland Ogle 420356N 0893250W
Beechville Calhoun 385817N 0903851W Maryland Place Madison 384354N 0900636W
Belden McHenry 422827N 0882050W Maryville Madison 384325N 0895721W
Belgium Vermilion 400341N 0873817W Marywood Kane 414737N 0881725W
Belgium Row Vermilion 400759N 0874513W Mascoutah St Clair 382925N 0894735W
Belknap Johnson 371930N 0885620W Mason Effingham 385711N 0883725W
Bell Logan 401131N 0892315W Mason City Mason 401208N 0894153W
Bellair Crawford 390831N 0875643W Massbach Jo Daviess 421446N 0900718W
Belle Prairie City Hamilton 381321N 0883319W Matanzas Mason 401352N 0900558W
Belle Rive Jefferson 381358N 0884426W Matanzas Beach Mason 401435N 0900614W
Belleview Calhoun 392103N 0904652W Matherville Mercer 411535N 0903628W
Belleville St Clair 383112N 0895902W Matteson Cook 413014N 0874247W
Bellevue Peoria 404104N 0894048W Matthews Perry 375803N 0892226W
Bellflower Mclean 402024N 0883137W Matthews Junction Jackson 375709N 0892226W
Bellmont Wabash 382304N 0875441W Matthews Junction Perry 375709N 0892226W
Bells Landing Fulton 403016N 0895307W Mattoon Coles 392859N 0882222W
Belltown Greene 392257N 0902428W Maud Wabash 382351N 0875119W
Bellwood Cook 415253N 0875259W Maunie White 380208N 0880244W
Belmont Du Page 414734N 0880216W Maxwell Peoria 404119N 0894201W
Beltrees Jersey 385734N 0901932W Maxwell Sangamon 393759N 0895357W
Belvidere Boone 421550N 0885039W Mayberry Wayne 381614N 0883255W
Bement Piatt 395519N 0883419W Mays Edgar 393744N 0874732W
Benld Macoupin 390534N 0894814W Maysville Pike 394227N 0904757W
Bennett Vermilion 400351N 0874822W Maytown Lee 413742N 0892204W
Bennett Landing Union 373202N 0892954W Mayview Champaign 400648N 0880637W
Bennington Edwards 383127N 0880753W Maywood Cook 415245N 0875035W
Bensenville Du Page 415718N 0875624W Mazon Grundy 411429N 0882510W
Benson Woodford 405102N 0890720W Mazonia Grundy 411233N 0881652W
Bentley Hancock 402040N 0910642W Mc*nabb Putnam 411037N 0891233W
Benton Franklin 375948N 0885512W McCall Hancock 402710N 0911149W
Benton Park Franklin 380335N 0885453W McCann Ford Cumberland 392224N 0881037W
Bentown Mclean 402819N 0884823W McClay Orchard Greene 392800N 0903130W
Benville Brown 395151N 0905153W McClure Alexander 371904N 0892553W
Berdan Greene 392154N 0902343W McClusky Jersey 390236N 0901913W
Berkeley Cook 415320N 0875412W McConnell Stephenson 422604N 0894353W
Berkeley Du Page 415320N 0875412W McCook Cook 414752N 0875041W
Berlin Sangamon 394532N 0895411W McCormick Pope 373302N 0884014W
Bernice Cook 413445N 0873253W McCormick Place Cook 415110N 0873642W
Berryville Richland 383558N 0875543W McCown Edgar 394757N 0875541W
Berryville Union 372725N 0891716W McCullom Lake McHenry 422206N 0881733W
Berwick Warren 404757N 0903218W McDowell Livingston 404950N 0883506W
Berwyn Cook 415102N 0874737W McGirr De Kalb 414903N 0884808W
Bessie Franklin 375950N 0884845W McHenry McHenry 422041N 0881626W
Bethalto Madison 385433N 0900226W McHenry Shores McHenry 421908N 0881529W
Bethany Moultrie 393844N 0884417W McKeen Clark 392730N 0873650W
Bethel Morgan 394635N 0902529W McKinley Washington 381357N 0893254W
Bethel Vermilion 395350N 0873240W McLean Mclean 401852N 0891011W
Beverly Adams 394736N 0905927W McLeansboro Hamilton 380536N 0883208W
Beverly Manor Tazewell 404142N 0892803W McNulta Mclean 402215N 0882921W
Bible Grove Clay 385219N 0882646W McQueen Kane 420343N 0882305W
Biddleborn Washington 381752N 0894105W McVey Macoupin 392323N 0894447W
Big Bay Massac 371900N 0884318W Meadow Heights Madison 384130N 0895928W
Big Foot Prairie McHenry 422942N 0883556W Meadowbrook Madison 385354N 0900024W
Big Rock Kane 414550N 0883249W Meadows Mclean 404440N 0884817W
Biggs Mason 401429N 0895415W Mechanicsburg Sangamon 394834N 0892350W
Biggsville Henderson 405113N 0905153W Media Henderson 404630N 0904955W
Billett Lawrence 383952N 0873908W Medinah Du Page 415853N 0880304W
Bingham Fayette 390651N 0891248W Medora Macoupin 391028N 0900835W
Binghampton Lee 414300N 0891814W Meeks Vermilion 395959N 0873504W
Bingman Station White 380459N 0881441W Melody Lake 421425N 0875257W
Binney Madison 385924N 0894338W Melrose Clark 391324N 0874551W
Birch Island Calhoun 390753N 0904052W Melrose Park Cook 415402N 0875124W
Birds Lawrence 385013N 0874004W Melville Madison 385613N 0901445W
Birds Will 412830N 0881150W Melvin Ford 403403N 0881452W
Birkbeck De Witt 401037N 0885206W Melwood Edgar 394542N 0875149W
Birkner St Clair 383344N 0900145W Menard Randolph 375436N 0895023W
Birmingham Schuyler 401551N 0904915W Mendon Adams 400518N 0911701W
Bishop Mason 402045N 0895229W Mendota La Salle 413250N 0890703W
Bishop Hill Henry 411206N 0900708W Menominee Jo Daviess 422916N 0903159W
Bismarck Vermilion 401550N 0873629W Meppen Calhoun 385949N 0903617W
Bissell Sangamon 395046N 0893454W Meredith Kane 415358N 0883225W
Bixby St Clair 382935N 0901325W Meredosia Morgan 394952N 0903334W
Black Edwards 382804N 0880610W Meriden La Salle 413417N 0890200W
Blackhawk Carroll 421115N 0901326W Mermet Massac 371623N 0885046W
Blackland Macon 394541N 0890614W Merna Mclean 403100N 0884933W
Blackstone Livingston 410504N 0884127W Merriam Wayne 382145N 0881638W
Blaine Boone 422649N 0884811W Merrionette Park Cook 414103N 0874201W
Blair Livingston 410612N 0881831W Merritt Scott 394252N 0902457W
Blair Randolph 380241N 0894431W Metamora Woodford 404726N 0892138W
Blairsville Hamilton 381006N 0882751W Metcalf Edgar 394804N 0874826W
Blairsville Williamson 374840N 0890725W Metropolis Massac 370904N 0884355W
Blakes La Salle 412731N 0884510W Mettawa Lake 421400N 0875533W
Blanding Jo Daviess 421629N 0902309W Meyer Adams 400852N 0913012W
Blandinsville Mcdonough 403322N 0905157W Meyer Adams 400852N 0913005W
Block Champaign 395806N 0880508W Meyer Franklin 380253N 0890234W
Blodgett Will 412239N 0881124W Michael Calhoun 391407N 0903724W
Bloomfield Adams 400115N 0911825W Michael Landing Public A Calhoun 391407N 0903629W
Bloomfield Edgar 394534N 0874057W Michigan Beach Will 413053N 0880344W
Bloomfield Johnson 372709N 0885230W Mid City Greene 391319N 0902329W
Bloomingdale Du Page 415727N 0880451W Middeal Carroll 415830N 0895917W
Bloomington Mclean 402903N 0885937W Middle Creek Hancock 402222N 0910138W
Bloomington Heights Mclean 402850N 0890201W Middlebury Cook 420839N 0881417W
Blue Island Cook 413926N 0874048W Middlebury Kane 420839N 0881417W
Blue Mound Macon 394204N 0890723W Middlegrove Fulton 404216N 0900558W
Blue Ridge Piatt 401604N 0882917W Middlepoint White 375602N 0881747W
Bluff City Fayette 385750N 0890247W Middlesworth Shelby 392444N 0884255W
Bluff City Schuyler 401049N 0901349W Middleton Wayne 381735N 0884011W
Bluff Junction Madison 384906N 0895857W Middletown Logan 400601N 0893527W
Bluff Springs Cass 395916N 0902045W Midland City De Witt 400843N 0890801W
Bluffs Scott 394507N 0903206W Midlothian Cook 413731N 0874303W
Bluffside St Clair 382902N 0900917W Midway Madison 385543N 0895819W
Bluford Jefferson 381951N 0884333W Midway Massac 371423N 0883802W
Blyton Fulton 403351N 0901635W Midway Tazewell 403110N 0893943W
Boaz Massac 371730N 0885359W Midway Vermilion 400058N 0873816W
Bobtown Menard 400434N 0895917W Milan Rock Island 412711N 0903419W
Boden Mercer 411530N 0903513W Miles Macoupin 390410N 0900626W
Bodmann Piatt 395258N 0883445W Milford Iroquois 403742N 0874146W
Bogota Jasper 385506N 0881424W Mill Creek Union 372030N 0891509W
Bohleysville St Clair 382455N 0900707W Mill Shoals White 381455N 0882048W
Bolingbrook Will 414155N 0880406W Milla La Salle 410829N 0885900W
Bolivia Christian 394432N 0892049W Millbrook Kendall 413554N 0883310W
Bolton Stephenson 421431N 0894331W Millburn Lake 422533N 0880014W
Bondville Champaign 400648N 0882210W Milledgeville Carroll 415748N 0894628W
Bone Gap Edwards 382651N 0875945W Miller St Clair 383206N 0895612W
Bonfield Kankakee 410848N 0880328W Miller City Alexander 370639N 0892122W
Bongard Champaign 395527N 0880725W Millersburg Mercer 411429N 0904906W
Bonnie Jefferson 381210N 0885412W Millersville Christian 392704N 0890929W
Boody Macon 394559N 0890257W Millhurst La Salle 413722N 0883308W
Boos Jasper 385548N 0880639W Millington Kendall 413345N 0883554W
Boothby Franklin 380008N 0884643W Millsdale Will 412606N 0880951W
Borton Edgar 393921N 0875602W Millstadt St Clair 382741N 0900530W
Boskydell Jackson 374016N 0891249W Millstadt Junction Monroe 382742N 0901304W
Boulder Clinton 384148N 0891332W Millville Jo Daviess 422656N 0900305W
Bourbon Douglas 394444N 0882244W Millville Macoupin 390325N 0895613W
Bourbonnais Kankakee 410830N 0875230W Milmine Piatt 395427N 0883901W
Bowen Hancock 401400N 0910345W Milne Shelby 391547N 0884732W
Bowes Kane 420029N 0882327W Milo Bureau 411133N 0893456W
Bowman Jersey 390815N 0901440W Milroy Henderson 410107N 0905515W
Bowman Ford Cumberland 391558N 0880938W Milton Pike 393352N 0903901W
Boyd Jefferson 382449N 0890048W Mindale Tazewell 402533N 0892211W
Boyd Ford Coles 393638N 0880415W Mineral Bureau 412257N 0895011W
Boyle Greene 391700N 0903438W Minier Tazewell 402601N 0891847W
Boyleston Wayne 382141N 0882633W Minonk Woodford 405416N 0890204W
Boynton Tazewell 402108N 0892607W Minooka Grundy 412719N 0881542W
Braceville Grundy 411337N 0881553W Mira Champaign 400502N 0880944W
Bradbury Cumberland 391927N 0881434W Missa Livingston 410554N 0884432W
Braden Hamilton 375947N 0883658W Missionfield Vermilion 400617N 0874513W
Bradford Stark 411038N 0893927W Mitchell Franklin 375508N 0890246W
Bradfordton Sangamon 394924N 0894422W Mitchell Madison 384543N 0900507W
Bradley Kankakee 410831N 0875140W Mitchellsville Saline 373902N 0883216W
Braeside Cook 420909N 0874620W Mitchie Monroe 381237N 0902000W
Braeside Lake 420909N 0874620W Moccasin Effingham 390850N 0884528W
Braidwood Will 411554N 0881244W Mode Shelby 391559N 0884401W
Breckenridge Hancock 401437N 0911711W Modena Stark 410807N 0894547W
Breckenridge Sangamon 394156N 0892651W Modesto Macoupin 392842N 0895855W
Breeds Fulton 403319N 0895513W Modoc Randolph 380309N 0900214W
Breese Clinton 383638N 0893137W Moellenbrocks Madison 384223N 0900420W
Bremen Jo Daviess 422402N 0902449W Mokena Will 413134N 0875321W
Bremen Randolph 375816N 0894450W Moline Rock Island 413024N 0903054W
Brereton Fulton 403639N 0900133W Momence Kankakee 411000N 0873946W
Briar Bluff Henry 412735N 0902148W Monaville Lake 422358N 0880641W
Bridgeport Lawrence 384221N 0874536W Monee Lake 412512N 0874430W
Bridgeview Cook 414500N 0874815W Monica Stark 405525N 0894923W
Bridgeway Addition Rock Island 412824N 0903015W Monmouth Warren 405441N 0903850W
Briergate Lake 421034N 0874853W Monroe Center Ogle 420554N 0890002W
Brighton Macoupin 390223N 0900826W Monroe City Monroe 381521N 0901557W
Brimfield Peoria 405020N 0895311W Mont Madison 384602N 0895549W
Brisbane Will 412933N 0875728W Monterey Fulton 403152N 0895645W
Bristol Kendall 414108N 0882541W Montezuma Pike 393307N 0903447W
Broadlands Champaign 395431N 0875939W Montgomery Kane 414350N 0882045W
Broadmoor Stark 410844N 0893743W Monticello Piatt 400140N 0883424W
Broadview Cook 415150N 0875112W Montrose Effingham 390955N 0882245W
Broadwell Logan 400405N 0892635W Moon Livingston 410404N 0885121W
Brock Landing Calhoun 385324N 0903151W Moonshine Clark 391126N 0875344W
Brocton Edgar 394256N 0875557W Moores Corner Vermilion 401559N 0873907W
Brokaw Mclean 402704N 0885409W Mooseheart Kane 414926N 0882005W
Bronson Vermilion 400654N 0874819W Morea Crawford 385536N 0873756W
Brookfield Cook 414926N 0875106W Morehaven Winnebago 422528N 0890124W
Brooklyn St Clair 383931N 0900957W Moriah Clark 391302N 0875622W
Brooklyn Schuyler 401333N 0904547W Moro Madison 385529N 0900119W
Brookport Massac 370725N 0883749W Moronts Putnam 411710N 0891740W
Brooks Madison 384627N 0900524W Morreville Brown 395101N 0904801W
Brookville Ogle 420255N 0894102W Morris Grundy 412126N 0882516W
Brookville Vermilion 400353N 0873623W Morrison Whiteside 414835N 0895754W
Brothers Vermilion 400840N 0874831W Morrisonville Christian 392512N 0892720W
Broughton Hamilton 375605N 0882743W Morristown Henry 412347N 0901755W
Brownfield Pope 372044N 0883625W Morristown Winnebago 421021N 0890401W
Browning Schuyler 400744N 0902219W Morse Stark 411349N 0893842W
Browns Edwards 382237N 0875859W Morseville (Plum River) Jo Daviess 421820N 0895845W
Browns Crossing Morgan 394326N 0895902W Mortimer Edgar 395119N 0874328W
Browns Crossing Sangamon 394326N 0895902W Morton Tazewell 403646N 0892733W
Browns Mill Stephenson 421656N 0893115W Morton Grove Cook 420226N 0874657W
Brownstown Fayette 385945N 0885710W Moscow Union 372441N 0890309W
Brownsville White 380229N 0881441W Mossville Peoria 404856N 0893404W
Brownton Morgan 394549N 0901128W Mound City Pulaski 370507N 0890945W
Brownwood Tazewell 402346N 0892829W Mound Station Timewell P Brown 400028N 0905225W
Brubaker Marion 384135N 0885235W Mounds Pulaski 370651N 0891152W
Bruce Moultrie 393108N 0883540W Mount Auburn Christian 394558N 0891542W
Brunkhorst Landing Jackson 374154N 0893105W Mount Carbon Jackson 374507N 0891916W
Brussels Calhoun 385658N 0903519W Mount Carmel Wabash 382439N 0874541W
Bryant Fulton 402758N 0900530W Mount Carroll Carroll 420542N 0895841W
Bryce Iroquois 403804N 0874524W Mount Clare Macoupin 390555N 0894934W
Buckhart Sangamon 394459N 0892641W Mount Erie Wayne 383054N 0881352W
Buckhorn Brown 395612N 0905009W Mount Joy Logan 401712N 0891655W
Buckhorn Corners Stephenson 422529N 0893818W Mount Morris Ogle 420301N 0892552W
Buckingham Kankakee 410249N 0881031W Mount Olive Macoupin 390420N 0894338W
Buckley Iroquois 403549N 0880217W Mount Palatine La Salle 411133N 0890947W
Buckner Franklin 375859N 0890058W Mount Pleasant Union 372707N 0890425W
Bucks De Witt 401554N 0885812W Mount Prospect Cook 420359N 0875614W
Bucktown Vermilion 400648N 0874441W Mount Pulaski Logan 400039N 0891656W
Buda Bureau 411934N 0894044W Mount Sterling Brown 395914N 0904548W
Budd Livingston 410556N 0883723W Mount Vernon Jefferson 381902N 0885411W
Buena Vista Saline 374418N 0883434W Mount Zion Macon 394617N 0885227W
Buena Vista Stephenson 422532N 0894040W Mountain Glen Union 373139N 0891723W
Buffalo Sangamon 395109N 0892431W Moweaqua Shelby 393729N 0890108W
Buffalo Grove Cook 420905N 0875735W Mozier Calhoun 391733N 0904457W
Buffalo Hart Sangamon 395450N 0892651W Mozier Landing Calhoun 391520N 0904333W
Buffalo Prairie Rock Island 412018N 0905117W Mudds Landing Randolph 380033N 0900313W
Bulldog Crossing Macon 394744N 0890045W Muddy Saline 374554N 0883100W
Bulpitt Christian 393530N 0892526W Mulberry Grove Bond 385530N 0891608W
Buncombe Johnson 372817N 0885837W Mulkeytown Franklin 375815N 0890641W
Bungay Hamilton 381045N 0882431W Muncie Vermilion 400656N 0875041W
Bunje Bond 385933N 0893528W Mundelein Lake 421547N 0880014W
Bunker Hill Macoupin 390234N 0895706W Munger Du Page 415752N 0881322W
Bunkum St Clair 383715N 0900241W Munger Pike 394526N 0911919W
Bureau Bureau 411721N 0892159W Munstel Livingston 410620N 0885410W
Burgess Mercer 410738N 0903829W Murdock Douglas 394803N 0880442W
Burke Carroll 420304N 0900212W Murphysboro Jackson 374552N 0892006W
Burksville Monroe 381602N 0900909W Murrayville Morgan 393508N 0901507W
Burlingame Cass 395525N 0900948W Mylith Park Lake 421551N 0881130W
Burlington Kane 420310N 0883253W Myrtle Ogle 421005N 0892124W
Burnett Bureau 411638N 0893949W Nachusa Lee 414953N 0892323W
Burnham Cook 413820N 0873324W Nameoki Madison 384354N 0900740W
Burns Mclean 402401N 0885842W Naperville Du Page 414709N 0880850W
Burnside Cook 414313N 0873553W Naplate La Salle 412001N 0885241W
Burnside Hancock 403014N 0910600W Naples Scott 394526N 0903626W
Burnside Knox 404610N 0901624W Narita Logan 395859N 0891308W
Burnt Prairie White 381506N 0881541W Nashville Washington 382037N 0892250W
Burr Ridge Du Page 414456N 0875506W Nason Jefferson 381034N 0885803W
Burrowsville Macon 394758N 0883759W National City St Clair 383844N 0900939W
Burt Tazewell 402017N 0892206W Natrona Mason 401615N 0893756W
Burton Adams 395417N 0911456W Nauvoo Hancock 403300N 0912305W
Burton View Logan 401015N 0892905W Neadmore Clark 391457N 0875137W
Burtons Bridge McHenry 421647N 0881344W Neal Cumberland 391807N 0882030W
Busenville Vermilion 395914N 0874032W Nebo Pike 392633N 0904727W
Bush Williamson 375036N 0890752W Neelyville PO Morgan 394523N 0902835W
Bushnell Mcdonough 403310N 0903022W Neilson Williamson 373749N 0885738W
Bushton Coles 393532N 0880819W Nekoma Henry 411022N 0901119W
Butler Montgomery 391158N 0893202W Nelson Lee 414747N 0893606W
Bybee Fulton 403552N 0901105W Neoga Cumberland 391910N 0882710W
Byron Ogle 420737N 0891520W Neponset Bureau 411745N 0894725W
Caber Ford 405945N 0881219W Nettle Creek Grundy 412633N 0883441W
Caber Kankakee 405945N 0881219W Neunert Jackson 374322N 0893244W
Cable Mercer 411702N 0903026W Nevada Livingston 410509N 0883305W
Cache Alexander 370600N 0891541W Nevins Edgar 393202N 0873819W
Cadiz Hardin 373445N 0881335W New Athens St Clair 381935N 0895237W
Cadwell Moultrie 394052N 0883118W New Badan Clinton 383206N 0894202W
Cahokia St Clair 383415N 0901124W New Bedford Bureau 413046N 0894314W
Cairo Alexander 370019N 0891035W New Berlin Sangamon 394331N 0895438W
Cairo Junction Alexander 370227N 0891130W New Boston Mercer 411013N 0905948W
Caldwell Tazewell 403832N 0893056W New Burnside Johnson 373445N 0884615W
Caledonia Boone 422210N 0885333W New Canton Pike 393810N 0910545W
Caledonia Landing Pulaski 371045N 0890419W New City Sangamon 394013N 0893207W
Calhoun Richland 383901N 0880237W New Columbia Massac 371838N 0884631W
Calloway Christian 393344N 0892119W New Dennison Williamson 374134N 0885120W
Calumet City Cook 413656N 0873146W New Design Monroe 381605N 0900706W
Calumet Park Cook 413946N 0873938W New Douglas Madison 385812N 0893959W
Calvin White 381229N 0880107W New Grand Chain (Grand C Pulaski 371507N 0890116W
Camargo Douglas 394801N 0880950W New Hanover Monroe 382312N 0901338W
Cambon Franklin 375358N 0885953W New Hartford Pike 393432N 0905436W
Cambria Williamson 374653N 0890709W New Haven Gallatin 375431N 0880745W
Cambridge Henry 411813N 0901134W New Hebron Crawford 385700N 0874440W
Camden Schuyler 400913N 0904614W New Holland Logan 401105N 0893451W
Cameron Warren 405320N 0903102W New Hope Williamson 374738N 0884120W
Camp Algonquin McHenry 421059N 0881604W New Lebanon De Kalb 420556N 0883611W
Camp Ground Jefferson 382020N 0885006W New Lenox Will 413043N 0875756W
Camp Grove Marshall 410444N 0893759W New Liberty Pope 370719N 0882652W
Camp Point Adams 400221N 0910409W New Memphis Clinton 382845N 0894042W
Camp Travis Clay 383936N 0881953W New Memphis Clinton 382729N 0894036W
Campbell Vermilion 401128N 0873446W New Milford Winnebago 421113N 0890404W
Campbell Hill Jackson 375548N 0893256W New Minden Washington 382629N 0892213W
Campus Livingston 410124N 0881822W New Palestine Randolph 375947N 0894914W
Canton Fulton 403329N 0900206W New Philadelphia McDonough 402922N 0902820W
Cantrall Sangamon 395616N 0894033W New Philadelphia Pike 394140N 0905730W
Cantrall Sangamon 395057N 0891641W New Salem Pike 394227N 0905051W
Capron Boone 422359N 0884425W New Windsor (Windsor) Mercer 411208N 0902632W
Carbon St Clair 383538N 0895621W Newark Kendall 413213N 0883500W
Carbon Cliff Rock Island 412941N 0902326W Newbern Jersey 390025N 0902013W
Carbon Hill Grundy 411749N 0881800W Newburg Macon 395852N 0884814W
Carbondale Jackson 374338N 0891300W Newby Coles 392627N 0881905W
Cardiff Livingston 410306N 0881714W Newcastle Saline 373902N 0884017W
Carle Springs De Witt 401513N 0885801W Newell Vermilion 400947N 0873501W
Carlinville Macoupin 391647N 0895254W Newman Douglas 394755N 0875909W
Carlock Mclean 403456N 0890755W Newmansville Cass 400012N 0900042W
Carlsburg Macoupin 390500N 0894320W Newport Madison 384051N 0901033W
Carlyle Clinton 383637N 0892221W Newton Jasper 385927N 0880945W
Carman Henderson 404426N 0910334W Newton Corners Whiteside 414411N 0900659W
Carmi White 380527N 0880931W Newtown Vermilion 401002N 0874609W
Carol Stream Du Page 415445N 0880805W Niantic Christian 395114N 0890958W
Carpenter Madison 385331N 0895339W Niles Cook 420108N 0874810W
Carpentersville Cook 420716N 0881528W Nilwood Macoupin 392353N 0894831W
Carpentersville Kane 420716N 0881528W Niota Hancock 403703N 0911716W
Carrier Mills Saline 374103N 0883758W Nipper Corner Hamilton 380219N 0882813W
Carrollton Greene 391808N 0902425W Noble Richland 384151N 0881325W
Carterville Williamson 374536N 0890438W Nokomis Montgomery 391804N 0891706W
Carthage Hancock 402459N 0910810W Noltings Washington 382916N 0891157W
Carthage Ogle 415508N 0891849W Nora Jo Daviess 422721N 0895643W
Carthage Lake Henderson 404726N 0910431W Normal Mclean 403051N 0885926W
Cartter Marion 383228N 0885444W Normandy Bureau 413343N 0893857W
Cary McHenry 421243N 0881417W Normantown Will 413917N 0881356W
Cascade Sangamon 394013N 0892931W Norridge Cook 415748N 0874938W
Casey Clark 391757N 0875933W Norris Fulton 403733N 0900155W
Caseyville St Clair 383812N 0900132W Norris City White 375852N 0881945W
Casner Macon 394801N 0884728W North Alton Madison 385520N 0901147W
Cass Cass 395805N 0901609W North Aurora Kane 414822N 0881938W
Castle Fin Clark 392812N 0874400W North Barrington Lake 421228N 0880826W
Castle Junction Rock Island 412333N 0903440W North Chicago Lake 421932N 0875028W
Castleton Stark 410704N 0894222W North Chillicothe Peoria 405551N 0893005W
Catharine La Salle 413123N 0884309W North Dupo St Clair 383258N 0901202W
Catlin Vermilion 400354N 0874207W North Glen Ellyn Du Page 415331N 0880347W
Caton Farm Will 413355N 0881421W North Hampton Peoria 405552N 0893220W
Cave in Rock Hardin 372809N 0880959W North Hanover Jo Daviess 421737N 0901643W
Cayuga Livingston 405628N 0883501W North Henderson Mercer 410521N 0902831W
Cazenovia Woodford 405101N 0891955W North Hooper Iroquois 405702N 0873625W
Cedar Park Madison 384520N 0900614W North Mounds Pulaski 370723N 0891201W
Cedar Point La Salle 411547N 0890732W North Northfield Cook 420818N 0875253W
Cedarville Stephenson 422233N 0893759W North Park Winnebago 422034N 0890307W
Center Hill Carroll 420451N 0900246W North Pekin Tazewell 403654N 0893720W
Centerville Calhoun 385549N 0903418W North Plato Kane 420318N 0882751W
Centerville Knox 410352N 0900315W North Quincy Adams 395814N 0912346W
Centerville Macoupin 390603N 0895841W North Riverside Cook 415034N 0874923W
Centerville Piatt 400724N 0882946W North Shore McHenry 421424N 0882141W
Centerville White 381202N 0880958W North Venice Madison 384051N 0900959W
Central Kendall 412826N 0882602W Northbrook Cook 420739N 0874944W
Central City Grundy 411416N 0881654W Northfield Cook 420559N 0874651W
Central City Marion 383256N 0890737W Northlake Cook 415502N 0875344W
Centralia Marion 383130N 0890800W Northville La Salle 413348N 0884219W
Centreville St Clair 383500N 0900730W Nortonville Morgan 393344N 0900823W
Cereal Livingston 404230N 0882104W Norway La Salle 412756N 0883952W
Cerro Gordo Piatt 395326N 0884341W Norwood Mercer 410521N 0903817W
Chadwick Carroll 420048N 0895326W Norwood Park Peoria 404220N 0894155W
Chalfin Bridge Monroe 381243N 0901607W Nottingham Woods Kane 414947N 0882755W
Challacombe Macoupin 391306N 0900716W Novak Park Kane 415732N 0881904W
Chambersburg Pike 394902N 0903926W Nutwood Jersey 390505N 0903321W
Champaign Champaign 400659N 0881436W O'Fallon St Clair 383532N 0895440W
Champlin Livingston 404659N 0883245W Oak Pope 373435N 0883104W
Chana Ogle 415850N 0891311W Oak Brook Du Page 414958N 0875544W
Chandlerville Cass 400253N 0900918W Oak Forest Cook 413610N 0874438W
Channahon Will 412546N 0881343W Oak Grove Lake 421747N 0875500W
Chapin Morgan 394557N 0902356W Oak Grove Rock Island 412438N 0903414W
Chapman Montgomery 390620N 0891901W Oak Hill Peoria 404715N 0895159W
Charleston Coles 392946N 0881034W Oak Hills St Clair 383817N 0895850W
Charlotte Livingston 404911N 0881720W Oak Lawn Cook 414315N 0874515W
Charter Grove De Kalb 420359N 0883753W Oak Park Cook 415306N 0874704W
Chatham Sangamon 394034N 0894216W Oak Ridge Woodford 404841N 0892615W
Chatsworth Livingston 404513N 0881731W Oakbrook Terrace Du Page 415100N 0875752W
Chatton Adams 400903N 0910158W Oakdale Washington 381542N 0893005W
Chauncey Lawrence 385007N 0875215W Oakford Menard 400609N 0895747W
Chautauqua Jersey 385752N 0902308W Oakglen Cook 413347N 0873330W
Chautauqua Park Mason 401922N 0900307W Oakland Coles 393914N 0880134W
Chebanse Iroquois 410011N 0875429W Oakland Center Schuyler 401402N 0903030W
Chebanse Kankakee 410011N 0875429W Oakley Macon 395234N 0884821W
Checkrow Fulton 403315N 0902241W Oakwood Vermilion 400658N 0874642W
Chemung McHenry 422455N 0884000W Oakwood Heights Madison 385254N 0900406W
Cheneyville Vermilion 402809N 0873505W Oakwood Hills McHenry 421447N 0881434W
Chenoa Mclean 404430N 0884311W Obed Shelby 393355N 0885409W
Cherry Bureau 412537N 0891248W Oblong Crawford 390007N 0875432W
Cherry Hill Will 413124N 0880052W Oconee Shelby 391708N 0890627W
Cherry Point Edgar 394757N 0874316W Ocoya Livingston 404818N 0884102W
Cherry Valley Winnebago 421405N 0885656W Odell Livingston 410013N 0883131W
Cherwood Ford Cumberland 391207N 0881248W Odgen Wabash 382707N 0874937W
Chester Randolph 375449N 0894919W Odin Marion 383702N 0890308W
Chesterfield Macoupin 391518N 0900347W Ogden Champaign 400650N 0875722W
Chesterfield Macoupin 391452N 0900353W Ogle Mercer 410626N 0905301W
Chestervale Logan 400532N 0891918W Ogles St Clair 383248N 0900317W
Chesterville Douglas 394212N 0882328W Oglesby La Salle 411743N 0890334W
Chestline Adams 395041N 0905735W Ohio Bureau 413327N 0892739W
Chestnut Logan 400313N 0891107W Ohlman Montgomery 392042N 0891307W
Chicago Cook 415100N 0873900W Oil Center Crawford 385805N 0874958W
Chicago Heights Cook 413022N 0873808W Oil Grove Crawford 385146N 0873830W
Chicago Ridge Cook 414205N 0874645W Oilfield Clark 392338N 0875919W
Chili Hancock 401304N 0910829W Okawville Washington 382603N 0893301W
Chillicothe Peoria 405520N 0892910W Old Brownfield Pope 372132N 0883547W
Chinatown Madison 384337N 0895649W Old Du Quoin Perry 375830N 0891059W
Chipps Moultrie 393759N 0883452W Old Gilchrist Mercer 411352N 0903730W
Chittyville Williamson 374946N 0890140W Old Kane Greene 391120N 0902221W
Choat Massac 371248N 0884755W Old Kaskaskia Randolph 375656N 0895519W
Choctaw Clark 391656N 0874317W Old Marissa St Clair 381530N 0894515W
Chrisman Edgar 394813N 0874025W Old Mill Creek Lake 422519N 0875821W
Christopher Franklin 375821N 0890312W Old Niota Hancock 403648N 0911807W
Churchill Bureau 412315N 0891020W Old Pearl Pike 392630N 0903853W
Churchville Du Page 415606N 0875714W Old Princeton Cass 395241N 0900950W
Cicero Cook 415044N 0874514W Old Ripley Bond 385346N 0893412W
Cimic Sangamon 393524N 0893921W Old Salem Chautauqua Menard 395932N 0895007W
Cincinnati Landing Pike 393554N 0911029W Old Shawneetown Gallatin 374149N 0880812W
Cisco Piatt 400041N 0884334W Oldenburg Madison 384749N 0900605W
Cisne Wayne 383057N 0882615W Oldtown Saline 373608N 0884118W
Cissna Park Iroquois 403353N 0875335W Olena Henderson 404708N 0905619W
Clank Alexander 371118N 0891930W Olga Hamilton 375929N 0883437W
Clare De Kalb 420058N 0884945W Olin Peoria 404510N 0894606W
Claremont Richland 384310N 0875817W Olive Branch Alexander 371007N 0892106W
Clarence Ford 402750N 0875815W Oliver Edgar 392902N 0874053W
Clarendon Hills Du Page 414751N 0875717W Olivet Vermilion 395631N 0873837W
Clarion Bureau 413018N 0891131W Olmsted Pulaski 371050N 0890520W
Clark Greene 391535N 0903440W Olney Richland 384351N 0880507W
Clark Center Clark 392145N 0874655W Olympia Fields Cook 413048N 0874027W
Clarke City Grundy 410929N 0881434W Omaha Gallatin 375325N 0881811W
Clarke City Kankakee 410929N 0881434W Omar Johnson 373006N 0885807W
Clarksburg Shelby 391948N 0884430W Omega Marion 384216N 0884650W
Clarksdale Christian 392923N 0892204W Onarga Iroquois 404254N 0880022W
Clarksville Clark 392706N 0874752W Oneco Stephenson 422915N 0893951W
Clarksville Mclean 403902N 0885054W Oneida Knox 410420N 0901331W
Clarmin Washington 381316N 0894158W Ontario Knox 410443N 0901827W
Claus Will 412211N 0873636W Ontarioville Du Page 415915N 0880900W
Clay City Clay 384119N 0882115W Opdyke Jefferson 381535N 0884726W
Clays Prairie Edgar 394113N 0873348W Ophiem Henry 411509N 0902315W
Claysville Sangamon 395202N 0895401W Oquawka Henderson 405555N 0905649W
Clayton Adams 400153N 0905738W Orange Clark 391224N 0874917W
Claytonville Iroquois 403401N 0874923W Orange Prairie Peoria 404639N 0894011W
Clear Lake Cass 400302N 0901832W Orangemans Hall Mercer 411849N 0903629W
Clear Lake Sangamon 394849N 0893407W Orangeville Stephenson 422806N 0893838W
Clearing Cook 414641N 0874542W Oraville Jackson 375154N 0892300W
Cleburne Franklin 375609N 0890313W Orchard Mines Peoria 403521N 0894040W
Clements Morgan 393708N 0900903W Orchardville Wayne 383023N 0883901W
Cleone Clark 392523N 0875427W Oreana Macon 395619N 0885156W
Cleveland Henry 413022N 0901853W Oregon Ogle 420053N 0891956W
Cliffdale Calhoun 392138N 0903735W Orient Franklin 375506N 0885839W
Clifford Williamson 374925N 0890438W Orio Wabash 383316N 0874644W
Clifton Iroquois 405607N 0875604W Orion Henry 412117N 0902253W
Clifton Terrace Madison 385546N 0901520W Orland Park Cook 413749N 0875114W
Clinton De Witt 400913N 0885752W Orleans Morgan 394325N 0900446W
Cloverdale Du Page 415622N 0880713W Ormonde Warren 405118N 0903647W
Cloverdale Tazewell 403825N 0893058W Osbernville Christian 394540N 0891043W
Coal City Grundy 411716N 0881708W Osborn Rock Island 413121N 0901623W
Coal Hollow Bureau 412156N 0892148W Osceola Stark 411247N 0894647W
Coal Valley Rock Island 412543N 0902739W Osco Henry 412052N 0901649W
Coaler Iroquois 404450N 0874359W Oskaloosa Clay 384535N 0883856W
Coalton Montgomery 391658N 0891804W Osman Mclean 401745N 0882819W
Coalton Vermilion 402557N 0873524W Ospur De Witt 400519N 0885719W
Coatsburg Adams 400158N 0910927W Oswego Kendall 414058N 0882105W
Cobden Union 373153N 0891512W Ottawa La Salle 412044N 0885033W
Coello (North City) Franklin 375939N 0890402W Otterville Jersey 390302N 0902354W
Coffeen Montgomery 390521N 0892326W Otto Kankakee 410250N 0875328W
Colby Point McHenry 421747N 0881424W Ottville Bureau 412053N 0891531W
Colchester Mcdonough 402535N 0904733W Owaneco Christian 392856N 0891137W
Coldbrook Warren 405651N 0903102W Owen Center Winnebago 422206N 0890701W
Coleman Kane 415843N 0881750W Oxville Scott 394217N 0903340W
Coles Coles 393113N 0882816W Ozark Johnson 373233N 0884546W
Coleta Whiteside 415408N 0894808W Paderborn St Clair 382137N 0900233W
Colfax Mclean 403401N 0883659W Padua Mclean 402701N 0884550W
Collins Randolph 380115N 0895652W Paineville Williamson 374832N 0890006W
Collinsville Madison 384013N 0895904W Palatine Cook 420637N 0880203W
Collinsville St Clair 384013N 0895904W Palermo Edgar 395156N 0875251W
Collison Vermilion 401330N 0874814W Palestine Crawford 390013N 0873646W
Colmar Mcdonough 402043N 0905328W Palisades Du Page 414249N 0875601W
Colona Henry 412902N 0902111W Palm Beach Lake 422236N 0881150W
Colp Williamson 374819N 0890448W Palm Beach McHenry 422236N 0881150W
Columbia Monroe 382637N 0901204W Palmer Christian 392728N 0892414W
Columbus Adams 395917N 0910848W Palmerton Cass 400002N 0900856W
Colusa Hancock 403415N 0911004W Palmyra Lee 415106N 0893440W
Colvin Park De Kalb 420817N 0884700W Palmyra Macoupin 392605N 0895945W
Combs Piatt 400710N 0883637W Paloma Adams 400122N 0911142W
Comer Macoupin 391735N 0895814W Palos Heights Cook 414005N 0874747W
Como Whiteside 414559N 0894601W Palos Hills Cook 414148N 0874901W
Compro Sangamon 393523N 0894657W Palos Park Cook 414002N 0874949W
Compton Lee 414140N 0890452W Palsgrove Carroll 421006N 0900125W
Conant Perry 380321N 0892856W Pana Christian 392320N 0890448W
Concord Morgan 394900N 0902222W Panama Bond 390146N 0893127W
Confidence Fayette 385522N 0885535W Pankeyville Saline 374230N 0883210W
Congerville Woodford 403701N 0891215W Panola Woodford 404701N 0890116W
Conlogue Effingham 393524N 0874725W Papineau Iroquois 405809N 0874259W
Connelly Ford Clark 391509N 0875530W Paradise Coles 392437N 0882612W
Conover Mason 401038N 0900126W Paris Edgar 393640N 0874146W
Conrad Calhoun 385531N 0903701W Park City Lake 422054N 0875303W
Cooks Mills Coles 393457N 0882422W Park Forest Will 412929N 0874028W
Cooksville Mclean 403235N 0884259W Park Ridge Cook 420040N 0875026W
Cooper Tazewell 403937N 0892415W Parker Johnson 373413N 0884800W
Cooperstown Brown 395750N 0903623W Parkersburg Richland 383523N 0880324W
Cora Jackson 374926N 0894013W Parkland Peoria 402745N 0894505W
Coral McHenry 421302N 0883352W Parkville Champaign 395406N 0882149W
Cordes Washington 381746N 0892726W Parnell De Witt 401323N 0884314W
Cordova Rock Island 414049N 0901908W Parrish Franklin 375629N 0884846W
Corinth Perry 374908N 0884635W Passport Richland 384721N 0881437W
Corinth Williamson 374908N 0884635W Patoka Marion 384519N 0890543W
Cornell Livingston 405924N 0884345W Patterson Greene 392850N 0902858W
Cornerville Hamilton 375425N 0883724W Patterson Springs Douglas 394732N 0881134W
Cornerville Saline 375425N 0883724W Patton Clark 392837N 0873331W
Cornland Logan 395614N 0892408W Patton Edgar 392837N 0873331W
Cortland De Kalb 415512N 0884119W Patton Wabash 382837N 0874513W
Cottage Grove Saline 374453N 0882438W Pattonsburg Marshall 405616N 0891104W
Cottage Hills Madison 385411N 0900412W Pauline Champaign 400739N 0880021W
Cottonwood Gallatin 375321N 0881247W Paulton Williamson 374550N 0884814W
Coughlin Peoria 405345N 0892947W Pavillion Kendall 413638N 0882830W
Coulterville Randolph 381111N 0893620W Paw Paw Lee 414120N 0885852W
Council Hill Jo Daviess 422919N 0902113W Pawnee Sangamon 393530N 0893449W
Country Club Hills Cook 413405N 0874313W Pawnee Junction Sangamon 393523N 0893846W
Countryside Cook 414658N 0875241W Paxton Ford 402737N 0880543W
Covell Mclean 402634N 0890630W Paynes Point Ogle 420126N 0891224W
Covington Washington 382717N 0892609W Payson Adams 394901N 0911432W
Cowden Shelby 391454N 0885144W Paytonville Grundy 412012N 0882552W
Cowling Wabash 381841N 0875621W Pearl Greene 392735N 0903733W
Coyne McHenry 421101N 0882707W Pearl Pike 392735N 0903733W
Coyne Center Rock Island 412417N 0903333W Pearl City Stephenson 421555N 0894933W
Coynes Will 413432N 0880834W Pecatonica Winnebago 421850N 0892133W
Crab Orchard Williamson 374345N 0884815W Pegram Greene 392047N 0902349W
Crab Orchard Estates Williamson 374458N 0890851W Pekin Tazewell 403403N 0893826W
Crain Jackson 374648N 0893028W Pekin Heights Tazewell 403247N 0893615W
Crainville Williamson 374507N 0890404W Penfield Champaign 401812N 0875648W
Cramer Peoria 404128N 0895649W Pennington Point Mcdonough 402338N 0903314W
Crandall Tazewell 403758N 0892555W Penrose Whiteside 415315N 0894004W
Cravat Jefferson 382525N 0890535W Peoria Peoria 404137N 0893520W
Crawford Countryside Cook 413115N 0874248W Peoria Heights Peoria 404450N 0893426W
Creal Springs Williamson 373710N 0885012W Peotone Will 411956N 0874707W
Crenshaw Crossing Williamson 374626N 0885846W Percy Randolph 380059N 0893707W
Crescent Tazewell 403250N 0893956W Perdueville Ford 402756N 0881045W
Cresent Iroquois 404612N 0875132W Perks Pulaski 371835N 0890451W
Crest Hill Will 413317N 0880555W Perry Pike 394659N 0904443W
Creston Ogle 415551N 0885752W Perryville Winnebago 421318N 0885846W
Crestwood Cook 413940N 0874509W Pershing Franklin 375248N 0885755W
Crete Lake 412640N 0873753W Peru La Salle 411939N 0890744W
Crete Will 412640N 0873753W Pesotum Champaign 395453N 0881624W
Creve Coeur Tazewell 403850N 0893528W Peters Creek Hardin 372916N 0881429W
Crisp Wayne 382622N 0883544W Petersburg Lawrence 383530N 0874952W
Croft Logan 400253N 0893518W Petersburg Menard 400042N 0895053W
Croft Menard 400253N 0893518W Petersburg St Clair 383532N 0895516W
Cropsey Mclean 403633N 0882843W Peterstown La Salle 412953N 0890848W
Crossroads Johnson 372056N 0884903W Petersville Mercer 411646N 0905618W
Crossroads St Clair 383533N 0895759W Petrolia Lawrence 384538N 0874644W
Crossville White 380942N 0880355W Phelps St Clair 382921N 0901300W
Cruger Woodford 404319N 0891836W Phelps Warren 405055N 0903429W
Cruse Clay 384918N 0884040W Philadelphia Cass 395526N 0900702W
Crystal Gardens McHenry 421401N 0882248W Phillipstown White 380831N 0880118W
Crystal Lake McHenry 421428N 0881858W Philo Champaign 400025N 0880929W
Crystal Manor McHenry 421323N 0881730W Phoenix Cook 413640N 0873805W
Crystal Vista McHenry 421419N 0882216W Piasa Macoupin 390657N 0900725W
Cuba Fulton 402934N 0901126W Pierceburg Crawford 385550N 0875428W
Cuba Lake 421102N 0881127W Pierron Bond 384648N 0893553W
Cullom Livingston 405240N 0881609W Pierron Madison 384648N 0893553W
Culver Menard 400024N 0894114W Pierron (Baden Baden) Bond 384635N 0893113W
Curran Sangamon 394432N 0894619W Pierson Piatt 394753N 0883142W
Curtis Menard 400344N 0894725W Pike Pike 392735N 0910206W
Cushman Moultrie 393936N 0883727W Pinckneyville Perry 380449N 0892255W
Custer Marshall 410214N 0890913W Pingree Grove Kane 420407N 0882448W
Cutler Perry 380156N 0893356W Pinkstaff Lawrence 384740N 0874009W
Cutmer Iroquois 403901N 0873600W Pioneer Peoria 404658N 0893917W
Cypress Johnson 372154N 0890105W Piopolis Hamilton 381101N 0883341W
Daggett Carroll 420157N 0895825W Piper City Ford 404524N 0881128W
Dahinda Knox 405529N 0900632W Pisgah Morgan 394007N 0900732W
Dahlgren Hamilton 381153N 0884104W Pistakee Highlands McHenry 422431N 0881223W
Dailey Champaign 401420N 0875651W Pitchin Iroquois 403611N 0875159W
Dakota Stephenson 422319N 0893134W Pittsburg Fayette 385217N 0891242W
Dale Hamilton 375942N 0882930W Pittsburg Williamson 374637N 0885058W
Dallas City Hancock 403810N 0911002W Pittsfield Pike 393628N 0904818W
Dallas City Henderson 403810N 0911002W Pittwood Iroquois 405139N 0874346W
Dalton City Moultrie 394243N 0884816W Plainfield Will 413737N 0881214W
Dalzell Bureau 412128N 0891034W Plainview Macoupin 390933N 0895923W
Damascus Stephenson 422220N 0894222W Plainville Adams 394709N 0911107W
Damiansville Clinton 383036N 0893710W Plano Kendall 413946N 0883213W
Damon Brown 400459N 0904948W Plato Center Kane 420136N 0882548W
Dana La Salle 405728N 0885700W Plattville Kendall 413154N 0882253W
Danforth Iroquois 404913N 0875840W Pleak Shelby 393544N 0885618W
Danley Randolph 380544N 0900656W Pleasant Grove Johnson 372627N 0890147W
Danvers Mclean 403146N 0891038W Pleasant Hill Mclean 403647N 0884449W
Danville Vermilion 400728N 0873748W Pleasant Hill Pike 392636N 0905220W
Danway La Salle 412557N 0884130W Pleasant Mound Bond 385147N 0891725W
Dareville Jefferson 381154N 0885835W Pleasant Plains Sangamon 395222N 0895516W
Darmstadt St Clair 381915N 0894354W Pleasant Ridge Madison 384321N 0895840W
Darrow Iroquois 404308N 0873611W Pleasant Valley Jo Daviess 421333N 0900137W
Darwin Clark 391700N 0873643W Pleasantview Schuyler 400611N 0902753W
Davis Morgan 394046N 0901306W Plum Hill Washington 382146N 0893031W
Davis Stephenson 422521N 0892449W Plumfield Franklin 375329N 0890024W
Davis Junction Ogle 420606N 0890535W Plymouth Hancock 401730N 0905508W
Dawleys Alexander 371245N 0891746W Poag Madison 384749N 0900220W
Dawson Sangamon 395110N 0892748W Pocahontas Bond 384940N 0893224W
Daysville Ogle 415904N 0891906W Polk Will 411842N 0873630W
Dayton Henry 412921N 0901917W Polo Ogle 415910N 0893445W
Dayton La Salle 412305N 0884739W Pomona Jackson 373741N 0892012W
De Kalb De Kalb 415546N 0884501W Ponemah Warren 404914N 0904220W
De Land Piatt 400720N 0883843W Pontiac Livingston 405251N 0883747W
De Long Vermilion 400647N 0875407W Pontiac St Clair 383514N 0895905W
De Soto Jackson 374903N 0891340W Pontoon Beach Madison 384354N 0900449W
Decatur Macon 395025N 0885717W Pontoosuc Hancock 403744N 0911219W
Decorra Henderson 404340N 0905812W Poplar City Mason 401450N 0895623W
Deer Creek Tazewell 403748N 0891957W Poplar Grove Boone 422206N 0884919W
Deer Grove Whiteside 413628N 0894122W Poplar Grove Rock Island 412728N 0902723W
Deer Park Lake 420939N 0880453W Poplar Ridge Jackson 374201N 0892214W
Deer Plain Calhoun 385554N 0903159W Poppleton Landing Calhoun 385425N 0903801W
Deerfield Lake 421016N 0875040W Port Byron Rock Island 413623N 0902007W
Deering City Franklin 375459N 0885331W Port Jackson Crawford 385149N 0874642W
Deerpath Lake 421453N 0875134W Portage Jo Daviess 422258N 0902723W
Deers Champaign 400318N 0880721W Porterfield Marshall 410503N 0890943W
Dees Cumberland 391323N 0880933W Porterville Crawford 390523N 0874805W
Degognia Jackson 375140N 0893749W Portland Corners Whiteside 413948N 0895844W
Delafield Hamilton 380852N 0883610W Portuguese Hill Morgan 394521N 0901255W
Delavan Tazewell 402221N 0893250W Posen Cook 413754N 0874053W
Delhi Jersey 390243N 0901521W Posen Washington 381530N 0892008W
Delmar Kankakee 411039N 0873618W Posey Clinton 383213N 0892109W
DeLong Knox 404900N 0901816W Post Oak Fayette 390525N 0885433W
Delrey Iroquois 404022N 0880102W Potomac Vermilion 401818N 0874802W
Delta Saline 374103N 0884210W Pottstown Peoria 404305N 0893937W
Delwood Pope 373447N 0883417W Pottsville Union 372519N 0892127W
Democrat Spring Jersey 390502N 0902901W Powellton Hancock 403209N 0911607W
Denmark Perry 375951N 0892950W Powerton Tazewell 403217N 0894044W
Dennison Clark 392739N 0873552W Prairie Randolph 381023N 0895635W
Denny Perry 380251N 0891937W Prairie Center La Salle 412808N 0885604W
Denrock Whiteside 414159N 0895832W Prairie City Mcdonough 403716N 0902743W
Denver Hancock 401726N 0910625W Prairie du Rocher Randolph 380459N 0900545W
Depler Springs Fulton 402559N 0901104W Prairie Hill Macon 394517N 0884708W
Depue Bureau 411927N 0891824W Prairie View Lake 421157N 0875720W
Derby Ford 402630N 0882633W Prairietown Madison 385759N 0895519W
Derby Saline 373744N 0882308W Prairieville Lee 415029N 0893643W
Des Plaines Cook 420200N 0875300W Preemption Mercer 411846N 0903504W
Deselm Kankakee 411458N 0875828W Prentice Morgan 395125N 0900237W
Detroit Pike 393714N 0904036W Preston Randolph 380622N 0895136W
Devereux Heights Sangamon 395059N 0893643W Prince Crossing Du Page 415418N 0881104W
Dewey Champaign 401908N 0881655W Princeton Bureau 412205N 0892753W
DeWitt De Witt 401052N 0884710W Princeville Peoria 405547N 0894527W
Dewmaine Williamson 374650N 0890437W Princeville Stark 405547N 0894527W
Dexter Effingham 390451N 0884100W Proctor Ford 402444N 0882406W
Diamond Grundy 411719N 0881506W Prophetstown Whiteside 414017N 0895610W
Diamond City Hamilton 380521N 0883309W Prospect Mclean 401910N 0881246W
Diamond Lake Lake 421440N 0880036W Prospect Heights Cook 420543N 0875615W
Diana Franklin 380559N 0884505W Prouty Sangamon 394056N 0895543W
Dickerson Champaign 401906N 0882520W Providence Bureau 411641N 0893533W
Dickeys Kankakee 410303N 0880214W Pruett Fayette 390353N 0885439W
Dieterich Effingham 390343N 0882247W Pryortown Pulaski 371125N 0890855W
Dillon Tazewell 402836N 0893217W Puder Kankakee 411442N 0873624W
Dillsburg Mclean 401859N 0880446W Pulaski Pulaski 371249N 0891221W
Dimmick La Salle 412625N 0890659W Pullman Cook 414134N 0873621W
Diona Coles 392236N 0880821W Pureton Richland 384350N 0881328W
Disco Hancock 403713N 0910116W Putnam Putnam 411106N 0892347W
Diswood Alexander 371353N 0891922W Pyatts Perry 380011N 0892216W
Divernon Sangamon 393356N 0893926W Pyramid Washington 382003N 0891340W
Divide Jefferson 382649N 0884947W Quentin Corners Lake 420959N 0880347W
Divine Grundy 412309N 0881743W Quincy Adams 395608N 0912435W
Dix Jefferson 382630N 0885615W Quincy Junction Pike 392704N 0910130W
Dixmoor Cook 413754N 0873939W Quiver Beach Mason 401948N 0900250W
Dixon Lee 415020N 0892846W Raddle Jackson 374644N 0893512W
Dixon Springs Pope 372304N 0884007W Radford Christian 393439N 0890204W
Doddsville Mcdonough 401642N 0903906W Radley Lee 413816N 0885628W
Doddsville Schuyler 401642N 0903906W Radom Washington 381655N 0891132W
Dog Walk Williamson 374533N 0885558W Rafetown Jasper 385129N 0880008W
Dogtown Landing Calhoun 385859N 0904016W Rainbow Hills Kane 415510N 0882212W
Dogwood Crawford 390350N 0875327W Raleigh Saline 374937N 0883155W
Dollville Shelby 392613N 0885930W Ramsey Fayette 390840N 0890631W
Dolton Cook 413820N 0873626W Randolph Mclean 402234N 0885849W
Doney Kankakee 410400N 0873730W Rankin Vermilion 402754N 0875347W
Dongola Union 372140N 0890957W Ransom La Salle 410922N 0883858W
Donnellson Montgomery 390140N 0892824W Rantoul Mclean 401830N 0880921W
Donovan Iroquois 405300N 0873658W Rapatee Knox 404254N 0900929W
Dorans Coles 393304N 0882040W Rapids City Rock Island 413454N 0902036W
Dorchester Macoupin 390508N 0895315W Rardin Coles 393615N 0880606W
Dorris Heights Saline 374458N 0883311W Raritan Henderson 404145N 0904938W
Dorsey Madison 385825N 0900005W Raum Pope 372746N 0883115W
Douglas St Clair 382528N 0895857W Raven Edgar 394814N 0873246W
Douglass Knox 404710N 0900503W Ravina Lake 420949N 0874713W
Dover Bureau 412612N 0892336W Rawalts Fulton 403312N 0895847W
Dow Jersey 390048N 0902029W Rawson Bridge McHenry 421432N 0881254W
Dowell Jackson 375623N 0891416W Ray Schuyler 401222N 0902832W
Downers Grove Du Page 414832N 0880040W Raymond Montgomery 391910N 0893419W
Downs Mclean 402349N 0885214W Raynor Park Will 413304N 0880540W
Dozaville Randolph 375425N 0895723W Rayville Vermilion 401824N 0873930W
Drake Greene 392732N 0902814W Red Bud Randolph 381242N 0895939W
Dressor Fayette 391023N 0890304W Red Landing Calhoun 391007N 0904226W
Drivers Jefferson 381950N 0885935W Red Oak Stephenson 422332N 0894018W
Druce Lake Lake 422218N 0880009W Reddick Kankakee 410550N 0881502W
Drummond Will 412421N 0881036W Reddick Livingston 410550N 0881502W
Dry Hill Jackson 374902N 0893312W Redmon Edgar 393843N 0875142W
Du Bois Washington 381326N 0891244W Reeders Macoupin 391820N 0900227W
Du Quoin Perry 380041N 0891410W Reeds Henderson 405502N 0904931W
Du Quoin Perry 375958N 0891508W Reeds Station Jackson 374640N 0890939W
DuBois Center Washington 381506N 0891241W Rees Morgan 393808N 0900533W
Dudley Effingham 393436N 0875100W Reeseville Johnson 372035N 0884311W
Dudleyville Bond 384926N 0892505W Reich Landing Brown 395845N 0903047W
Duncan Stark 405901N 0894721W Reilly Vermilion 402457N 0875116W
Duncan Mills Fulton 402024N 0901127W Reily Lake Randolph 375845N 0895515W
Duncanville Crawford 385717N 0874144W Renault Monroe 380913N 0900802W
Dundas Richland 385006N 0880506W Rend City Franklin 380137N 0885905W
Dunes Park Lake 422515N 0874932W Rennerville Shelby 392724N 0884826W
Dunfermline Fulton 402928N 0900154W Reno Bond 385830N 0893050W
Dunham Castle Kane 415708N 0881617W Renshaw Pope 372116N 0884042W
Dunkle Christian 392805N 0890346W Rentchler St Clair 382929N 0895223W
Dunlap Peoria 405142N 0894043W Resthaven Will 411543N 0880810W
Dunn Moultrie 393734N 0884130W Reynolds Rock Island 411947N 0904013W
Dunning Cook 415710N 0874747W Reynoldsburg Johnson 373055N 0884633W
Dupo St Clair 383058N 0901237W Reynoldsville Union 372202N 0892342W
Durand Winnebago 422611N 0891955W Rice Jo Daviess 422021N 0902340W
Durham Hancock 403548N 0910522W Rice Perry 381202N 0892301W
Durley Bond 385604N 0892205W Richards La Salle 411043N 0885010W
Dutch Hollow St Clair 383403N 0900151W Richardson Kane 415759N 0883508W
Dutch Mills Union 372455N 0891622W Richfield Adams 394855N 0910659W
Dutton Pike 394028N 0904759W Richland Sangamon 395045N 0895129W
Duvall Shelby 392845N 0884725W Richmond McHenry 422833N 0881821W
Dwight Livingston 410540N 0882530W Richmond Tazewell 402139N 0892208W
Dykersburg Williamson 374132N 0884423W Richton Park Cook 412904N 0874212W
Eagerville Macoupin 390642N 0894702W Richview Washington 382242N 0891048W
Eagle Saline 373904N 0882334W Richwoods Crawford 385729N 0873315W
Eagle Point Ogle 415937N 0894105W Riddle Hill Sangamon 394712N 0894552W
Earlville La Salle 413522N 0885519W Riddleville Crawford 385107N 0873905W
East Alton Madison 385249N 0900640W Riddleville Lawrence 385107N 0873905W
East Brooklyn Grundy 411024N 0881550W Ridge Farm Vermilion 395344N 0873907W
East Carondelet St Clair 383231N 0901358W Ridgefield McHenry 421606N 0882141W
East Chicago Heights Cook 413023N 0873530W Ridgeville Iroquois 404249N 0880404W
East Clinton Whiteside 415013N 0900954W Ridgewood Will 413208N 0880225W
East Dubuque Jo Daviess 422932N 0903834W Ridgway Gallatin 374757N 0881540W
East Dundee Kane 420556N 0881617W Ridott Stephenson 421747N 0892831W
East Galesburg Knox 405652N 0901836W Ridott Corners Stephenson 421631N 0892832W
East Gillespie Macoupin 390827N 0894844W Riehl Madison 385609N 0901626W
East Hannibal Pike 394347N 0912103W Riffle Clay 384819N 0883351W
East Hardin Greene 390936N 0903632W Riggston Scott 394143N 0902523W
East Hazel Crest Cook 413425N 0873847W Riley McHenry 421129N 0883757W
East Joliet Will 413206N 0880306W Rileyville Williamson 375102N 0884022W
East Lynn Vermilion 402759N 0874800W Rinard Wayne 383414N 0882756W
East Moline Rock Island 413003N 0902639W Ringwood McHenry 422332N 0881749W
East Newbern Jersey 390052N 0901848W Rio Knox 410633N 0902359W
East Peoria Tazewell 403958N 0893448W Ripley Brown 400122N 0903819W
East Saint Louis St Clair 383728N 0900903W Rising Champaign 400926N 0882001W
East Side Cook 414244N 0873155W Rising Sun Pope 372425N 0883441W
Eastburn Iroquois 404623N 0873808W Rising Sun White 380001N 0880141W
Easton Mason 401357N 0895033W Risk Livingston 404015N 0882419W
Eastwood Manor McHenry 422044N 0881428W Ritchie Will 411518N 0880619W
Eberle Effingham 385633N 0882725W River Kankakee 410933N 0873536W
Ebner Carroll 415555N 0900627W River Forest Cook 415352N 0874850W
Eckard Mason 401911N 0895920W River Grove Cook 415533N 0875009W
Eddy Lake 422741N 0875354W Riverdale Cook 413800N 0873759W
Eddyville Pope 372956N 0883516W Riverdale Winnebago 422512N 0890146W
Edelstein Peoria 405627N 0893745W Riverside Cook 415006N 0874922W
Eden Peoria 404120N 0894958W Riverstream McHenry 422017N 0881528W
Eden Randolph 380714N 0894003W Riverton Sangamon 395039N 0893222W
Eden Park Williamson 374518N 0890126W Riverwoods Lake 421003N 0875349W
Edgar Edgar 394520N 0874204W Roaches Jefferson 381930N 0890434W
Edgemont St Clair 383537N 0900349W Roachtown St Clair 382747N 0900227W
Edgetown Kankakee 411046N 0873432W Roanoke Woodford 404746N 0891150W
Edgewood Effingham 385514N 0883941W Robbins Cook 413838N 0874213W
Edginton Rock Island 412313N 0904549W Robbs Pope 372732N 0884159W
Edinburg Christian 393926N 0892322W Robein Tazewell 404118N 0893040W
Edwards Peoria 404445N 0894439W Roberts Ford 403646N 0881100W
Edwardsville Madison 384841N 0895711W Robinson Crawford 390019N 0874421W
Effingham Effingham 390712N 0883236W Roby Christian 394421N 0892357W
Effner Iroquois 404614N 0873134W Rochelle Ogle 415526N 0890407W
Egan Ogle 421118N 0892421W Rochester Sangamon 394458N 0893154W
Eichorn Hardin 372928N 0882419W Rochester Wabash 382044N 0874941W
Eileen Grundy 411739N 0881616W Rock Pope 372446N 0883710W
El Dara Pike 393721N 0905930W Rock City Stephenson 422448N 0892805W
El Paso Woodford 404421N 0890059W Rock Creek Adams 400245N 0912358W
El Vista Peoria 404344N 0893745W Rock Creek Hardin 373212N 0881338W
Elba Gallatin 374935N 0881935W Rock Falls Whiteside 414647N 0894120W
Elba Center Knox 405039N 0900235W Rock Grove Stephenson 422747N 0893043W
Elbow Richland 383832N 0880718W Rock Island Rock Island 413034N 0903443W
Elbridge Edgar 393045N 0873458W Rockbridge Greene 391609N 0901215W
Elburn Kane 415332N 0882820W Rockdale Will 413022N 0880652W
Elco Alexander 371802N 0891557W Rockdale Junction Will 413351N 0880624W
Eldena Lee 414616N 0892436W Rockford Winnebago 421616N 0890538W
Elderville Hancock 401949N 0911740W Rockport Pike 393220N 0910031W
Eldorado Saline 374849N 0882617W Rockton Winnebago 422709N 0890420W
Eldred Greene 391715N 0903308W Rockton Winnebago 422746N 0890542W
Eldridge Kankakee 410934N 0874312W Rockwood Randolph 375026N 0894202W
Eleanor Warren 405858N 0904142W Rocky Ford Cumberland 391841N 0881020W
Eleroy Stephenson 421957N 0894538W Rodden Jo Daviess 421941N 0901913W
Elgin Cook 420214N 0881652W Rodemich St Clair 382627N 0900816W
Elgin Kane 420214N 0881652W Rohrer Morgan 393146N 0895735W
Eliza Mercer 411745N 0905803W Roland White 375548N 0881548W
Elizabeth Jo Daviess 421904N 0901317W Rolling Meadows Cook 420503N 0880047W
Elizabethtown Hardin 372645N 0881818W Rollins Lake 422246N 0880346W
Elk Grove Cook 415954N 0880013W Rollo De Kalb 414023N 0885310W
Elk Grove Village Cook 420014N 0875813W Rome Peoria 405259N 0893009W
Elkhart Logan 400114N 0892858W Romeo Will 413826N 0880330W
Elkhorn Grove Carroll 420029N 0894404W Romeoville Will 413851N 0880522W
Elkton Washington 381730N 0893324W Rondout Lake 421648N 0875343W
Elkville Jackson 375436N 0891409W Roodhouse Greene 392902N 0902217W
Ellery Edwards 382117N 0880855W Roots Randolph 380104N 0895820W
Ellery Wayne 382117N 0880855W Ropers Landing Pope 371814N 0883032W
Elliott Ford 402753N 0881620W Rosamond Christian 392247N 0890937W
Elliottstown Effingham 390004N 0882710W Roscoe Winnebago 422448N 0890033W
Ellis Christian 393524N 0893144W Rose Ford Pope 372913N 0883210W
Ellis Sangamon 395648N 0893555W Rose Hill Jasper 390613N 0880850W
Ellis Vermilion 402119N 0875306W Rose Lake St Clair 383824N 0900626W
Ellis Grove Randolph 380032N 0895421W Rosebud Pope 371642N 0883502W
Ellisville Fulton 403736N 0901818W Rosecrans Lake 422755N 0875709W
Ellsworth Mclean 402701N 0884300W Rosedale Jersey 390239N 0903253W
Elmhurst Du Page 415358N 0875625W Roselle Du Page 415905N 0880447W
Elmira Stark 411047N 0894954W Rosemont Cook 415943N 0875304W
Elmore Stark 405724N 0895837W Rosemont St Clair 383737N 0900550W
Elmoville Jo Daviess 421556N 0900249W Roseville Warren 404356N 0903952W
Elmwood Peoria 404640N 0895759W Rosewood Heights Madison 385316N 0900505W
Elmwood Park Cook 415516N 0874833W Rosiclare Hardin 372525N 0882046W
Elsah Jersey 385722N 0902135W Roslyn Cumberland 391346N 0882241W
Elsdon Cook 414737N 0874318W Rossville Vermilion 402245N 0874007W
Elva De Kalb 415151N 0884634W Rossville Junction Vermilion 402128N 0873837W
Elvaston Hancock 402342N 0911458W Roth Alexander 370601N 0891826W
Elvira Johnson 372936N 0890146W Round Grove Whiteside 414706N 0895219W
Elwin Macon 394644N 0885848W Round Knob Massac 371450N 0884415W
Elwood Will 412414N 0880642W Round Lake Lake 422112N 0880536W
Embarrass Coles 393102N 0880528W Round Lake Beach Lake 422218N 0880524W
Emden Logan 401755N 0892906W Round Lake Heights Lake 422248N 0880615W
Emerald Park McHenry 421908N 0881501W Round Lake Park Lake 422125N 0880436W
Emerson Whiteside 414822N 0894553W Round Prairie Wayne 382726N 0883221W
Emerson City Jefferson 380822N 0890243W Rowe Livingston 405556N 0884011W
Emery Macon 395845N 0885704W Rowell De Witt 400419N 0890146W
Emington Livingston 405811N 0882129W Roxana Madison 385054N 0900434W
Emma White 375829N 0880713W Roxbury Lee 414202N 0890222W
Empire Mclean 401820N 0884227W Royal Champaign 401134N 0875822W
Energy Williamson 374626N 0890135W Royal Heights St Clair 383239N 0900049W
Enfield White 380558N 0882015W Royal Lake Macoupin 390637N 0895741W
Englewood Cook 414647N 0873845W Royalton Franklin 375237N 0890652W
Enion Fulton 401630N 0901038W Rozetta Henderson 405630N 0905149W
Enos Macoupin 391804N 0900027W Rudement Saline 373811N 0882925W
Enright Mclean 404423N 0885801W Rugby Livingston 405443N 0882925W
Enterprise Wayne 383120N 0882127W Ruma Randolph 380806N 0895952W
Eola Du Page 414639N 0881434W Rural Hill Hamilton 375738N 0883904W
Epplyanna Stephenson 422530N 0892639W Rushville Schuyler 400716N 0903347W
Epworth White 380414N 0880622W Russell Lake 422926N 0875445W
Equality Gallatin 374402N 0882036W Russellville Boone 421941N 0884701W
Erie Whiteside 413923N 0900445W Russellville Lawrence 384908N 0873154W
Ernst Clark 391858N 0874023W Rust Franklin 380009N 0884540W
Erwin Schuyler 400755N 0904232W Rutherford Champaign 400129N 0880309W
Esmond De Kalb 420201N 0885608W Rutland La Salle 405903N 0890230W
Essex Kankakee 411038N 0881108W Ryan Vermilion 400301N 0874822W
Etherton Jackson 374107N 0891916W Sabina Mclean 402050N 0883902W
Etna Coles 392322N 0882511W Sacramento White 380154N 0882015W
Eureka Woodford 404317N 0891622W Sadorus Champaign 395801N 0882047W
Evans Logan 401318N 0892150W Sag Bridge Cook 414118N 0875559W
Evans Marshall 410217N 0890620W Saidora Mason 400618N 0900841W
Evanston Cook 420228N 0874124W Sailor Springs Clay 384550N 0882147W
Evansville Randolph 380525N 0895618W Saint Anne Kankakee 410130N 0874250W
Evarts Stephenson 421511N 0892828W Saint Anne Woods Kankakee 410215N 0873730W
Evergreen Park Cook 414314N 0874206W Saint Augustine Knox 404306N 0902439W
Evers Effingham 390553N 0882712W Saint Charles Kane 415451N 0881831W
Ewbanks Adams 395843N 0911910W Saint David Fulton 402936N 0900255W
Ewing Franklin 380519N 0885108W Saint Elmo Fayette 390138N 0885053W
Exermont St Clair 383852N 0900247W Saint Francisville Lawrence 383528N 0873848W
Exeter Scott 394315N 0902947W Saint George Kankakee 411133N 0874632W
Exline Kankakee 410900N 0874606W Saint Jacob Madison 384250N 0894605W
Exposition View Kane 414733N 0882037W Saint James Fayette 385716N 0885104W
Eylar Livingston 405444N 0882710W Saint Joe Monroe 381358N 0900913W
Fairbanks Moultrie 394302N 0883148W Saint Johns Perry 380151N 0891427W
Fairbury Livingston 404450N 0883053W Saint Joseph Champaign 400642N 0880230W
Fairdale De Kalb 420600N 0885558W Saint Libory St Clair 382145N 0894235W
Fairfield Lake 421309N 0880341W Saint Mary Hancock 402046N 0905602W
Fairfield Wayne 382244N 0882135W Saint Morgan Madison 383944N 0894115W
Fairgrange Coles 393443N 0881018W Saint Paul Fayette 385110N 0885712W
Fairhaven Carroll 415644N 0895545W Saint Peter Fayette 385205N 0885114W
Fairland Champaign 395235N 0880606W Saint Rose Clinton 384103N 0893316W
Fairland Douglas 395235N 0880606W Saint Thomas Madison 384543N 0900701W
Fairman Marion 384040N 0890617W Salem Marion 383737N 0885644W
Fairmont Madison 385432N 0901251W Saline Saline 373843N 0884145W
Fairmont Will 413322N 0880333W Saline Landing Hardin 373412N 0880749W
Fairmont City St Clair 383859N 0900535W Salisbury Sangamon 395323N 0894753W
Fairmount Vermilion 400244N 0874950W Saluda Knox 405219N 0902339W
Fairview Fulton 403800N 0900949W Samoth Massac 371958N 0884715W
Fairview St Clair 383530N 0900051W Samsville Edwards 382923N 0880327W
Faithorn Will 412541N 0873629W San Jose Logan 401820N 0893610W
Fall Creek Adams 394644N 0911808W Sand Barrens Lawrence 383524N 0874138W
Falling Spring St Clair 383157N 0901112W Sand Ridge Grundy 412526N 0881935W
Falmouth Jasper 390317N 0880844W Sand Ridge Jackson 374424N 0892633W
Fancher Shelby 391603N 0884623W Sandburn Johnson 373033N 0885032W
Fancy Prairie Menard 395951N 0893558W Sandoval Marion 383656N 0890651W
Fandon Mcdonough 402206N 0904541W Sands Whiteside 414504N 0895143W
Fargo Brown 395825N 0905117W Sandusky Alexander 371209N 0891620W
Farina Fayette 385003N 0884620W Sandwich De Kalb 413845N 0883718W
Farmdale Tazewell 403957N 0893040W Sandy Ford La Salle 411042N 0885442W
Farmer City De Witt 401436N 0883833W Sangamon Macon 395200N 0885121W
Farmersville Montgomery 392636N 0893906W Sankoty Peoria 404534N 0893354W
Farmingdale Sangamon 394922N 0894822W Santa Fe Park Cook 414327N 0875416W
Farmington Coles 392345N 0881240W Saratoga Grundy 412733N 0882553W
Farmington Fulton 404153N 0900021W Saratoga Union 373032N 0890925W
Farmington Peoria 404153N 0900021W Saratoga Center Marshall 410642N 0893531W
Farrington Clark 392812N 0873246W Sato Jackson 375432N 0892550W
Fay Carroll 420012N 0900058W Sauganash Cook 415924N 0874432W
Fayette Greene 391912N 0900913W Sauget St Clair 383547N 0901105W
Fayetteville St Clair 382239N 0894743W Sauk Village Cook 412918N 0873403W
Fayville Alexander 370953N 0892536W Saunders Sangamon 395107N 0891826W
Fenton Whiteside 414350N 0900148W Saunemin Livingston 405335N 0882419W
Ferber Franklin 375425N 0884432W Savage Morgan 394653N 0901239W
Fergestown Williamson 374733N 0885753W Savanna Carroll 420540N 0900924W
Ferguson Ford Brown 395140N 0905412W Savoy Champaign 400317N 0881506W
Ferndale McHenry 421807N 0881429W Sawyerville Macoupin 390442N 0894826W
Fernway Park Cook 413513N 0874948W Saybrook Mclean 402536N 0883134W
Ferrel Edgar 392946N 0873506W Scales Mound Jo Daviess 422833N 0901510W
Ferrin Clinton 383634N 0891400W Scarboro Lee 414653N 0890203W
Ferris Hancock 402808N 0911013W Schaeferville Tazewell 403252N 0893752W
Fiatt Fulton 403337N 0901047W Schapville Jo Daviess 422349N 0901219W
Ficklin Douglas 394755N 0882119W Schaumburg Cook 420200N 0880500W
Fidelity Jersey 390910N 0900952W Scheller Jefferson 381111N 0890542W
Fieldon Jersey 390631N 0902954W Schick Du Page 415706N 0880951W
Fillmore Montgomery 390655N 0891644W Schiller Park Cook 415721N 0875215W
Filson Douglas 394122N 0881355W Schmieder Landing Calhoun 385341N 0903140W
Findlay Shelby 393121N 0884513W Schnell Richland 383809N 0881458W
Finneyville Hardin 373240N 0880619W Schoper Macoupin 392017N 0894703W
Fisher Champaign 401853N 0882100W Schram City Montgomery 390951N 0892749W
Fishhook Pike 394820N 0905307W Schrodts Station Wabash 382257N 0874930W
Fitchmoor La Salle 412743N 0890954W Schrum Cook 413604N 0873256W
Fithian Vermilion 400650N 0875223W Schuline Randolph 380522N 0894644W
Five Islands Park Kane 415818N 0881835W Schwer Iroquois 403938N 0874717W
Five Point Menard 395921N 0895259W Sciota Mcdonough 403339N 0904506W
Five Points De Kalb 420009N 0884425W Scioto Mills Stephenson 422123N 0894007W
Flag Center Ogle 415626N 0890720W Scottland Edgar 394816N 0873618W
Flagg Ogle 415345N 0890827W Scottsburg Mcdonough 403314N 0903537W
Flanagan Livingston 405241N 0885140W Scottsville Macoupin 392849N 0900617W
Flat Rock Crawford 385406N 0874018W Scottsville Wayne 381945N 0881020W
Flatville Champaign 401422N 0880333W Scovel Livingston 405442N 0882354W
Flatwoods Johnson 372525N 0884327W Scraper-Moecherville Kane 414447N 0881651W
Fletchers Mclean 403137N 0884701W Seaton Mercer 410608N 0904805W
Flickerville Kankakee 411312N 0875722W Seatonville Bureau 412153N 0891635W
Flint Hamilton 380348N 0883738W Sebastopol Madison 384240N 0893602W
Flora Clay 384008N 0882908W Secor Woodford 404431N 0890807W
Floraville St Clair 382235N 0900322W Seehorn Pike 394519N 0911540W
Florence Pike 393738N 0903638W Sefton Fayette 390415N 0885720W
Florence Scott 393738N 0903638W Sellers Champaign 401111N 0880617W
Florence Stephenson 421252N 0893935W Selmaville Marion 383625N 0885943W
Florid Putnam 411343N 0891651W Selsor Ford Vermilion 401532N 0874742W
Flossmoor Cook 413234N 0874105W Seminary Richland 383501N 0880735W
Flossmoor Highlands Cook 413246N 0874248W Seneca La Salle 411840N 0883635W
Flowerfield Du Page 415202N 0880202W Sepo Fulton 402037N 0900709W
Foosland Champaign 402141N 0882541W Serena La Salle 412910N 0884353W
Forest City Mason 402212N 0894939W Sesser Franklin 380530N 0890301W
Forest Homes Madison 385452N 0900509W Seville Fulton 402908N 0902037W
Forest Lake Lake 421227N 0880320W Seward Winnebago 421420N 0892128W
Forest Park Cook 415246N 0874849W Sexson Shelby 392322N 0883105W
Forest Park Will 413245N 0880323W Seymour Champaign 400625N 0882536W
Forest View Cook 414831N 0874736W Shabbona De Kalb 414605N 0885237W
Forman Massac 372048N 0885426W Shabbona Grove De Kalb 414357N 0885120W
Formosa Junction Madison 384226N 0895541W Shadow Lawn Kankakee 410935N 0873418W
Forrest Livingston 404507N 0882440W Shady Beach Henry 413220N 0901148W
Forreston Ogle 420734N 0893445W Shady Grove Massac 370726N 0883357W
Forsyth Macon 395557N 0885704W Shafter Fayette 390049N 0891106W
Fort Gage Randolph 375738N 0895416W Shakerag Williamson 374920N 0885432W
Fossland Lake 422940N 0875706W Shale City Mercer 411311N 0903826W
Foster Pond Monroe 381842N 0901339W Shamrock Mclean 402507N 0885358W
Fosterburg Madison 385818N 0900430W Shanghai Warren 410303N 0902948W
Fountain Monroe 382145N 0901658W Shannon Carroll 420917N 0894423W
Fountain Creek Iroquois 403058N 0874839W Sharpsburg Christian 393650N 0892104W
Fountain Gap Monroe 382315N 0901518W Shattuc Clinton 383638N 0891134W
Fountain Green Hancock 402833N 0905809W Shaw Warren 410245N 0903813W
Four Corners Madison 384306N 0900432W Shawneetown Gallatin 374247N 0881112W
Fowler Adams 400028N 0911530W Shaws Lee 414227N 0891407W
Fox Kendall 413723N 0882942W Sheffield Bureau 412130N 0894414W
Fox Lake Lake 422348N 0881101W Shelbyville Shelby 392423N 0884724W
Fox Lake Hills Lake 422429N 0880754W Sheldon Iroquois 404609N 0873350W
Fox River Estates Kane 415736N 0881835W Sheldons Grove Schuyler 401000N 0901739W
Fox River Grove McHenry 421203N 0881252W Shepherd Pike 394330N 0912040W
Fox River Valley Gardens McHenry 421433N 0881207W Sherburnville Kankakee 411344N 0873241W
Francis Saline 375359N 0882711W Sheridan La Salle 413148N 0884047W
Frankfort Will 412945N 0875055W Sherman Sangamon 395337N 0893617W
Franklin Morgan 393713N 0900238W Sherrard Mercer 411908N 0903021W
Franklin Corners Whiteside 415501N 0895438W Shetlerville Hardin 372550N 0882427W
Franklin Grove Lee 415030N 0891801W Shields Jefferson 382804N 0884248W
Franklin Park Cook 415607N 0875156W Shiloh St Clair 383341N 0895350W
Franklinville McHenry 421636N 0883040W Shiloh Hill Jackson 375531N 0893716W
Franks De Kalb 414239N 0884047W Shiloh Station St Clair 383202N 0895353W
Fravet Tazewell 402656N 0892214W Shinn Pike 394035N 0911002W
Frederick Schuyler 400412N 0902544W Shipman Macoupin 390703N 0900239W
Freeburg St Clair 382539N 0895449W Shirland Winnebago 422640N 0891151W
Freeman Spur Williamson 375140N 0885950W Shirley Jefferson 381706N 0885017W
Freeport Stephenson 421748N 0893716W Shirley Mclean 402426N 0890345W
Fremont Center Lake 421752N 0880417W Shobonier Fayette 385210N 0890519W
French Village St Clair 383601N 0900300W Shokokon Henderson 404451N 0910427W
Frielings Kankakee 410938N 0880647W Shop Creek Montgomery 391633N 0893844W
Friendsville Wabash 383011N 0874859W Shorewood Will 413112N 0881206W
Frisco Franklin 380648N 0884642W Shumway Effingham 391106N 0883908W
Frogtown Washington 382632N 0892930W Sibley Ford 403513N 0882252W
Frontenac Du Page 414441N 0881358W Sicily Christian 393524N 0892928W
Fruit Madison 384951N 0895145W Sidell Vermilion 395435N 0874916W
Fruitland Rock Island 412817N 0903100W Sidney Champaign 400130N 0880424W
Fruitland Landing Calhoun 385218N 0903403W Sigel Shelby 391334N 0882939W
Fulkerson Landing Jersey 385821N 0903245W Signal Hill St Clair 383438N 0900324W
Fuller Coles 393538N 0882812W Siloam Brown 395317N 0905457W
Fuller Moultrie 393538N 0882812W Silver Lake McHenry 421406N 0881441W
Fullerton De Witt 401237N 0884440W Silvis Rock Island 413044N 0902454W
Fulls Champaign 400648N 0880525W Simpson Johnson 372802N 0884518W
Fulton Whiteside 415202N 0900934W Simpson Pope 372802N 0884518W
Fults Monroe 380958N 0901257W Sims Wayne 382137N 0883150W
Funkhouser Effingham 390539N 0883716W Sinclair Morgan 394808N 0900718W
Funks Grove Mclean 402149N 0890652W Skelton Logan 400834N 0891514W
Furman St Clair 383605N 0895800W Ski Hill McHenry 421207N 0881225W
Future City Alexander 370144N 0891117W Skokie Cook 420200N 0874400W
Galatia Saline 375026N 0883633W Skokie Junction Lake 421533N 0875113W
Gale Alexander 371456N 0892651W Skokie Manor Lake 421438N 0875128W
Galena Jo Daviess 422500N 0902544W Sleepy Hollow Kane 420539N 0881809W
Galena Junction Jo Daviess 422226N 0902635W Smithboro Bond 385346N 0892026W
Galesburg Knox 405652N 0902216W Smithdale Livingston 410505N 0884630W
Galesville Piatt 400919N 0883323W Smithfield Fulton 402824N 0901730W
Gallagher Richland 383804N 0881002W Smithshire Warren 404734N 0904647W
Galt Whiteside 414722N 0894544W Smithton St Clair 382431N 0895931W
Galton Douglas 394422N 0881801W Smithville Peoria 403937N 0894759W
Galva Henry 411003N 0900233W Smithville Wayne 381614N 0883530W
Ganntown Johnson 372148N 0884703W Snicarte Mason 400724N 0901353W
Garber Ford 403057N 0882254W Snider Vermilion 401215N 0874152W
Gard Madison 385144N 0895736W Snyder Clark 391657N 0874003W
Garden Heights Saline 374313N 0883137W Sollitt Kankakee 411736N 0873805W
Garden of Eden Kankakee 411011N 0873342W Solomon De Witt 401456N 0884922W
Garden Plain Whiteside 414803N 0900749W Solon Mills McHenry 422632N 0881624W
Garden Prairie Boone 421512N 0884329W Somerset Saline 373916N 0882726W
Gardena Tazewell 403811N 0893019W Somonauk De Kalb 413801N 0884052W
Gardner Grundy 411108N 0881835W Somonauk La Salle 413801N 0884052W
Gards Point Wabash 382828N 0875440W Soperville Knox 410031N 0902352W
Garfield La Salle 410506N 0885722W Sorento Bond 385956N 0893425W
Garland Edgar 394306N 0874841W South Addison Du Page 415418N 0875919W
Garnerville White 380652N 0880311W South Barrington Cook 420529N 0880718W
Garrett Douglas 394755N 0882527W South Barrington Kane 420529N 0880718W
Garrison Hamilton 381454N 0883109W South Beloit Winnebago 422935N 0890212W
Gartside St Clair 383238N 0900210W South Chicago Cook 414322N 0873211W
Gays Moultrie 392729N 0882938W South Chicago Heights Cook 412851N 0873816W
Gears Ferry Jo Daviess 422321N 0902754W South Danville Vermilion 400654N 0873815W
Geff (Jeffersonville) Wayne 382633N 0882415W South Deering Cook 414132N 0873330W
Geneseo Henry 412653N 0900915W South Elgin Kane 415939N 0881732W
Geneva Kane 415315N 0881819W South Elkhorn Carroll 415800N 0894244W
Geneva Road Du Page 415317N 0880905W South Freeport Stephenson 421427N 0893421W
Genoa De Kalb 420550N 0884134W South Holland Cook 413603N 0873625W
Georgetown Carroll 420823N 0894943W South Jacksonville Morgan 394231N 0901341W
Georgetown Vermilion 395831N 0873809W South Lockport Will 413423N 0880316W
Gerald Champaign 401614N 0875548W South Moline Rock Island 412841N 0903128W
Gerlaw Warren 405913N 0903606W South Ottawa La Salle 411954N 0885013W
German Corner Henry 411737N 0900151W South Park Kane 414408N 0881813W
German Valley Stephenson 421256N 0892824W South Pekin Tazewell 402940N 0893906W
Germantown Clinton 383313N 0893218W South Rock Island Rock Island 412846N 0903458W
Germantown Hills Woodford 404559N 0892804W South Rome Peoria 405059N 0893215W
Gibson City Ford 402755N 0882233W South Roxana Madison 384946N 0900346W
Gibsonia Gallatin 373849N 0881545W South Wilmington Grundy 411022N 0881636W
Gifford Mclean 401821N 0880116W Southern View Sangamon 394526N 0893913W
Gila Jasper 390646N 0881537W Southlawn Sangamon 394513N 0893717W
Gilberts Kane 420612N 0882222W Southmoor Cook 413909N 0874947W
Gilbirds Brown 395523N 0904205W Southport Peoria 404733N 0895355W
Gilchrist Fulton 403850N 0900223W Spankey Jersey 391120N 0903302W
Gilchrist Mercer 411219N 0903727W Sparks Hill Hardin 373505N 0881713W
Gilead Calhoun 390727N 0904002W Sparland Marshall 410143N 0892618W
Gilead Landing Calhoun 390723N 0904059W Sparta Randolph 380723N 0894206W
Gillespie Macoupin 390747N 0894910W Spaulding Cook 420010N 0881407W
Gilletts Will 413102N 0875613W Spaulding Sangamon 395158N 0893225W
Gillum Mclean 402428N 0885358W Spaulding Corners Lake 422214N 0875252W
Gilman Ford 404600N 0875932W Speer Stark 405918N 0893901W
Gilman Iroquois 404600N 0875932W Spencer Pike 394239N 0911557W
Gilmer Lake 421406N 0880246W Spencer Will 412953N 0875630W
Gilmore Bond 385840N 0893712W Spencer Heights Pulaski 370738N 0891141W
Gilmore Effingham 385915N 0884303W Spillertown Williamson 374559N 0885510W
Gilson Knox 405142N 0901205W Spires La Salle 405235N 0885737W
Ginger Hill Rock Island 412617N 0903402W Spring Bay Woodford 404928N 0893120W
Gingle Corners Mercer 411547N 0904409W Spring Garden Jefferson 380947N 0885120W
Girard Macoupin 392647N 0894651W Spring Grove McHenry 422637N 0881411W
Gladstone Henderson 405152N 0905740W Spring Grove McHenry 422619N 0881516W
Glasford Peoria 403421N 0894848W Spring Hill Whiteside 413645N 0900242W
Glasgow Scott 393302N 0902848W Spring Valley Bureau 411939N 0891159W
Glen Avon Mclean 402046N 0883533W Springerton White 381046N 0882115W
Glen Carbon Madison 384454N 0895859W Springfield Sangamon 394806N 0893837W
Glen Carbon Crossing Madison 384508N 0895719W Springville Union 372228N 0891603W
Glen Ellyn Du Page 415239N 0880401W Staley Champaign 400647N 0881845W
Glen Oak Du Page 415254N 0880221W Stallings Madison 384329N 0900347W
Glenarm Sangamon 393725N 0893856W Standard Putnam 411524N 0891051W
Glenburn Vermilion 400834N 0874606W Standard City Macoupin 392108N 0894715W
Glencoe Cook 420806N 0874529W Stanford Mclean 402605N 0891304W
Glendale Pope 372720N 0884017W Staples Corner Cook 420821N 0880118W
Glendale Rock Island 412908N 0902456W Star City Calhoun 390803N 0904025W
Glendale Heights Du Page 415437N 0880418W Stark Stark 405944N 0894438W
Glenn Cook 414817N 0874639W Starks Kane 420518N 0882724W
Glenn Jackson 374813N 0893450W Starne Sangamon 394927N 0893618W
Glenview Cook 420411N 0874716W State Park Place Madison 383931N 0900250W
Glenview St Clair 383513N 0895614W State Park Place St Clair 383931N 0900250W
Glenwood Cook 413233N 0873608W Staunton Macoupin 390044N 0894728W
Glover Champaign 400649N 0880108W Stavanger La Salle 412355N 0883650W
Godfrey Madison 385728N 0901112W Ste Marie Jasper 385556N 0880124W
Godley Grundy 411412N 0881437W Steel City Franklin 375953N 0885245W
Godley Will 411412N 0881437W Steele Will 413021N 0875744W
Goeselville Cook 413727N 0874706W Steeleville Randolph 380026N 0893930W
Golconda Pope 372202N 0882911W Steelton Vermilion 400034N 0874044W
Golden Adams 400633N 0910103W Steger Cook 412812N 0873811W
Golden Acres Peoria 404438N 0893754W Steger Lake 412812N 0873811W
Golden Eagle Calhoun 385336N 0903444W Sterling Whiteside 414719N 0894146W
Golden Gardens St Clair 383522N 0900624W Sterling Place St Clair 383735N 0900223W
Golden Gate Wayne 382134N 0881215W Steward Lee 415052N 0890112W
Golden Lily Alexander 370432N 0891109W Stewardson Shelby 391547N 0883747W
Golf Cook 420332N 0874733W Stickney Cook 414917N 0874658W
Good Hope Mcdonough 403328N 0904024W Stillman Valley Ogle 420626N 0891045W
Goodenow Lake 412329N 0873812W Stillwell Hancock 401307N 0911058W
Goodfield Woodford 403747N 0891629W Stiritz Williamson 375010N 0885654W
Goodings Grove Will 413745N 0875551W Stockdale Grundy 412104N 0882933W
Goodrich Kankakee 410632N 0880329W Stockland Iroquois 403652N 0873534W
Goodwine Iroquois 403402N 0874704W Stockton Jo Daviess 422059N 0900024W
Gordon Crawford 390029N 0874105W Stoehrs Tazewell 403123N 0894137W
Goreville Johnson 373316N 0885820W Stolle St Clair 383236N 0901011W
Gorham Jackson 374306N 0892909W Stolletown Clinton 384136N 0892648W
Gorman Grundy 411540N 0882030W Stone Church Washington 382101N 0893731W
Gossett White 375524N 0882209W Stone Fort Jackson 373724N 0891148W
Gougars Will 413125N 0880017W Stone Park Cook 415420N 0875301W
Gowins Pope 372637N 0882804W Stonefort Saline 373651N 0884229W
Grafton Jersey 385812N 0902553W Stonefort Williamson 373651N 0884229W
Grand Chain Landing Pulaski 371335N 0885935W Stoneyville La Salle 411817N 0885011W
Grand Detour Ogle 415348N 0892442W Stonington Christian 393824N 0891134W
Grand Pass Greene 392728N 0903546W Stony Island Cook 414321N 0873430W
Grand Ridge La Salle 411413N 0884953W Stoy Crawford 385951N 0874959W
Grand Tower Jackson 373735N 0892952W Strasburg Shelby 392109N 0883709W
Grandview Effingham 393228N 0875046W Stratford Ogle 415949N 0892927W
Grandview Sangamon 394859N 0893707W Stratton Jefferson 382644N 0884248W
Graney Madison 385001N 0895449W Straut Pike 392636N 0904221W
Granite City Madison 384205N 0900855W Strawn Livingston 403909N 0882347W
Grantfork Madison 384948N 0893956W Strawns Crossing Morgan 394709N 0900903W
Grantsburg Johnson 372327N 0884449W Streamwood Cook 420132N 0881042W
Granville Putnam 411540N 0891339W Streator La Salle 410715N 0885007W
Grape Creek Vermilion 400404N 0873555W Stringtown Richland 384930N 0875901W
Gray Ford Vermilion 401701N 0874743W Stronghurst Henderson 404449N 0905414W
Graymont Livingston 405240N 0884637W Stubblefield Bond 385054N 0892759W
Grays Corner Lawrence 383836N 0874319W Sublette Lee 413835N 0891340W
Grayslake Lake 422040N 0880230W Sudduth Sangamon 394218N 0894857W
Grayville Edwards 381527N 0875937W Sugar Grove Kane 414541N 0882637W
Grayville White 381527N 0875937W Sugar Grove Mercer 411406N 0904354W
Greathouse Ford Wayne 382728N 0883749W Sugar Island Kankakee 410023N 0874925W
Green Acres Sangamon 395336N 0894024W Sugarloaf Heights St Clair 382946N 0901245W
Green Brier Crawford 385431N 0875426W Sullivan Moultrie 393558N 0883628W
Green Creek Effingham 391210N 0883124W Sulphur Springs La Salle 412509N 0884627W
Green River Henry 412832N 0901909W Summer Hill Pike 393247N 0905509W
Green Rock Henry 412823N 0902127W Summerfield St Clair 383550N 0894506W
Green Valley Tazewell 402427N 0893834W Summersville Jefferson 381940N 0885201W
Greenbush Warren 404243N 0903207W Summerville Macoupin 391120N 0900725W
Greendale Clay 383747N 0884152W Summit Cook 414717N 0874837W
Greendale Marion 383747N 0884152W Summit St Clair 383304N 0900017W
Greenfield Greene 392037N 0901245W Summum Fulton 401604N 0901642W
Greenoak Bureau 412849N 0892430W Sumner Lawrence 384301N 0875141W
Greenpond Pike 392943N 0903834W Sunbeam Mercer 410738N 0904406W
Greenridge Macoupin 392510N 0894740W Sunbury Livingston 410603N 0883139W
Greenup Cumberland 391452N 0880948W Sunfield Perry 380352N 0891424W
Greenview Menard 400459N 0894417W Sunny Crest Cook 413209N 0874138W
Greenville Bond 385332N 0892447W Sunny Hill Henry 412356N 0902457W
Greenwich Kankakee 410706N 0875537W Sunny Hill Pike 393723N 0904615W
Greenwood McHenry 422333N 0882321W Sunnyland Tazewell 404129N 0893029W
Greer Iroquois 403159N 0873541W Sunnyside McHenry 422322N 0881334W
Gretna Du Page 415353N 0880605W Sunnyside Stephenson 422124N 0895449W
Gridley Mclean 404436N 0885253W Sunnyside Williamson 374813N 0890315W
Griffin Mercer 411425N 0902922W Sunset Landing Calhoun 385645N 0903949W
Grigg Randolph 381126N 0895428W Surrey Warren 405442N 0902805W
Griggsville Pike 394232N 0904328W Sutter Hancock 401645N 0912036W
Grimsby Jackson 374501N 0892657W Sutter Tazewell 402348N 0892210W
Grinnell Massac 371645N 0885220W Sutton Kane 420545N 0881139W
Griswold Livingston 405447N 0882114W Swan Creek Warren 404004N 0903917W
Groat Franklin 375804N 0885216W Swansea St Clair 383202N 0895920W
Gross Hardin 373159N 0881726W Swanwick Perry 381011N 0893210W
Gross Point Cook 420444N 0874321W Swedona Mercer 411645N 0902641W
Grove City Christian 394224N 0891749W Sweet Water Menard 400314N 0894138W
Groveland Tazewell 403533N 0893204W Swift Du Page 415513N 0880232W
Guilford Jo Daviess 422503N 0901801W Swygert Livingston 405442N 0883146W
Gulfport Henderson 404850N 0910510W Sycamore De Kalb 415920N 0884112W
Gurnee Lake 422213N 0875407W Sylvan Cass 395906N 0900416W
Gurney Cass 395357N 0900300W Sylvan Lake Lake 421438N 0880310W
Guthrie Ford 403030N 0881930W Symerton Will 411943N 0880309W
Hadley Lawrence 384310N 0875431W Table Grove Fulton 402151N 0902530W
Hadley Pike 394220N 0905821W Tabor De Witt 401050N 0890805W
Hadley Richland 384310N 0875431W Talbott Tazewell 403037N 0894704W
Hadley Landing Public Ac Calhoun 390246N 0903524W Tallmadge Kankakee 410641N 0873730W
Haegers Bend McHenry 421120N 0881538W Tallula Menard 395640N 0895614W
Hagaman Macoupin 391837N 0900441W Tamalco Bond 384615N 0891729W
Hagarstown Fayette 385636N 0891006W Tamarack Will 413903N 0881510W
Hagener Cass 395533N 0902350W Tamaroa Perry 380816N 0891348W
Hahnaman Whiteside 413754N 0893806W Tamms Alexander 371406N 0891612W
Haines Logan 401451N 0893530W Tampico Whiteside 413749N 0894710W
Hainesville Lake 422042N 0880404W Tankville Alexander 370737N 0892301W
Haldane Ogle 420345N 0893426W Tansill Pope 371822N 0883216W
Half Day Lake 421204N 0875600W Tatumville Alexander 371528N 0891646W
Hallidayboro Jackson 375320N 0891413W Taylor Pike 393601N 0905748W
Hallock Iroquois 403341N 0873546W Taylor Ridge Rock Island 412312N 0904005W
Halls Ford Coles 392614N 0880925W Taylor Springs Montgomery 390751N 0892931W
Hallsville De Witt 400903N 0890534W Taylorville Christian 393256N 0891740W
Halsey Union 373402N 0892710W Tazewell Tazewell 402904N 0891957W
Hamburg Bond 385158N 0891629W Teheran Mason 401328N 0894756W
Hamburg Calhoun 391348N 0904303W Temple Hill Pope 371826N 0883749W
Hamburg Landing Union 372423N 0892444W Tennessee Mcdonough 402443N 0905021W
Hamel Madison 385320N 0895043W Terra Cotta McHenry 421654N 0881802W
Hamilton Hancock 402347N 0912020W Terre Haute Henderson 403959N 0905852W
Hamilton Corners Whiteside 414227N 0895758W Teutopolis Effingham 390759N 0882819W
Hamlet Mercer 411850N 0904406W Texas City Saline 375242N 0882336W
Hamletsburg Pope 370819N 0882554W Texico Jefferson 382622N 0885349W
Hammond Piatt 394749N 0883530W Thackeray Hamilton 380712N 0882711W
Hampshire Kane 420552N 0883149W Thawville Iroquois 404033N 0880658W
Hampton Rock Island 413321N 0902433W Thayer Sangamon 393217N 0894547W
Hanaford Franklin 375721N 0885025W The Burg Lee 414223N 0890555W
Hanley Ford Coles 392345N 0880952W The Crossroads Calhoun 385403N 0903345W
Hanna City Peoria 404130N 0894742W Thebes Alexander 371315N 0892739W
Hanover Jo Daviess 421523N 0901646W Third Lake Lake 422226N 0880039W
Hanover Park Du Page 415958N 0880842W Thomas Bureau 413042N 0894910W
Hanson Fayette 391302N 0890639W Thomasboro Champaign 401430N 0881103W
Hanson Shelby 391302N 0890639W Thomasboro Mclean 401430N 0881103W
Harco Williamson 374745N 0883900W Thomasville Montgomery 392923N 0893916W
Hardin Calhoun 390924N 0903704W Thompsonville Franklin 375503N 0884544W
Harding La Salle 413054N 0885058W Thomson Carroll 415732N 0900557W
Hardinville Crawford 385458N 0875013W Thornton Cook 413405N 0873629W
Harlem Winnebago 422025N 0890104W Thornton Junction Cook 413521N 0873625W
Harmon Lee 414322N 0893314W Thurber Hamilton 380457N 0882539W
Harmony Jefferson 382426N 0884734W Tice Menard 395907N 0894741W
Harmony McHenry 420940N 0883135W Ticona La Salle 411327N 0890309W
Harper Ogle 420829N 0893850W Tilden Randolph 381243N 0894057W
Harpster Ford 402420N 0882655W Tillman St Clair 383211N 0900908W
Harris Edgar 394035N 0874219W Tilton Vermilion 400543N 0873851W
Harris Piatt 401357N 0883533W Time Pike 393341N 0904327W
Harrisburg Saline 374418N 0883226W Timothy Cumberland 391811N 0880746W
Harrison Jackson 374748N 0892013W Tinley Park Cook 413424N 0874704W
Harrison Winnebago 422538N 0891129W Tioga Hancock 401240N 0912049W
Harrisonville Grundy 411714N 0881817W Tipton Champaign 400411N 0880206W
Harrisonville Monroe 381639N 0902100W Tipton Monroe 381409N 0900604W
Harrisonville Landing Monroe 381644N 0902153W Tiskilwa Bureau 411732N 0893022W
Harristown Macon 395114N 0890502W Tison Saline 375323N 0883052W
Harrisville Winnebago 420925N 0890157W Titus Greene 391136N 0903443W
Hartford Madison 385000N 0900545W Todds Mill Perry 381209N 0892157W
Hartford Williamson 374817N 0883956W Todds Point Shelby 393437N 0884557W
Hartland McHenry 422149N 0883026W Toledo Cumberland 391625N 0881437W
Hartsburg Logan 401503N 0892627W Tolono Champaign 395910N 0881532W
Hartshorn Vermilion 400747N 0874219W Toluca Marshall 410008N 0890800W
Hartsville Pope 373209N 0882858W Toluca Marshall 405954N 0890804W
Harvard McHenry 422520N 0883649W Tomlinson Mclean 401908N 0881359W
Harvard Hills Tazewell 404343N 0892853W Toms Prairie Wayne 382428N 0881531W
Harvel Montgomery 392122N 0893156W Tonica La Salle 411257N 0890400W
Harvey Cook 413636N 0873848W Tonti Marion 383953N 0885842W
Harwood Heights Cook 415802N 0874827W Topeka Mason 401949N 0895552W
Hastings Cook 414052N 0875818W Torino Will 411221N 0881405W
Hastings Vermilion 395433N 0875329W Toronto Sangamon 394250N 0893747W
Hastings Landing Calhoun 385756N 0904015W Toulon Stark 410537N 0895153W
Havana Mason 401800N 0900339W Tovey Humphrey Station Christian 393523N 0892718W
Hawthorn Woods Lake 421301N 0880258W Towanda Mclean 403350N 0885356W
Hayes Douglas 395145N 0881652W Tower Hill Shelby 392316N 0885738W
Haynes Sangamon 395058N 0891747W Tower Lake Lake 421355N 0880907W
Haypress Greene 392141N 0903205W Towne Oaks Tazewell 403500N 0893253W
Hazel Crest Cook 413418N 0874140W Trailpark Gardens Tazewell 404402N 0893106W
Hazel Dell Cumberland 391208N 0880228W Tremont Tazewell 403139N 0892933W
Hazelgreen Cook 414100N 0874424W Trenton Clinton 383620N 0894055W
Hazelhurst Carroll 415748N 0894110W Trilla Coles 392230N 0882101W
Hazelhurst Ogle 415748N 0894110W Trimble Crawford 390348N 0874104W
Heapsville Henderson 404535N 0910418W Triumph La Salle 412958N 0890119W
Heathsville Crawford 385348N 0873404W Trivoli Peoria 404126N 0895331W
Heaton Vermilion 402439N 0873522W Troster Mclean 401906N 0882847W
Hebron McHenry 422818N 0882556W Trowbridge Shelby 391837N 0883104W
Hecker Monroe 381818N 0895939W Troxel Kane 415003N 0883547W
Hegeler Bureau 412221N 0891056W Troy Madison 384345N 0895259W
Hegeler Vermilion 400432N 0873806W Troy Crossing Madison 384220N 0895725W
Hegewisch Cook 413913N 0873249W Troy Grove La Salle 412804N 0890459W
Helena Lawrence 383651N 0875150W Troy Junction Madison 384404N 0895541W
Helm Marion 383040N 0884231W Truro Knox 405727N 0900232W
Helmar Kendall 413242N 0882902W Tuckers Corners Hamilton 375927N 0883544W
Heman Macon 395649N 0890620W Tunbridge De Witt 400649N 0890255W
Henderson Knox 410130N 0902122W Tunnel Hill Johnson 373125N 0885019W
Henderson Macoupin 390921N 0894743W Turner Camp McHenry 421121N 0881502W
Henderson Grove Knox 410111N 0902441W Turner Landing Calhoun 390413N 0904143W
Hendrix Mclean 402510N 0885840W Turpin Macon 394719N 0885509W
Henkel Lee 413601N 0891025W Tuscarora Peoria 403619N 0894002W
Hennepin Putnam 411515N 0892032W Tuscola Douglas 394757N 0881659W
Henning Vermilion 401818N 0874203W Twelvemile Corner Lee 414534N 0890500W
Henry Marshall 410641N 0892123W Twin Grove Mclean 402936N 0890447W
Henton Shelby 392749N 0885416W Udina Kane 420236N 0882234W
Herald White 375759N 0881053W Ulah Henry 411609N 0900846W
Herbert Boone 420917N 0884634W Ullin Pulaski 371637N 0891100W
Hermon Knox 404525N 0901911W Ullrich Moultrie 394427N 0884053W
Herod Pope 373449N 0882610W Union Logan 401715N 0892201W
Herrick Shelby 391313N 0885904W Union McHenry 421359N 0883232W
Herrin Williamson 374811N 0890139W Union Mason 402327N 0894834W
Herrin Junction Williamson 374927N 0890040W Union Will 412949N 0880124W
Herscher Kankakee 410257N 0880552W Union Center Cumberland 391958N 0880453W
Hersman Brown 395700N 0904428W Union Grove Whiteside 415003N 0900135W
Hervey City Macon 394520N 0885103W Union Hill Kankakee 410627N 0880848W
Hettick Macoupin 392118N 0900213W Union Hill St Clair 383517N 0900021W
Hewittsville Christian 393214N 0891850W Union Town Marion 383108N 0884501W
Heyworth Mclean 401848N 0885825W Uniontown Knox 404451N 0900555W
Hickman Iroquois 403403N 0874552W Unionville Massac 370720N 0883248W
Hickory Corners Franklin 375940N 0890008W Unionville Vermilion 400130N 0873817W
Hickory Corners Lake 422758N 0880101W Unionville Whiteside 414909N 0895857W
Hickory Grove Adams 395611N 0911839W Unity Alexander 370859N 0891622W
Hickory Grove Carroll 420335N 0900403W University Hamilton 375611N 0883634W
Hickory Hills Cook 414332N 0874930W Urbain Franklin 375828N 0890226W
Hicks Hardin 373235N 0882232W Urbana Champaign 400638N 0881226W
Hidalgo Jasper 390921N 0880849W Urbandale Alexander 370310N 0891109W
Higginsville Vermilion 401431N 0874526W Ursa Adams 400429N 0912202W
Highland Madison 384422N 0894016W Ustick Whiteside 415302N 0895931W
Highland Hills Du Page 415057N 0880016W Utah Warren 405903N 0902916W
Highland Park Lake 421054N 0874801W Utica La Salle 412026N 0890036W
Highmoor Lake 421159N 0875032W Utopia Du Page 415104N 0875822W
Highway Village Tazewell 403957N 0893245W Valier Franklin 380055N 0890233W
Highwood Lake 421159N 0874833W Valier Patch Franklin 380136N 0890212W
Hildreth Edgar 395156N 0875008W Valley City Pike 394225N 0903909W
Hill Effingham 385549N 0883116W Valley Mission Union 372129N 0892021W
Hillcrest Ogle 415704N 0890352W Valley View Du Page 414949N 0880404W
Hillerman Massac 371412N 0885323W Valley View Kane 415758N 0881756W
Hillery Vermilion 400752N 0874140W Valmeyer Monroe 381740N 0901857W
Hillsboro Montgomery 390940N 0892937W Van Burensburg Montgomery 390210N 0891646W
Hillsdale Rock Island 413649N 0901022W Van Orin Bureau 413300N 0892112W
Hillside Cook 415240N 0875410W Van Petten Lee 414215N 0893719W
Hilltop Menard 400133N 0895231W Van Wood Sangamon 395741N 0893555W
Hilltop St Clair 383532N 0900304W Vandalia Fayette 385738N 0890537W
Hillview Greene 392702N 0903228W Vanderville Christian 392531N 0891751W
Himrod Vermilion 400203N 0873602W Varna Marshall 410211N 0891334W
Hinckley De Kalb 414608N 0883827W Velma Christian 393053N 0891357W
Hindsboro Douglas 394106N 0880801W Venedy Washington 382342N 0893845W
Hines Cook 415113N 0875022W Venetian Village Lake 422355N 0880309W
Hinsdale Du Page 414803N 0875613W Venice Madison 384020N 0901011W
Hitt Carroll 415941N 0894408W Vera Fayette 390203N 0890647W
Hitt La Salle 411900N 0885122W Vergennes Jackson 375408N 0892008W
Hodgeville Pope 372044N 0883337W Vermilion Edgar 393452N 0873520W
Hodgkins Cook 414608N 0875128W Vermilion Grove Vermilion 395530N 0873918W
Hoffman Clinton 383229N 0891549W Vermilion Heights Vermilion 400725N 0873912W
Hoffman Estates Cook 420234N 0880447W Vermilionville La Salle 411534N 0885944W
Hogue Town Clark 391125N 0875541W Vermont Fulton 401739N 0902540W
Hogville Landing Calhoun 390458N 0904049W Vernal Vermilion 401549N 0874158W
Holcomb Ogle 420353N 0890544W Vernon Marion 384808N 0890513W
Holcombville Corners McHenry 421730N 0881912W Vernon Hills Lake 421310N 0875846W
Holder Mclean 402704N 0884815W Verona Grundy 411304N 0883005W
Holiday Hills McHenry 421724N 0881329W Versailles Brown 395306N 0903921W
Holiday Shores Madison 385519N 0895626W Vevay Park Cumberland 391645N 0880313W
Holland Effingham 391257N 0884456W Victoria Knox 410201N 0900554W
Holland Shelby 391257N 0884456W Vienna Johnson 372455N 0885352W
Holliday Fayette 391259N 0884929W Villa Park Du Page 415323N 0875920W
Holliday Shelby 391259N 0884929W Villa Ridge Pulaski 370931N 0891141W
Hollis Peoria 403548N 0894012W Villagrove Douglas 395146N 0880944W
Hollowayville Bureau 412154N 0891749W Villas Crawford 385358N 0874513W
Hollywood Heights St Clair 383757N 0895947W Viola Mercer 411211N 0903513W
Holmes Tazewell 402301N 0893507W Virden Macoupin 393003N 0894604W
Holmes Corner Pope 371931N 0883801W Virgil Kane 415721N 0883214W
Holmes Landing Schuyler 401037N 0901210W Virginia Cass 395704N 0901244W
Homberg Pope 371931N 0883307W Volo Lake 421934N 0881004W
Homer Champaign 400205N 0875729W Voorhies Piatt 395201N 0883448W
Hometown Cook 414404N 0874353W Vulcan St Clair 383144N 0901432W
Homewood Cook 413326N 0873956W Wacker Carroll 420329N 0900246W
Honey Bend Montgomery 391519N 0893722W Waddams Grove Stephenson 422503N 0895303W
Honey Creek Ogle 415925N 0891647W Wadsworth Lake 422543N 0875526W
Hoodville Hamilton 380257N 0883138W Waggoner Montgomery 392239N 0893911W
Hookdale Bond 384935N 0891841W Wakefield Richland 385024N 0881438W
Hooper Iroquois 405609N 0873624W Walker Macon 394035N 0890024W
Hoopeston Vermilion 402802N 0874006W Walker Will 413704N 0881223W
Hooppole Henry 413120N 0895435W Walker Ford Coles 392520N 0881035W
Hope Vermilion 401220N 0875415W Walkerville Greene 392313N 0902943W
Hopedale Tazewell 402515N 0892452W Walla Walla Cumberland 391203N 0881132W
Hopkins Park Kankakee 410348N 0873730W Walnut Bureau 413324N 0893536W
Hopper Henderson 404708N 0905926W Walnut Tazewell 402902N 0892217W
Horace Edgar 394313N 0874224W Walnut Grove Mcdonough 403658N 0903333W
Horatio Gardens Lake 420952N 0875632W Walnut Hill Marion 382838N 0890236W
Hord Clay 385304N 0883116W Walnut Prairie Clark 391424N 0873958W
Hornsby Macoupin 391014N 0894442W Walpole Hamilton 375612N 0883317W
Horseshoe Saline 374156N 0882244W Walsh Randolph 380522N 0895103W
Houston Randolph 380933N 0894652W Walshville Montgomery 390415N 0893708W
Howardton Jackson 373745N 0892752W Waltersburg Pope 372244N 0883351W
Hoyleton Washington 382630N 0891627W Waltham La Salle 412600N 0890037W
Hubbard Wayne 381943N 0882136W Walton Lee 414254N 0892618W
Hubbard Woods Cook 420656N 0874434W Waltonville Jefferson 381232N 0890220W
Hubbard Woods Marion 383052N 0890123W Walz Vermilion 400812N 0873401W
Hubly Menard 400808N 0893932W Wamac Clinton 383032N 0890826W
Hudgens Williamson 373918N 0885627W Wamac Marion 383032N 0890826W
Hudson Mclean 403621N 0885914W Wanda Madison 385004N 0900219W
Huegely Washington 382420N 0891906W Wanlock Mercer 411309N 0903731W
Huey Clinton 383616N 0891728W Wapella De Witt 401313N 0885743W
Huffaker Sangamon 394029N 0895723W Ward Jackson 375100N 0891407W
Hughes Edgar 394628N 0875328W Ware Union 372652N 0892338W
Hugo Douglas 394514N 0880856W Warner Henry 412437N 0902233W
Hull Pike 394225N 0911224W Warnock Monroe 382344N 0901609W
Humboldt Coles 393615N 0881908W Warren Jo Daviess 422947N 0895922W
Hume Edgar 394748N 0875207W Warrenhurst Du Page 414922N 0881251W
Humm Wye Hardin 372738N 0882422W Warrensburg Macon 395558N 0890343W
Humrick Vermilion 395456N 0873256W Warrenville Du Page 414904N 0881024W
Hunt City Hunt PO Jasper 390304N 0880124W Warsaw Hancock 402133N 0912604W
Hunter Boone 422544N 0885215W Wartburg Monroe 381726N 0901144W
Huntley McHenry 421005N 0882541W Wartrace Johnson 372357N 0884643W
Huntsville Schuyler 401128N 0905152W Wasco Kane 415617N 0882416W
Hurricane Greene 391730N 0902924W Washburn Woodford 405509N 0891728W
Hurst Williamson 374959N 0890834W Washington Tazewell 404213N 0892426W
Hustle Vermilion 402800N 0874955W Washington Park St Clair 383806N 0900534W
Hutchins Park Winnebago 422246N 0890357W Wasson Saline 374717N 0882905W
Hutsonville Crawford 390634N 0873923W Wataga Knox 410131N 0901647W
Hutton Coles 392445N 0880504W Water Valley Union 373331N 0891031W
Idlewild Lake 422111N 0875934W Waterloo Monroe 382009N 0900859W
Idlewood Jefferson 382249N 0885522W Waterman De Kalb 414618N 0884625W
Idylside Will 413108N 0880719W Watertown Ogle 415907N 0891740W
Illiana Vermilion 401147N 0873155W Watkins De Witt 401651N 0884038W
Illiana Heights Kankakee 411008N 0873235W Watkins Mclean 401651N 0884038W
Illinois City Rock Island 412351N 0905358W Watkins Ford Pope 373209N 0883752W
Illiopolis Sangamon 395113N 0891431W Watseka Iroquois 404634N 0874411W
Imbs St Clair 383125N 0900807W Watson Effingham 390131N 0883411W
Ina Jefferson 380904N 0885414W Wauconda Lake 421532N 0880821W
Independence Pike 393153N 0904729W Waukegan Lake 422149N 0875041W
Indian Creek Lake 421337N 0875847W Wauponsee Grundy 411628N 0882940W
Indian Head Park Cook 414613N 0875408W Waverly Morgan 393530N 0895710W
Indian Hill Cook 413006N 0873852W Wayland Schuyler 401216N 0904225W
Indian Oaks Kankakee 411130N 0875105W Wayne Du Page 415703N 0881432W
Indianola Vermilion 395538N 0874424W Wayne Kane 415703N 0881432W
Industry Mcdonough 401940N 0903625W Wayne Center Du Page 415634N 0881025W
Ingalls Park Will 413121N 0880234W Wayne City Wayne 382043N 0883516W
Ingalton Du Page 415422N 0881213W Waynesville De Witt 401420N 0890723W
Ingleside Lake 422252N 0880823W Weaver Clark 392505N 0873558W
Ingleside Shore Lake 422406N 0880839W Webster Hancock 402759N 0910002W
Ingraham Clay 385010N 0882002W Webster Iroquois 404625N 0873614W
Inman Gallatin 375016N 0881023W Wedges Corner Lake 422310N 0880015W
Inverness Cook 420705N 0880546W Wedron La Salle 412610N 0884624W
Iola Clay 385004N 0883741W Weedman De Witt 401653N 0883611W
Iowa Junc Peoria 403928N 0893817W Weedman Mclean 401653N 0883611W
Iowa Junction Henderson 404114N 0910336W Welco Corners Will 414150N 0880229W
Ipava Fulton 402105N 0901928W Weldon De Witt 400716N 0884443W
Irene Boone 421013N 0885401W Welge Randolph 375723N 0894245W
Iron White 375826N 0881429W Welland La Salle 413736N 0890415W
Iroquois Iroquois 404939N 0873455W Welland Lee 413736N 0890415W
Irving Montgomery 391221N 0892416W Wellington Iroquois 403221N 0874048W
Irvington Washington 382621N 0890946W Wempletown Winnebago 422036N 0891215W
Irwin Kankakee 410308N 0875902W Wendel Bureau 413159N 0891236W
Irwins Park Sangamon 393734N 0894334W Wendelin Clay 385000N 0881622W
Isabel Edgar 393919N 0875700W Wenona Marshall 410309N 0890301W
Island Grove Sangamon 394327N 0895739W Wenonah Montgomery 391937N 0891720W
Island Lake Lake 421634N 0881131W Wertenberg Clinton 382646N 0893953W
Itasca Du Page 415830N 0880026W Wesley Tazewell 403911N 0893615W
Iuka Marion 383658N 0884725W West Brooklyn Lee 414134N 0890849W
Ivanhoe Lake 421644N 0880231W West Chicago Du Page 415305N 0881214W
Ivesdale Champaign 395636N 0882719W West City Franklin 380011N 0885618W
Ivy Monroe 380905N 0901403W West City Franklin 375938N 0885606W
Jacksonville Morgan 394402N 0901344W West Dundee Kane 420553N 0881658W
Jacob Jackson 374442N 0893213W West DuPage Park Du Page 415222N 0881057W
Jalapa Greene 391314N 0901927W West End Franklin 375324N 0884220W
Jamaica Vermilion 395928N 0874824W West End Saline 375324N 0884220W
Jamesburg Vermilion 401544N 0874456W West Frankfort Franklin 375352N 0885553W
Jamestown Clinton 384402N 0893052W West Hallock Peoria 405515N 0893821W
Jamestown Perry 380259N 0893145W West Jersey Stark 410108N 0895537W
Janesville Coles 392227N 0881437W West Junction Stephenson 421853N 0893932W
Janesville Cumberland 392227N 0881437W West Kankakee Kankakee 410707N 0875317W
Jaques Brown 395302N 0904435W West Lake Forest Lake 421319N 0875223W
Jeisyville Christian 393438N 0892418W West Liberty Jasper 385112N 0880504W
Jenkins De Witt 400910N 0890201W West Newell Vermilion 401212N 0873655W
Jenkins Williamson 375115N 0885539W West Peoria Peoria 404133N 0893740W
Jerome Sangamon 394603N 0894050W West Point Hancock 401518N 0911057W
Jerseyville Jersey 390712N 0901942W West Point Landing Fulton 401249N 0901013W
Jewell Road Du Page 415236N 0880809W West Pullman Cook 414046N 0873831W
Jewett Cumberland 391228N 0881445W West Ridge Douglas 394933N 0881301W
Jimtown Fayette 385916N 0891245W West Rural Hill Hamilton 375756N 0884118W
Joetta Hancock 402601N 0905553W West Salem Edwards 383115N 0880017W
Johannisburg Washington 382304N 0893911W West Union Clark 391257N 0873958W
Johnsburg McHenry 422248N 0881431W West Vienna Johnson 372543N 0885810W
Johnsonville Vermilion 401238N 0874011W West York Crawford 391016N 0874025W
Johnsonville Wayne 383120N 0883213W Westchester Cook 415102N 0875255W
Johnston City Williamson 374914N 0885539W Western Springs Cook 414835N 0875402W
Johnstown Cumberland 392148N 0881713W Westervelt Shelby 392844N 0885142W
Joliet Will 413130N 0880454W Westfield Clark 392723N 0875946W
Jones Coles 392709N 0882009W Westfield Corners Winnebago 421230N 0891351W
Jones Ridge Jackson 374801N 0893731W Westhaven Cook 413507N 0875035W
Jonesboro Union 372706N 0891605W Westmont Du Page 414745N 0875832W
Jonesville La Salle 411841N 0890417W Weston Mclean 404450N 0883719W
Joppa Massac 371223N 0885041W Westport Lawrence 384108N 0873223W
Joppa Junction Johnson 371947N 0890153W Westport Lawrence 384938N 0874535W
Joslin Rock Island 413326N 0901319W Westview St Clair 383213N 0900606W
Joy Mercer 411148N 0905249W Westville Vermilion 400232N 0873819W
Joy Prairie Morgan 394712N 0901753W Wetaug Pulaski 371926N 0891000W
Jules Cass 395805N 0901537W Wetzel Edgar 394222N 0874222W
Julien Hill Pope 372830N 0882843W Wheaton Du Page 415158N 0880625W
Junction Gallatin 374324N 0881412W Wheeler Jasper 390248N 0881859W
Junction City Marion 383449N 0890740W Wheeling Cook 420821N 0875544W
Justice Cook 414440N 0875016W Whitaker Kankakee 411505N 0874340W
Kahm Greene 391940N 0901539W White Ash Williamson 374722N 0885529W
Kampsville Calhoun 391752N 0903632W White City Macoupin 390353N 0894548W
Kane Greene 391124N 0902113W White City Mason 400618N 0900627W
Kaneville Kane 415007N 0883119W White Hall Greene 392613N 0902411W
Kangly La Salle 410845N 0885225W White Heath Piatt 400510N 0883046W
Kankakee Kankakee 410712N 0875140W White Hill (Chasco) Johnson 371909N 0890117W
Kansas Edgar 393310N 0875622W White Oak Montgomery 393035N 0893416W
Kaolin Union 373042N 0891800W White Pigeon Whiteside 415325N 0895328W
Kappa Woodford 404033N 0890028W White Rock Ogle 420211N 0890802W
Karbers Ridge Hardin 373447N 0882000W Whitefield Bureau 410855N 0893017W
Karnak Pulaski 371737N 0885831W Whitefield Marshall 410855N 0893017W
Kasbeer Bureau 413018N 0892748W Whittington Franklin 380521N 0885410W
Kaser Greene 391758N 0902751W Whitton Jo Daviess 421333N 0901830W
Kaskaskia Randolph 375517N 0895447W Wichert Kankakee 410326N 0874215W
Kaufman Madison 385145N 0894638W Wilbern Marshall 405648N 0891925W
Kedron Gallatin 373956N 0882029W Wilbur Heights Champaign 400833N 0881408W
Kedron Henry 412806N 0895235W Wilderman St Clair 382825N 0895621W
Keenes Wayne 382017N 0883835W Wildwood Lake 422034N 0875953W
Keenesville Wayne 382408N 0883853W Wilkinson De Kalb 420024N 0884658W
Keeneyville Du Page 415803N 0880713W Willard Alexander 370511N 0892108W
Keensburg Wabash 382102N 0875207W Willard Landing Union 372719N 0892703W
Kegley Franklin 375434N 0884435W Willeys Christian 393549N 0891400W
Keithsburg Mercer 410558N 0905633W Williams Park Lake 421515N 0881100W
Kell Marion 382928N 0885423W Williamsburg Jefferson 381340N 0890331W
Keller Peoria 404541N 0893550W Williamsburg Moultrie 394303N 0883419W
Kellerville Adams 395552N 0905604W Williamsburg Hill Shelby 391801N 0885605W
Kellogg Randolph 380057N 0900316W Williamsfield Knox 405521N 0900052W
Kellyville Vermilion 400321N 0873821W Williamson Madison 385908N 0894550W
Kelsey Mason 401437N 0900237W Williamsville Sangamon 395715N 0893255W
Kemp Douglas 394144N 0881107W Willisville Perry 375902N 0893522W
Kemper Jersey 391258N 0900952W Willisville Randolph 375902N 0893522W
Kemper Landing Monroe 380943N 0901630W Willow Jo Daviess 421641N 0895659W
Kempside Washington 381902N 0892536W Willow Bar Landing Calhoun 390644N 0904048W
Kempton Ford 405608N 0881414W Willow Hill Jasper 385945N 0880121W
Kenilworth Cook 420509N 0874303W Willow Springs Cook 414427N 0875137W
Kennedy Lake 421433N 0875217W Willowbrook Du Page 414452N 0875607W
Kenner Clay 383845N 0883405W Willowbrook Du Page 414611N 0875609W
Kenney De Witt 400548N 0890509W Wilmette Cook 420420N 0874322W
Kensington Cook 414041N 0873626W Wilmington Will 411828N 0880848W
Kent Stephenson 421831N 0895407W Wilsman La Salle 411016N 0885555W
Kentland Kendall 413247N 0882602W Wilson Lake 422220N 0880823W
Kentucky Edgar 393536N 0873640W Wilson Lake 422048N 0875422W
Kenwood Champaign 400622N 0881740W Wilson Ford Pike 395022N 0905152W
Keptown Effingham 390444N 0884011W Wilson Heights Madison 384246N 0895601W
Kernan La Salle 410834N 0884423W Wilson Landing Calhoun 390135N 0904131W
Kerrick Mclean 403311N 0885915W Wilsonville Macoupin 390415N 0895122W
Kewanee Henry 411444N 0895529W Wilton Will 412246N 0875603W
Keyesport Bond 384431N 0891625W Wilton Center Will 412105N 0875735W
Keyesport Clinton 384431N 0891625W Winchester Scott 393747N 0902722W
Keyesport Landing Bond 384524N 0891622W Windsor Shelby 392627N 0883541W
Keys Sangamon 394648N 0893423W Wine Hill Randolph 375656N 0894028W
Kibbie Crawford 390411N 0875617W Winfield Du Page 415142N 0880939W
Kickapoo Peoria 404724N 0894504W Wing Livingston 404910N 0882404W
Kickapoo Peoria 404018N 0893916W Winkel Tazewell 402056N 0893753W
Kidd Monroe 380702N 0901022W Winkle Perry 380900N 0892919W
Kidley Edgar 394442N 0873229W Winnebago Winnebago 421558N 0891428W
Kilbourne Mason 400907N 0900036W Winneberger Calhoun 385247N 0903507W
Kildeer Lake 421014N 0880252W Winneshiek Stephenson 422040N 0893138W
Kincaid Christian 393519N 0892452W Winnetka Cook 420629N 0874409W
Kinderhook Pike 394208N 0910911W Winslow Stephenson 422933N 0894732W
King Greene 391351N 0903444W Winston Jo Daviess 422004N 0902149W
Kingdom Lee 415337N 0892337W Winterrowd Effingham 385627N 0882230W
Kingman Shelby 391801N 0883335W Winthrop Harbor Lake 422844N 0874925W
Kings Coles 394045N 0875907W Winthrop Harbor Station Lake 422844N 0875042W
Kings Ogle 420015N 0890621W Witt Montgomery 391523N 0892053W
Kings Island Lake 422303N 0881051W Woburn Bond 385731N 0892047W
Kingston Adams 394900N 0910140W Wolf Creek Williamson 373736N 0890310W
Kingston De Kalb 420559N 0884532W Wolf Lake Mason 400512N 0900843W
Kingston Mines Peoria 403330N 0894629W Wolf Lake Union 373015N 0892618W
Kinmundy Marion 384624N 0885048W Wolfs Kendall 414145N 0881539W
Kinsman Grundy 411123N 0883410W Wolfs Will 414145N 0881539W
Kirkland De Kalb 420533N 0885104W Womac Macoupin 391617N 0894717W
Kirksville Moultrie 393414N 0884006W Wonder Lake McHenry 422336N 0882025W
Kirkwood Warren 405157N 0904454W Wood Dale Du Page 415748N 0875844W
Kisch Cass 395457N 0901203W Wood River Madison 385140N 0900551W
Kise Crossing Monroe 382513N 0901528W Woodbine Jo Daviess 422032N 0900843W
Kishwaukee Winnebago 420954N 0890900W Woodburn Macoupin 390251N 0900043W
Kittredge Carroll 420759N 0894644W Woodbury Cumberland 391145N 0881811W
Klines Corner Wayne 382218N 0881532W Woodcrest St Clair 383516N 0900307W
Klondike Alexander 370346N 0891354W Woodford Woodford 405048N 0890141W
Klondike Lake 422527N 0880857W Woodhull Henry 411044N 0901857W
Knapp Sangamon 394253N 0894900W Woodland Iroquois 404252N 0874352W
Knob Hill Kendall 413603N 0882950W Woodland Kankakee 410944N 0873257W
Knollwood Lake 421710N 0875308W Woodland Addition La Salle 411757N 0885000W
Knox Knox 405603N 0901517W Woodland Hills Kane 415058N 0881653W
Knoxville Knox 405430N 0901705W Woodland Junction Iroquois 404150N 0874351W
Kramm Peoria 404529N 0894655W Woodlawn Jefferson 381948N 0890157W
Kritesville Calhoun 390557N 0903951W Woodridge Du Page 414449N 0880301W
Kuhn Madison 384655N 0895235W Woodridge Lake 420910N 0874833W
Kumler Mclean 401759N 0883441W Woodruff Corners Stephenson 421639N 0892536W
L'Erable Iroquois 405412N 0875049W Woodside Sangamon 394312N 0894044W
La Clede Fayette 385247N 0884255W Woodson Morgan 393744N 0901308W
La Crosse Hancock 403144N 0910122W Woodstock McHenry 421853N 0882655W
La Fox Kane 415311N 0882432W Woodvale Warren 410126N 0903839W
La Grange Brown 395650N 0903214W Woodville Adams 401118N 0911058W
La Grange Cook 414818N 0875209W Woodworth Iroquois 403935N 0875045W
La Grange Park Cook 415005N 0875142W Woody Greene 391549N 0902906W
La Harpe Hancock 403500N 0905809W Woodyard Edgar 395156N 0873922W
La Rue Union 373244N 0892713W Woosung Lee 415412N 0893227W
Lace Du Page 414507N 0875803W Woosung Ogle 415412N 0893227W
Lacon Marshall 410129N 0892440W Worden Madison 385553N 0895020W
Ladd Bureau 412257N 0891308W Worth Cook 414123N 0874750W
Lafayette Stark 410629N 0895817W Wrights Greene 392233N 0901739W
LaHogue Ford 404548N 0880517W Wrights Corner Fayette 390746N 0885159W
Lake Barrington Lake 421245N 0880909W Wyanet Bureau 412155N 0893502W
Lake Bluff Lake 421644N 0875003W Wyckles Macon 395111N 0890144W
Lake City Moultrie 394516N 0884312W Wyckles Corners Macon 395038N 0890144W
Lake Corner Lake 421419N 0880642W Wynoose Richland 383555N 0881319W
Lake Creek Franklin 375234N 0890137W Wynoose Wayne 383555N 0881319W
Lake Forest Lake 421531N 0875026W Wyoming Stark 410342N 0894623W
Lake Forest Lake 421240N 0875312W Wyton Vermilion 400746N 0873836W
Lake Fork Logan 395814N 0892100W Xenia Clay 383809N 0883805W
Lake in the Hills McHenry 421054N 0881949W Yale Jasper 390711N 0880129W
Lake Summerset Winnebago 422716N 0892322W Yantisville Shelby 393211N 0885300W
Lake Villa Lake 422501N 0880426W Yates City Knox 404643N 0900053W
Lake Zurich Lake 421149N 0880536W Yatesville Morgan 395045N 0900337W
Lakemoor Lake 421943N 0881156W Yeager Kankakee 411228N 0874208W
Lakemoor McHenry 421943N 0881156W Yellow Banks Henderson 404349N 0910452W
Lakeview Madison 384256N 0895640W Yeomans Morgan 393902N 0900227W
Lakeview Madison 384756N 0900458W Yeoward Addition Whiteside 414529N 0893938W
Lakewood Du Page 415500N 0881151W York Clark 391017N 0873821W
Lakewood McHenry 421345N 0882118W York Center Du Page 415125N 0875916W
Lakewood Mason 401450N 0900506W Yorktown Bureau 413411N 0895100W
Lakewood Shelby 391930N 0885358W Yorkville Kendall 413828N 0882650W
Lakewood Shores Will 411654N 0880841W Youngsdale Kane 415926N 0882026W
Lamb Hardin 373154N 0880729W Youngstown Warren 403938N 0903702W
LaMoille Bureau 413154N 0891647W Yuton Mclean 403200N 0890337W
Lanark Carroll 420608N 0895000W Zanesville Montgomery 391920N 0893911W
Lancaster Peoria 403449N 0895014W Zearing Bureau 412644N 0891902W
Lancaster Wabash 383252N 0875155W Zeigler Franklin 375358N 0890307W
Landes Crawford 385153N 0875321W Zenith Wayne 383255N 0883721W
Lane De Witt 400721N 0885120W Zenobia Christian 393143N 0893201W
Lanesville Sangamon 395109N 0892056W Zenobia Sangamon 393143N 0893201W
Langham Grundy 411748N 0883204W Zier Cors Carroll 420914N 0894925W
Langley Bureau 412209N 0894117W Zion Lake 422646N 0874958W

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