"While In The Servis"

Leonard Pierpont

Company K, 76th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

Submitted by Chandice Johnson, who transcribed it from the original.



1st It is cold & windy & it did not thaw only where the sun shone it froze hard last night

2nd It froze hard & I have to go on picket

3rd It is cloudy & began to rain some through the day

4th It rained last night & to day

5th Last night came off cold & it froze hard & Sam & I went to Bovins & got his compensation money & it did not thaw much through the day

6th It is cold through the day

7th It is warm & pleasent & thawed in the afternoon & there was a Telegraph wire put up by camp

8th John Keplinger & I went to Vicksburg

9th I am on picket with four men out of the Co

10th One of my eyes took sore the 46th Iii started home on Veteran furlough our Reg't was detailed to guard foraging

11th The Regt started at 7 oclock I did not go they went up the Yazoo Valey to guard a forage train in the afternoon Maj Generl McPherson & Geni Dennis made a veteran speach to the 14 & 15 Ills

12th Cloud & nasty all day

13th The Reg't got back this noon

14th Cleaned up camp for Geni Mcpherson & Hunter but did not come

15th Five boys from a Co went out after a wagon they left while out on the trip but did not get it but shot at some rebs

17th Cloudy & rained some through the day

18th Last night it rained cleared in the morning & I got a letter from home

19th Answered yesterdays letter & got a Magazine


21st Co drill

22nd Co Drill in the forenoon & Battalin in the Afternoon & at night the Co signed the pay rolls

23rd I went to town & got my watch fix


25th Got a letter from James R Bishop


27th Sent the first years camp life home


29th Got a letter from Mary

30th Answered Marys letter

31st Last night it rained & at noon we got orders to pack up & at one oclock we started & marched to Crockers Head Quarters & went in to camp


1st Last night it rained but cleared off to day

2nd Got the tents over & put them up

3rd Started on a march towards Jackson & marched to Edwards Station & stoped for the night

4th We started sun rise & marched about 10 miles when skirmish was needed 15th skirmished & we had to march in line of battle supporting the skirmishers there was a good deal of shoting a Lt in the 15 had a leg broke two boys in the 12 Wis killed by a shell

5th We were in the rear to day of the Corps & we got into camp about 9 oclock at night came through Clinton & camped within about six miles burnt houses & fences

6th Marched to Jackson & at noon I was detailed to go after corn, went six miles got back after night & the Reg't was gon we followed them through Jackson & across Pearl River where they were in Camp got back at 9 oclock

7th Marched to Brandon 12 miles

8th Marched 16 miles there was skirmishing most of the way & there was a woman killed by them there was several prisoners taken we were in front we camped on a creek Billiehatchie

9th Sevral prisoners came in this morning & we marched to Morton about 8 miles & Genr'l Huribut Corps joined ours (the 17th)

10th We are in the rear & marched through Hi lisburough & went into camp about 4 miles from there

11th We marched about 8 miles & stoped & eat supper & then went about two miles through a mud swamp after night to guard Shermans Head Quarters

12th Started at 4 oclock PM & stoped at Decatur about 11 oclock & 13 miles

13th We went with a hop step & a jump all day & marched about 13 miles

14th Marched to Chunk River over a hilly portion of the cuntry It was level before got three days rations to last five days left the teams behind with a guard

15th Marched to Marridean this morning & it rained all the way like split & we went into houses it cleared of at noon & at night the Co went on picket

16th Marched to Enterprise 20 miles

17th Last night it rained hard the Divission tore up Rail Road

18th We tore up rail road to day & there was a sift of snow & pretty cold for the boys that left there Blankits with the teams

19th Marched 5 miles west of Marridean got one days ration to last three days

20th Marched 13 miles & drawed some hard tack

21st Marched

22nd Marched

23rd Marched

24th Marched ground

25th Marched the nv to Decatur 18 miles a detail made to go after Meet for the Reg't I was one to Hilisburough & overtook the teams about 14 miles & stoped for the night marched over very springy to Pearl River by noon & stoped for a bridge to be built across ar Huribut Corps pass us there

26th There was a detail to go after forage for the Reg't I was one (30 of us) went about 10 miles got about 2,000 lbs of meet & as the Reg't did not come up we had to go back to the river the Reg't just cross & stoped

27th We lay in camp to day & most of the wagon train was sent on to Vicksburg & the sick with them Wm Charles went from our Co

28th Marched to Canton

29th Lay in camp & it was a misty disagreable day


1st Last night it rained & till noon to day we marched in the morning through the mud about six miles & I went on picket

2nd We are in the rear of the Corps & the rebs skirmished with the Cavalry all day we shelled them several times through the day We got into Camp at 12 oclock at night

3rd We marched 15 miles

4th Marched 18 miles & got into our old camp home about one oclock Got a letter from Walter Father Mother Mary Lucy

5th I went on picket this morning

6th Had Co inspection

7th Raised our tents

8th Wrote a letter home & one to Brother Walter

9th It rained pretty hard to day

10th The 46 Reg't came back from on Veteran furlough

11th Got a Magazine Sam & I went to Vicksburg came back on the cars

12th I was on fatigued in Camp

13th The 14 Chaplin preached in our Camp to day

14th The Reg't turned over there Enfield guns at night I went over to the 4 Iowa Cavalry to meeting in a meeting house that they have built

15th I went to meeting again to night quite cool

16th The Reg't drawed there Springfield rifles one man & myself cut wood for the Co in the afternoon

17th It is cool but pleasent to day

18th Sam & I went to town got my watch & to see Tom Cater came back on the cars S Mitchel started home on furlough

19th Cold & unpleasent all day

20th Rained some last night had inspection this morning & then went to meeting & then wrote a letter to Newton it was a misty day

21st Last night it rained very hard & this morning ten men & 2 Corporals (myself among them) went on picket & it was cold disagreable day Wm Charles went to the Reg't Hospital

22nd Last night it rained & when we were relieved it cleared off James R Bishop came back

23rd We drilled one hour in the fournoon & one hour in the afternoon & the Reg't drawed clothes

24th It is cool to day we drilled in the afternoon

25th It rained some today & in the afternoon it cleared off & the Co Drilled

26th I went to the Comissary & got some Kraut for the L't & myself

27th Had Co inspection

28th This morning it is raining very hard at noon it cleared off

29th It is very windy & rather cool & I wrote Nick Rathiser a letter in the Hospital & I got a Magazine

30th I am on picket 18 of the boys out of the Co

31st It rained to day & in the afternoon it hailed some


1st It is cool & windy

2nd I am on picket & it is pleasent all day

3rd It is cloudy & it rained some

4th Last night it rained & blowed very hard I got a letter from home at roll call we got orders to be ready to march at 7* oclock in the morning

5th We marched to Black River & went into Camp got there at 9* oclock & the 20 and 124 Ills left on the cars for Vicksburg

6th Answered Fathers letter I was on fatigued in Camp at night the 11 Ills came in the Cars Corporal Wm Carman started home on furlough

7th It rained I got a letter from Newton

8th Last night it rained Cleared off quite pleasent

9th Cloudy & looks like rain

10th Did not rain & Sam & I went to Vicksburg to see I Cater & stayed all night at the Soldier Home went on the Cars

11th Came back to Black river from Vicksburg

12th I was on fatigued in Camp Batallion drilled twice

13th Battalion drilled in the forenoon Co drilled in the afternoon

14th Batallion & Co drill

15th Brig'd inspection

16th I was on fatigued staking off Review ground General review by Gen'l McArther at night the boys tore up a trade store

17th Co inspection & inspection of Quarters so as to find the goods lost in the store found none

18th There was drille

19th I was on fatigued in Camp

20th There was drille

21st Geni Dennis inspected the Camp

22nd Last night I detailed for Patrol Guard through the night

23rd It rained some last night Simon Mitchel came back from on furlough & brought me some things from home wrote Mother a letter

24th Co inspection at night the new Chaplin preached promoted from Co B


26th I was on fatigued to work on the Pontoon Bridge a cross the river which had broke lose from a recent rain

27th At night we got marching orders we moved the Camp equipage to the rail road I was detailed to guard it

28th Lay still all night loaded one train this morning at noon the rest went in myself with it to Vicksburg

29th Black River evacuated the Reg't came in last night & stayed to the depot moved out to Camp this morning south of town Burnt all out to the river At night got orders to move camp

30th Moved Camp north of town Wm Watkins got back from recruiting service Got a letter from Father & one from Mary At night mustered


1st Last night it rained some this morning is cool & windy

2nd Fix up the tents

3rd Answered Fathers & Marys letters, & at night we got orders to be ready to march at six in the morning

4th Started & marched 20 miles by sun down Our Reg't was the advance Reg't of Infantry

5th Our Reg't was in the rear & train Guard marched 20 miles to Mechani csburg

6th Marched 15 miles

7th We started before light got to Benton [Mississippi] by noon & got in line of Battle there was a good deal of canonading going on for a while then the Rebs left some killed went into Camp at night I went on picket

8th Lay in camp all day I came off of picket in the morning there was not much excitement through the day

9th Lay in camp most of the day fell in line & marched out to the picket line they had been shot into

10th Lay in camp teams went to Yazoo City after rations sick went with them Lt Dillie went in the afternoon it rained pretty hard

11th It is clear & pleasent & our Reg't went out about 2 miles to guard a bridge while some scouts were a cross at night I went on picket got orders to march

12th We were relieved at daylight marched about half a mile & lay there all day at night got orders to march at 5 oclock in the morning

13th We started we were in the advance the cavalry skirmished most of the way some canonading the Reg't marched in line three or four miles without much loss of life some rebis killed a Cap't in the nigger Cavalry wounded marched to Deasonville

14th The 11 Ills & the Cay went out to burn a rail road bridge they got back at noon got two or three killed got back to Benton at dark

15th Started at 9 oclock & marched to Yazoo City got there at 3 oclock 10 miles

16th Lay in Camp all day walked through town in the afternoon

17th I went after forage we went out about 4 miles

18th Started & marched down the Yazoo Valley went 15 miles

19th Marched down the Yazoo Valley 15 miles stoped at 3 oclock for the night

20th Marched to Haines Bluff 16 miles got there about 3 oclock would of went through but the Battery horses could not stand it

21st Marched to Vicksburg by 10 oclock found a letter from home & one from Newton & at night signed the Pay rolls

22nd Answered Fathers letter


24th Drawed six months pay


26th I was detailed for fatigued in town but did not work came home at noon built a shade before the tents

27th Wrote a letter to Newton


29th Had inspection of Co wrote a letter to Father $20 in it


31st I was on detail cleaning Camp


1st The Reg't shot at Target

2nd Wrote a letter to Father $20 in it in the afternoon it rained & blew quite hard so that it blew down most the Officers tents in the reg't Suttlers with the rest

3rd It rained some

4th I was detailed for fatigued in town cleaning up streats at noon there was an expedition started up the river to open the blockade at Greenville Got a magazine The reg't shot at target Nick Rathiser [kill?] last night

5th Had Co inspection

6th It rained last night & most of to day

7th It rained very hard

8th Last night it rained I went on picket (Sam to) in the Afternoon it rained very hard

9th. Last night it rained & I write to R S Chamberlin

10th I wrote a letter to Mary

11th Last night I was on guard in Camp

12th Had Co inspection

13th It is quite pleasent I went to town

14th I went to the Hospital to see some of the boys I went a blackberrying in the morning

15th I was detailed to guard a soda fountain got a letter from home one hour Co drill in the mornings Co shot at Target in the Afternoon

16th Answered Father letter

17th I went a blackberrying Got a letter from Newton

18th It is very hot

19th To day is very hot & at night I went to town to the Presbyterian church

20th I went on picket


22nd I went a blackberrying wrote a letter to Newton

23rd I was on detail to get brush for shade in the Co

24th I went to town to see a Negro soldier shot for shoting a woman that live with him At night I got a letter from Father reporting Walter missing

25th I went to town & started a box home in the afternoon I answered Fathers letter L't Dillie came back from home at night got marching orders

26th Started & marched out on the rail road to Mount Auborn about six miles

27th Went in to camp there

28th We fix up camp fix shades over the Co & at noon we got marching orders at night we started down the rail road went about two miles got on the cars & came to town

29th Last night marched up to our old camp lay there till 4 oclock when we moved camp to where the 52 Regulars were

30th I am detailed for fatigued unloading boat Got marching orders


1st Started this morning & marched to Black River at night it rained

2nd Last night there was a L't out of the 11 Ills Cavalry drowned in clear creak while crossing on the Grand rounds found him this morning they put the Pontoon Bridge across the River

3rd Started & marched to Champion hill got there at half past two rained after we stoped pretty hard

4th Started at [?J oclock & marched to Clinton by three oclock had some skirmish some rebs killed some ours wounded at night we moved to the north side of town had to lay on our arms

5th Started at sun rise (got up at one oclock) our Reg't was train guard a good deal of skirmishing done most of the way with some canonading we got into Jackson about 4 oclock

6th Started back at 4 oclock PM got about 2 miles from town & were stoped by the rebs & part of the Reg't was put out as skirmishers & part to support a Battery (Boltons) there was a good deal of canonading for some time the shell flew pretty close we lay low till after dark when we fell back & lay down for the night

7th This morning at 4 oclock we got in line & moved forward & the rebs began to fire on us we held them till past 8 oclock when the train got past we fell back with a good deal of loss then we started for Clinton got there at 10 oclock the rebs at our rear all the time they charged the Battery once (Boltons) and not but once for the 11 Ills Inf't was read to receive them the Battery also (with canister) Our Co lost killed J Alkire E Bratten J E McCulluch L Dillieback S Rowley I Stamp E Hawkins J Siny several wounded Corp'l Atkison Corp'l Higgins J Keplinger Napolean Rinville £ Horton several other slightly got to Baker Creak that night

8th Started at sun r1 & marched slow got to Black River at 5 oclock there is missing from the Reg't 85 Got a letter from Mary & a Magazine

9th Shot of[f] the guns packed at noon to go to Vicksburg started at 4 oclock & marched in on the Railroad

10th Put up our tents this evening

11th Answered Mary letter at night it rained

12th Sam Charles & myself am on picket

13th I went to see the wounded boys

14th Got a letter from Newton

15th Answered Newton letter P Michals started home on furlough & I went to the Hospital

16th Sam & I went on picket


18th Built a shade over the Co I went to the hospital


20th I am on picket J B Bishop started for St Louis on furlough

21st I went to the Hospital

22nd I am on picket The Runyan sunk James R Bishop with her

23rd Cleaned my gun most of the day

24th I am on picket at the river

25th I went to the Hospital to see the boys

26th John Keplinger came back from the Hospital Got orders to be ready to leave by water

27th I am on picket

28th I went to town & exhange my shoes at the Quarter Masters Got a letter from R S Chamberlin at night got marching orders to be ready at any minute took down all the tents but two for the Convalescents & took them to the River

29th Started at sun rise & marched to the River got onto the Marine Boat B J Adams then put on the load & started in the Afternoon down the river

30th We landed at Morgan Bend about 10 oclock went into Camp between the River & levee I was on detail unloading the boat got through by night went to camp & put up tents

31st Fix up bunks at night I was detailed for picket


1st Was relieved from picket at 8 oclock


3rd I went & caught a mess of [shrimp?] Answered R S Chamberlins letter

4th Boltons Batery started up the river to Vicksburg

5th I was on detail to cut & haul brush for shades for Co

6th Had Brig'd inspection & a man floted down the river & the boys got him out & burned him he no clothing on except a Pair of socks & one shoe

7th Last night there was two from a Co detailed (I was one) to go out beyond the Cav'ly picket on guard started at midnight came back just before day light Got a letter from Mary Two papers Magazine

8th I answered yesterday letter from Mary

9th It rained some & blew quite hard


11th I was on detail sweeping Co streat

12th It rained hard

13th Drilled in the Afternoon

14th Had Co inspection Parrade in the afternoon

15th Ten men & a Corp'l on picket I was one it rained some We were on the Cav'ly reserve

16th It was very hot rained with Thunder & lightning

17th It rained all day

18th I am detailed on picket 10 men & a corp'l at Cay reserve


20th It rained all the forenoon then cleared off

21st The convalescents came to the Regt & the men that was on detail at Vicksburg I was detail for picket

22nd We had to fix up our tent as ours was one that was left was on drill in the afternoon

23rd Was on drill in the morning at 5 PM we got orders to march at sun down got on the boat at 11 oclock I was detail to help load the boat Free Stone left the camp

24th at 2 oclock AM got on & at 4 we started down the river & landed at Port Hudson at 7 oclock & the same detail that loaded the boat had to unload we drawed 5 days rations making 6 days & started at 5 oclock PM on a march

25th Marched all night till day light when the advance were shot into when our Co & three others were put out as skirmishers supported by the rest of the Reg't did not see any thing were within two miles of Jackson took an other road more south marched all day hearing a canon once & a while stoped half an hour for eat then marched to Clinton got there about 4 oclock Calvin Todd deserted the skirmish line in the morning

26th We lay in Camp till 4 oclock PM then started back marched about half w between Clinton & Jackson & stoped till morning it was 9 oclock when w stoped

27th Started on this morning & marched till 9 oclock & then stoped till oclock then we started on & marched till 9 oclock & stoped till mornin

28th Started & marched into Port Hudson got there at past 8 oclock & at [1 oclock PM we went to the boat landing I had to help load the boat got o the Chauteau

29th We started at three oclock up the river 11 Ills on with us landed Morganza [Louisiana] at sun rise & went up to camp

30th Last night the Drum Major died we lay in camp & cleaned up generally

31st Wrote Father a letter & one to John Keplinger Mustered this morning at noon we got orders to be ready to march at a moments warning


1st Extry sweep the streat

2nd At night I was detailed for guard duty at Camp

3rd Last night at midnight we got marching orders to go at six in th morning loaded the boat Nebraska in the forenoon & at three oclock the Reg't got on & the 46 brig'd head Quarters with us went down to th lower landing & the 87 mounted inf'ry got on (the horses on a barge lashed them to our boat)

4th We started at day light up the river got to Natchez at sun down 7 boat in the fleet

5th Past Grand Gulf this morning & arrived at Vicksburg at 5 oclock PM th troops got off while they washed the boats & lay on land that night

6th We got on & started at 7 oclock

7th Last night a boy in Co A died & we stoped & burned him on the rive bank started on stoped at Greenville about three hours

8th Run all night & stoped at sun rise at the Mouth of white river unloadec & went into camp in a cotton field & put up our tents

9th Got a letter from Mary

10th Answered Marys letter

11th Went to the 37 Ills found Chaplain Bishop at night went to his meetir (Sam & I)

12th Bishop came to see Sam & I


14th Got a letter from Father

15th Had Divission inspection the 37 [nonveterans started home?]

16th I was on camp duty last night


18th Had Co inspection Cut Michals hair

19th Co H & K sent one man from a tent a fishing had good luck I got a turtle Co prize drille before Head Quarters Co A drille

20th I cooked my Turtle for Dinner (and it eat fine) Got a letter from Newton B drilled in morning C afternoon

2lnd Answered Newtons letter Co E & D drilled to day

22nd Co F & G drilled I rubed the old gun

23rd Co H & I drilled

.24th Sam.& I got a letter from John .P Day I wrote a letter to John Keplinger

25th Had Co inspection Battery fired a national salute for the victory of Sheridan over Early & then Cap't Davis (Comisary Cap't) made a speach


27th I drille a squad of recruits

28th I wrote a letter for George Travis who was sick in Hospital

29th It began to rain about 4 oclock & up set a good many of the tents before light I went on picket it stoped raining & was quite pleasent

30th Was relieved got into camp & it began to rain & rained till noon very hard & drizzle the rest of the day


1st It rained last night but cleared off this morning pleasent

2nd Had Co inspection Crabtree & I went out into the timber & found a bee tree

3rd Wm Charles P Michals Crabtree & I went out & cut the bee tree & got 75 or 100 lbs of honey It was out about three miles through the brush & vines

4th It rained most of the day & we strained honey

5th Got a letter from Newton

6th Crabtree & I went out & found another bee tree Answered Newtons letter

7th The same crowd went out & cut the bee tree that went before sold about $13 worth for cash I got a letter from Father

8th Answered Fathers letter

9th Last night I set up with Lt Dillie till one oclock This morning had Co inspection


11th I set up with the Lt from one oclock till morning At sundown Wm Crawford died in Quarters he has not been well for a year or more

12th Last night I was on guard in camp. At one oclock Wm Crawford was burned


14th Got a letter from Mary Had Gen'l inspection

15th Answered Marys letter got a'Magazine

16th I went on picket

17th L't Dillie started north he has been very sick for some time George Travis started home on furlough

18th This morning we got marching orders marched onto the boat L I McGill started at noon up the river left a camp behind took most of the tents

19th Run all night stoped at Helena & coaled got to Memphis about noon unloaded & went into Camp inside of the fort got the tents up by sun down

20th Got up at 5 oclock & stacked arms in line of battle I wrote a letter for p Michals

21st Stacked Arms at 5 oclock Battalion drill Afternoon

22nd Stacked Arms John Keplinger came back from on furlough Sam & I went to town & got a box he brought for us from home

23rd Had Co inspection

24th Sher came into camp with a lot of recruits for the 8 Ills our Reg't started out to guard some wood chopers but the order was countermanded & we got marching orders At night I was detail for guard in camp

26th Last night it rained very hard drove some of the boys out of there tents it run under them

27th We got orders to strike tents to embark we went onto the boat John H Dickey & started about one oclock down the River the wind blew very hard At 8 oclock we stoped & put out pickets

28th We started at six oclock stoped about half an hour at Helena got to White River about 9 oclock at night went up to camp put up our tents & went to bed the 11 Ills came in the night

29th I got a letter from Mother & one from Newt It began to rain about noon the 8 Ills & 30 Ills came back Got two Litchfield papers

30th Last night it rained had Co inspection

31st Had Monthly inspection & Muster


1st I am on picket with three boys from Co B & it rained about noon Cap't Davis started home on furlough L't Mitchel from Co F took conin'd of the Co

2nd Wrote a letter to Mother & one to Newt

3rd We built a fire place in the tent

4th It cleared of[f] pretty cold

5th I was on detail & had 12 men with me to build the baker a house to bake in

6th Got a letter from Mary & got two Litchfield papers Had Reg't inspection at night got marching orders & to take everything

7th Took down tents & moved onto the boat Ella & started up white river we had to get of[f] & walk about half a mile so the boat could get over a sand bar got on & went a few miles & stoped for the night put out pickets

8th Started at light & past St Charles through the day tied up at night I am on detail guarding the 8 Ills post

9th Started at light & got to Du Vals Bluff [De Valls Bluff, Arkansas] in the afternoon got off & went into Camp about a mile from the river

10th Choped down the Timber in the Camp lines & put up the tents

11th Answered Marys letter of the 9th Got orders to put up Cabins As I an't very well I help cook for the rest while they work

12th The 11 Ills came the boys are hard at work

13th Got most of the logs built up to day

14th I am on picket on the Brownville Road I got a Magazine & Paxton paper

15th Came off of picket & the boys have got the cabin covered got the chimney up & cracks stoped up one of the boys was out & got a hog

16th We made the bunks & moved in at night


18th It rained most of the time

19th I got a letter from Newton

20th I am on fatigued with six boys from the Co Cleaning up quarters got a letter from Father & Mary

21st Fix up cabin some Answered Newton letter also one from home

22nd Last night it froze pretty hard

23rd Fix up a cubbord in the shanty

24th I am on picket on the Ozark Road



27th Rained Call three days] Got marching orders went onto the boat Sir Wm Wallace got on about sun down Cos H G B & K got on this boat the rest of the reg't went on the Poland


29th Started at 7 oclock AM & had a hull of another boat lashed to us couldn't run very fast stoped little after sun down 8 men two Corps & a Serg't went out of the Co on picket I was one

30th Started at six Got to St Charles at one oclock At 5 oclock we had to stop & cut wood to run the boat lay to all night


1st Started at day light got to the mouth at night wooded & coaled stoped all night

2nd Started up the Miss river at light tied up about 2 hours at night for a storm then run all night

3rd Got to Helena at light coaled & wooded which took till noon then run all day

4th Got to Memphis at sun rise went out to camp where the rest of the Reg't were got two papers sent Newton a letter

5th I was on camp guard last night & to day got a letter from Mary & Lucy

6th Answered yesterdays letters Had Co drill

7th Drille pretty cool all day

8th Drille got two papers

9th Last night it snowed some cold & windy all day

10th I went to town


12th It is pretty cool but thawed some got some timber to fix our tents up with

13th We raised our tent & it thawed till it was quitemudy

14th We fix our fireplace

15th Corporal Wm Atkison came back from furlough

16th Got two papers a recruit came for the Co it began to rain I am detail for camp guard


18th Had Co inspection

19th Sixteen men went out on the Cars after wood for the Reg't I did't go

20th It is raining some to day

21st I got a letter from Father & Newton a detail went after wood on the Cars

22nd Last night it froze quite hard & I answered yesterdays letters from home


24th I am on duty in camp guarding At nigh had an Oyster Supper

25th Last night it rained

26th It is clear & the mud dried up a good deal

27th I went to town got a letter from Mary

28th Answered yesterdays letter to Mary

29th At night there was twenty detailed out of the Co to be ready at15 past 6 oclock in the morning with two days rations I was one

30th Started & marched down to the river & stood a round an hour or two & then came up to camp with no success

31st Had inspection & muster at 9 oclock AM At noon we got marching orders Got a letter from Father & Lucy stating that he had sent a box to me We went down to the landing about sun down & got on the boat Niagare & started down the river about 9 oclock

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