This is the Illinois Monument in Bragg Reservation. It lists the regiments from Illinois that participated in the assault on Missionary Ridge.

This is a panel on the north side of the Illinois Monument in Bragg Reservation, Chattanooga, TN. Obviously, this lists the regiments in Harker's Brigade and the commanders in the assult on Missionary Ridge.

The reservation is so named since Bragg's Headquarters for his Army of Tennessee was in this location during the assault. The other funny thing about this location is that on arriving at the crest with his division, Phil Sheridan was so excited at the capture of the artillery pieces at the summit of Missionary Ridge, that he leapt on and straddled one of the cannons and waived his hat in the air. Not to be outdone, Harker also leapt on and straddled one of the captured cannons. Unfortunately forhim, he chose one that had been firing recently and was still very hot. He immediately jumped back off, but not before scorching his "uniform" so badly that he couldn't sit on a horse for two weeks.

On a more gallant note, Sheridan and his division were the only troops to pursue the retreating confederates past the crest of the ridge. As other supporting troops were not pursuing as well, Sheridan halted the chase.

Many thanks to Jim Willison who submitted this information.

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