Eighteenth Annual Reunion


Survivors of the Seventy-Third Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry

Page 4

Submitted by Jo Rice

We could look over the hills and over the ocean seeing that vast body of water, the Atlantic Ocean, and the islands near the coast. Oh, it was simply grand. Boston is a well fortified city. There are three forts being constructed. After that ride we visited Plymouth which is also a beautiful city, thoroughly alive with its factories. It is also quiet a wealthy city. Brockton is another thorough city. We passed through "Braintree" for tradition has it that an Indian had his brains beaten out on a tree, hence the name "Braintree." We saw the homes of Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin and Henry W. Longfellow and many other celebrities of Boston. The people of Plymouth take great pride in telling you that the Pilgrims landed here. They gave us souvenirs and made the soldiers feel that this was their country. The was a lady on the trolley suggested, as we were late for dinner at the hotel, she would show us to a nice restaurant where we had a lovely meal and then she offered to show us over Plymouth in the afternoon. When the lady returned we visited the Unitarian church. The Pilgrims erected the original church. It is built near the hill where their fort had been established and when about one-half of their number died from exposure they burned them and planted corn over the graves to conceal their loss from the Indians. A magnificent new church has been placed near the old one and in the church is placed a stone that was brought by Senator Hoar from the church in Holland, where they used to worship. There is a cemetery near the church and a large rock, known as Plymouth rock, marks the place where the Pilgrims landed and where they read the scriptures and offered prayer to their Heavenly Father and signed the immortal compact agreement that they would stand by each other. In the city hall they have collected everything that they could that petained to the Mayflower and the Pilgrims. They have the cradle that was used by the first child born in that country after their arrival. After visiting all these places of interest the lady who had so kindly shown us around returned to her home. We offered to pay her for her kindness but she refused it by saying that she had enjoyed it very much herself and was only delighted to show us over the city. We afterward learned that she was very wealthy and her husband owned one of the largest factories in Plymouth. Then we took a trip on the ocean from Boston to Portland and return. We were out on the ocean, no land in sight and about three o'clock we ran into a school of whales. There were about twelve wales in the school, some of them very large, and they threw water to a height of thirty or forty feet. We certainly enjoyed the sight very much. It is said a person may cross the Atlantic ocean a number of times without seeing a whale, but in crossing the Pacific ocean they are frequently seen. So we felt our experience was something unusual and enjoyed it all the more. It was a beautiful afternoon and we had a delightful trip. Our comrades certainly enjoyed every hour of their visit. The Eastern people are very reserved until you make an approach and show yourself friendly, and then they are very sociable and will do anything to make your visit pleasant. They have a peculiar way of building their houses in the country. They are usually frame houses, with windows made with a double sash. The house and barn join each other, which seemed queer to us. This is generally the order of the rooms and buildings: First the parlor, sitting room, dinning room, kitchen, coal shed and then the immense barn. The Eastern people enjoy themselves and are very careful to have protection and shelter for their stock. They have nice apples and peaches and raise good sweet corn. Their soil is not very productive, but they have less weeds than we have in Illinois. You see blue grass everywhere. I remarked to a man about a nice field of blue grass and he said: "Why, do you call that blue grass, we call it green grass." Perhaps you did not know that the apple is claimed as a native of the state of Maine, as it growes wild in the forests there. Maine has a number of good qualities. It observes the Sabbath day, very rigedly--for everything is closed on Sunday. It is also a Prohibition state. When I travel over the United States it is then that I fully realize what a glorious country it is, and I love it more and more.
After Comrade Ingergsol's talk, it was suggested that Comrade Randall tell the comrades about "The Living Flag," which was exhibited at Boston.

Comrade Randal's trip to Boston:
He said that Boston had promised the old soldiers a royal welcome if they would come to their city and it made their hearts leap with joy when they entered the city and found a host of delegates at the train to welcome them and everything provided for their entertainment and enjoyment while visiting in their city. Comrade Ingersol has told about the many points of interest they visited and the kindness we received. We were given a reception and then were told of the arrangements for the Sabbath day, of which Comrade Ingersol has told you about. The streets of Boston are very wide and they were thronged with people and nearly sixty per cent of the crowd was young men and women. As the old soldiers marched along, the shouts and cheers of welcome arose from the crowd and it seemed as if every one was filled with patriotism. The city displayed about sixteen floats, representing many subjects. They were beautiful in their construction but one thing thrilled us and that was "The Living Flag." There were twenty-two hundred children took part in this flat. There were children dressed in red and white representing the stripes and forty-five children dressed in white surrounded by those dressed in blue, representing the stars and they kept swaying as tossed by the breeze, and they sang the beautiful piece we all love "The Star spangled Banner". And as every man passed the living flag, they uncovered their heads in reverence. The children sang that song for four hours. There were sixty seven bands in procession and as all passed review they played "Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot?" The sublimity of that occasion will never be forgotten. After Comrade Randall's talk, Comrade Kearne was called and he said, "he did not care to make a speech, but he had been wondering since Comrade Ingersol's talk if that bullet hole had grown any larger." As there was no other business the meeting adjourned to meet in Springfield in 1905.

Major Joseph L. Morgan.

From Quincy Journal, December 8, 1904:

Major Joseph L. Morgan, one of Quincy's most highly respected and worthy citizens, was found dead in his bed at his home in this city at Eighth and Spring streets, at 7 o'clock this morning. The summons was very sudden as his family had no intimation that he was feeling badly when he retired at midnight last night. The direct cause of death was cerebal apoplexy. The deceased closes an active life. He was recognized as one of the leading and progressive business men of Quincy, having been connected until the last few years with the well known firm of Clark & Morgan since 1871. At the time of his death he was being urged by friends to accept an appointment under the new republican state administration. In everything the major undertook he was thorough and was ever ready to give his time and money towards the upbuilding of Quincy. He was an honored member and officer of the Congregational church. Major Morgan had a war record that showed him to be a soldier who did things that counted in the war of the rebellion. The major was born at Alton, Illinois, on March 8, 1843. His father, James Madison Morgan, came from Baltimore to Alton in 1836, and was one of the most prominent of the early residents of that town. After securing a good common school education the deceased was employed as salesman at Alton for a time and in the fall of 1861 came to Quincy to attend school. On August 10th, 1862 he left school to enlist in Company H. Seventy-third Illinois Volunteer Infantry, being appointed sergeant. On February 28, 1863 he was elected first lieutenant of his company and the following April was commissioned captain. On June 14, 1864, he was detatched from his command and detailed as assistant inspector general of the Second Division, Fourth Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, serving in the Atlanta campaign. In December 1864 he was brevetted major by the president of the United States for bravery and valor at the battle of Nashville. He served on the staff of General John Newton, General Wagner and General Washington L. Elliott, and did not leave the service until after the close of the war. His regiment possibly saw as hard and desperate service as any command in the Union army. The list of battles where the major encountered the gravest danger, is a long one, including, as it does, the memorable five days' fight at Stone river; the rout of General Bragg across Lookout Mountain; at Chicamauga, where his comrade, C. H. Castle, of this city, was shot five times; at Missionary Ridge, the major's command being in the lead; relief of Burnside at Knoxville, in command of regiment, marching across the country and finding their own sustenance; Rocky Face Ridge; New Hope Church; Peach Tree Creek; the siege of Atlanta, and the campaign around Atlanta to Jonesboro. He was at Pulaski, Tenn., to oppose Hood. His regiment bore the brunt of the engagement at the battle of Franklin, where thirteen confederate generals were killed or wounded and 6,000 confederate soldiers were killed and wounded. The major's memorable army campaign was closed in East Tennessee, being mustered out at Nashville June 12, 1865. Major Morgan was married February 7, 1867 to Miss Helen VanDorn, daughter of the late John K. VanDorn. The deceased is survived by his widow, one son, Fred, of Cincinnatia and one daughter, Mrs. Jesse Goetz, a mother 93 years of age, at present residing in St. Louis, one brother, Major J. N. Morgan, of St. Louis, two sisters, Mrs. John Homan, of Minneapolis, and Mrs. Loar, of Ottumwa. The deceased was a member of the Knights Templar, Quincy Council Royal Arcanum and John Wood Post, G.A.R. It was the intention of the local areanum council to have elected the major at to-night's meeting regent of the council. He carried a life insurance policy in this order for $3,000. The council has named a special committee, consisting of C. S. Tuffli, E. F. Bradford and J. W. Meyers to offer the condolence of the lodge to the bereaced family. The Major was local agent of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Milwaukee, at the time of his death. The citizens of Quincy laid to rest in Woodland cemetery the remains of Major Joseph L. Morgan. Due homage was paid to a most worthy husband, father and citizen. The large auditorium of the Congregational church never contained a more representative body of citizens of Quincy. The arrangements for the funeral service were in charge of George H. Lyford, a close friend of the deceased. The pallbearers were as follows: Honorary--C. H. Castle, O. B. Gordon, J. H. Clark, Capt. William Sommerville, Major James E. Adams, and F. W. Jansen; active pallbearers--M. K. Weems, Fred Reed, E. F. Bradford, J. J. Walsh, John Wood and Charles Ross. The casket was covered with floral tributes and wraped in the National colors. John Wood Post, of which the deceased was a member, turned out in goodly numbers, under command of Capt. H. S. Wells. At the cemetery the Grand Army burial was used including the firing of the salutes over the last resting place of the dead. Aside from the bereaved relatives one of the most touching scenes of the service was the large number of employes, both men and women, who had for years worked under the major while he was a member of the firm of Clark & Morgan. There was hardly a dry eye in this number, and many could not retain their feelings, as they thought of the past years. It was a sermon in itself, which told of the esteem in which this man was held by those who had known him in the busy hours of a busy life.

James Anthony.

James Anthony, third son of Martin Anthony and Mary Pearcy, was born April 4, 1841 near Bethel, was married March 6, 1860 to Catherine Jenkins who survives him. To them were born seven children, Mary Augusta Brakefield, of Spokane, Washington, Anna Belle Hurst, of Portland, Oregon, Mrs. Margaret Bloch, of New York City, Samuel who died December 26, 1902, Dora Clayton, of Milton and James and Katie, who remain at home. Mr. Anthony enlisted in Company H. 73d Ill. Vol. Inf'ty. Aug. 8th, 1862 and was not discharged until the close of war. The deceased was taken sick January 21, 1904 and was very ill for many weeks and was a great sufferer. He seemed to be improving in health and became able to drive out, when suddenly Saturday evening, April 2, 1904, upon returning home from a short walk, he expired. Buried at Bethel, Pike county, Illinois, April 4, 1904.

Comrades: I have the honor to report the following statement as to the financial condition of this Association:

Sept. 1, 1904. Balance on hand $ 50 76
Oct. 4, " Reunion at Springfield 41 50
By post office orders and draft 16 00
Total $108 26


Oct. 4, 1904. Janitor $ 1 50
Stenographer 10 00
March 13, 1905. Printing 30 50
Postage 3 00
Stationery 5 00
Total $ 50 00

Balance on hand March 13, 1905, and sent to my successor,
D. R. Gooch, Bellflower, Illinois $ 58 26
Giles H. Penstone,
Treasurer 73rd Regt. Ill. Vol. Reunion Association

Comrades will please take notice and address all communications from this sime on to our comrade, D. R. Gooch, of Bellflower,Illinois, who will answer all communications.
Giles P. Penstone.

Recommended for 1905.
[Respectfully Submitted.]


1 Call to order by the President.
2 Prayer by Chaplain.
3 Report of Secretary.
4 Reading letters from comrades.
5 Report of Treasurer and Committees.
6 Intermission of 30 minutes for registration of those present and payment of dues.
7 Calling roll by companies for death list.
8 Appointment of committees.
9 Miscellaneous matters
10 Adjournment.


1 Call to order by the President.
2 Intermission of 10 minutes to allow late arrivals to register and pay dues.
3 Annual Address.
4 Report of committees.
5 Election of officers for year 1905-6.
6 Selection of place of meeting for 1906.
7 New Business.
8 Miscellaneous.
9 Adjournment.
10 Benediction.

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