127th Illinois Infantry
Field & Staff
Name Rank Residence Date of Rank
or Enlistment
Date of Muster Remarks
ANTHONY, Julius P 2nd Asst Surg. Sterling Sep 6, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Prom. Surgeon 61st Reg't. MO Sep 8, 1865
CHANDLER, Thomas W Major Highland Feb 23, 1863 July 1, 1863 Resigned July 11, 1864
CLARK, Anson L 1st Asst Surg. Elgin Sep 6, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Mustered out Jun 5, 1865
CURTISS, Frank S Lt. Colonel Chicago Feb 23, 1863 Jun 13, 1863 Mustered out Jun 5, 1865
CURTISS, Frank S Major Chicago Sep 6, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Promoted
DURANT, Samuel W Quartermaster St Charles July 11, 1863 Nov 18, 1863 Mustered out Jun 5, 1865
ELDRIDGE, Hamilton N Colonel Chicago Feb 23, 1863 Mar 1, 1863 Resigned July 29, 1863
ELDRIDGE, Hamilton N Lt. Colonel Chicago Sep 6, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Promoted
GILLETTE, Frank C Major St Charles July 11, 1864 Sep 7, 1864 Mustered out July 11, 1865
GORE, Joel R Surgeon Chicago Sep 6, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Mustered out Jun 5, 1865
HALE, Daniel H Quartermaster Chicago Sep 6, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Resigned July 11, 1863
KEYS, Addison A Adjutant Elgin Mar 9, 1863 May 2, 1863 Promoted Captain Co. H
NIND, James G Adjutant Chicago Nov 9, 1864 Mar 27, 1865 Mustered out Jun 5, 1865
STOUGHT'N, Jonathan C Chaplain Chicago Sep 6, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Resigned Aug 10, 1863
VAN ARMAN, John Colonel Chicago Sep 6, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Resigned Feb 23, 1863
VAN ARMAN, John Jr Adjutant Chicago Sep 6, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Resigned Mar 10, 1863
WHEATON, James A Adjutant Chicago Mar 19, 1863 Sep 25, 1863 Resigned Nov 9, 1864

127th Illinois Infantry
Non-Commissioned Staff
Name Rank Residence Date of Rank
or Enlistment
Date of Muster Remarks
DICKINSON, Henry B QM Sergeant --- Sep 6, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Reduced to ranks in Co. G. Deserted Oct 25, 1863, before joining that Co.
DUCK, Charles Hill Hosp. Steward Elgin Sep 6, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Discharged Nov 1, 1863
DURANT, Samuel W QM Sergeant St Charles Aug 8, 1862 Sep 5, 1862 Promoted R.Q.M.
ELLIOTT, Henry C Prin. Musician St Charles Aug 14, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Mustered out Jun 5, 1865
LAWTON, William W Serg. Major Oswego Aug 6, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Killed, Atlanta, Aug 26, 1864
LENT, Ozias J QM Sergeant St Charles Aug 14, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Absent, sick at MO of Reg.
LENT, Ozias J Comm. Sergeant St Charles Aug 14, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Prom. QM Sergeant
LINDSAY, William Jr Serg. Major Vienna Aug 13, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Mustered out Jun 5, 1865
McFARLAND, William A Comm. Sergeant Barrington Aug 14, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Mustered out Jun 5, 1865
MEAD, James M Prin. Musician Plano Aug 11, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Mustered out Jun 5, 1865
PALMER, William C Serg. Major Lyons Aug 8, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Prom. 1st Lieut. Co. H
SMITH, Joseph Prin. Musician Aurora Sep 6, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Died at Oswego, Ill., Jun 16, 1863
TUCKER, George A Comm. Sergeant Oswego Sep 6, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Reduced to ranks in Co. A
WELD, Salem E Hosp. Steward Elgin Aug 12, 1862 Sep 5, 1862 Mustered out Jun 5, 1865
WESTOVER, Edward C Prin. Musician Little Rock Sep 6, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Died at Aurora, Feb 7, 1863
WHEATON, James A Serg. Major Chicago Sep 6, 1862 Sep 6, 1862 Promoted Adjutant

127th Illinois Infantry
Unassigned Recruits
Name Residence Date of Muster Remarks
BRADY, William B Chicago Oct 5, 1864 ---
CONWAY, Peter Chicago Oct 18, 1864 ---
CROSSON, Joseph Kane Co Oct 6, 1864 ---
HOMAN, Augustus Somonauk Sep 16, 1864 Rejected
JACKSON, James Florence Nov 5, 1864 ---
JACKSON, James Dayton Nov 1, 1864 ---
MARCHY, Thomas E Downer's Grove Oct 18, 1864 Rejected
TALCOTT, Martin T Dayton Nov 1, 1864 ---
THOMPSON, John Chicago Oct 5, 1864 ---

Transcribed by Jim Willison

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