94th Illinois Infantry
Field & Staff
Name Rank Residence Date of Rank
or Enlistment
Date of Muster Remarks
BRISCOE, Alexander T Major Bloomington Nov 29, 1862 Mar 1, 1863 Discharged Dec 9, 1864
BURR, Hudson Adjutant Bloomington Aug 18, 1862 Aug 18, 1862 Disch. for prom. Jun 5, 1863
GUTHRIE, Robert E Chaplain Bloomington Aug 14, 1862 Aug 20, 1862 Resigned Jun 29, 1863
HEYWOOD, Albert L Adjutant ---- Jun 6, 1863 Sep 23, 1863 Mustered out July 17, 1865
LAUGHLIN, Rankin G Lt. Colonel Heyworth Nov 29, 1862 Apr 17, 1863 Mustered out July 17, 1865
LAUGHLIN, Rankin G Major Heyworth Aug 20, 1862 Aug 20, 1862 Promoted
McFARLAND, James C Major Heyworth Dec 9, 1864 Not must’r’d M.O. July 17, 1865, as Capt.
McNULTA, John Colonel Bloomington Nov 29, 1862 Jun 21, 1863 Mustered out July 17, 1865
McNULTA, John Lt. Colonel Bloomington Aug 20, 1862 Aug 20, 1862 Promoted
MILLER, Ichabod T Chaplain ---- Jun 29, 1863 ---- Resigned Sep 2, 1864
MOORE, Martin L Quartermaster Bloomington Aug 18, 1862 Aug 18, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
ORME, William W Colonel Bloomington Aug 20, 1862 Aug 20, 1862 Pro. Brig. Gen., Apr 4, 1863
PAYNE, Seldon M 1st Asst. Surg. ---- --- Aug 20, 1862 Resigned Dec 4, 1862
ROSS, Joseph C Surgeon Waynesville Nov 19, 1862 Nov 19, 1862 On detached service at M.O. of Regiment
SKAGGS, Lewis H 2nd Asst. Surg. LeRoy May 14, 1863 May 19, 1863 Mustered out July 17, 1865
STEWART, Archibald E 1st Asst. Surg. Heyworth Aug 14, 1862 Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
WOLF, Franklin B Chaplain ---- Sep 2, 1864 Jan 28, 1865 Mustered out July 17, 1865

94th Illinois Infantry
Non-Commissioned Staff
Name Rank Residence Date of Rank
or Enlistment
Date of Muster Remarks
BOYD, Henry W Hosp. Steward Bloomington Aug 10, 1862 Aug 20, 1862 Disch. Jan 6, 1864; disabil.
COE, Proctor T Prin. Musician Bloomington Aug 8, 1862 Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
FUNSTON, John S Prin. Musician Bloomington Aug 8, 1862 Aug 20, 1862 Disch. May 30, 1865; disabil.
GIBBS, William H Prin. Musician Heyworth Aug 8, 1862 Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
GORING, Carleton Comm. Sergeant --- Aug 10, 1862 Aug 20, 1862 Disch. Sep 23, 1864; disabil.
HALE, Charles A Hosp. Steward LeRoy Aug 8, 1862 Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
MARTIN, Joseph T Serg. Major Heyworth Aug 11, 1862 Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
McINTYRE, Robert S QM Sergeant --- Aug 10, 1862 Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
PREVOST, Henry C Serg. Major --- Aug 10, 1862 Aug 20, 1862 Reduced and tr. to Co. D [Aug 10, 1862]
RICHARDSON, Sanf’d P Comm. Sergeant Bloomington Aug 8, 1862 Aug 20, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
TROWBRIDGE, John D Hosp. Steward LeRoy Aug 9, 1862 Aug 20, 1862 Discharged Dec 2, 1864

94th Illinois Infantry
Unassigned Recruits
Name Residence Date of Muster Remarks
BISHOP, William M. Leroy Feb 11, 1864 ----
BLUE, David Bloomington Nov 27, 1863 ----
BOURKE, John Lexington Aug 29, 1864 ----
BUNN, James C. Bloomington ---- ----
CLAFLIN, Allen B. Heyworth Dec 8, 1863 ----
CONGER, Benjamin Bloomington ---- Deserted
CRANE, Farnim Lexington ---- ----
CURREN, John Lexington ---- ----
CURREY, Thomas Lexington ---- ----
EVANS, James S. LeRoy ---- Deserted
HARBOARD, Richard W. Bloomington Dec 29, 1863 Died, C'p Butler, Jan 29, 1864
HEFNER, Joseph A. Lexington Feb 3, 1864 ----
HEFNER, Michael Lexington Feb 25, 1864 ----
JACOBSON, Charles Springfield Nov 3, 1863 ----
JAMES, John Heyworth Mar 29, 1864 Rejected
JOHNSON, George W. Springfield ---- Discharged July 2, 1864
KELLER, John Springfield Sep 1, 1864 ----
KENDALL, John Danvers ---- ----
LOFTY, Pleasant Springfield Apr 6, 1864 ----
McCRITH, James Bloomington Dec 8, 1863 ----
McKIBBEN, Edward Gridley ---- ----
MICHAEL, Henry O. Gridley Mar 28, 1864 Discharged
MOTH, James H. Groveland ---- Discharged May 14, 1864
MUNSFALL, John Lexington Jan 4, 1864 ----
PARKER, Francis M. Lenox ---- Discharged May 14, 1864
PERRY, Silas Lenox ---- Rejected
THOMPSON, Elijah B. Bloomington ---- Deserted
WICKHAM, Noyes Bloomington ---- Rejected

Transcribed by Gwen Beiermeister

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