74th Illinois Infantry
Field & Staff
Name Rank Residence Date of Rank
or Enlistment
Date of Muster Remarks
BLODGETT, Edward A Adjutant --- Aug 14, 1862 Sep 4, 1862 Tr. To 96th Reg. Sep 10, 1862
BRYAN, Thomas J Colonel Durand May 10, 1865 Not must'r'd MO Jun 10, 1865 as Lt. Col.
BRYAN, Thomas J Lt. Colonel Durand Aug 3, 1864 Feb 5, 1865 Promoted
COATES, Albert L 1st Asst Surg. Chicago Nov 29, 1864 Jan 12, 1865 Mustered out Jun 10, 1865
DUTCHER, Edward F Major Oregon Sep 4, 1862 Sep 4, 1862 Resigned Mar 3, 1863
ELLINWOOD, Charles N Surgeon Chicago Sep 28, 1862 Sep 28, 1862 Resigned Mar 24, 1863. Re-entered service as Surgeon 96th Regiment
FERSON, Sherman C 1st Asst Surg. --- Nov 25, 1863 Dec 7, 1863 Killed by railroad accident, Oct 7, 1864
FISHER, Chesseldon 1st Asst Surg. Freeport Mar 24, 1863 --- Prom. Surgeon 75th Reg't.
FISHER, Chesseldon 2nd Asst Surg. Freeport Sep 28, 1862 Sep 28, 1862 Promoted
KERR, James B Lt. Colonel Roscoe Sep 4, 1862 Sep 4, 1862 Died of wounds at Atlanta, Ga., July 3, 1864
MARSH, Jason Colonel Rockford Sep 4, 1862 Sep 4, 1862 Resigned Aug 24, 1864
MORRILL, Walter D B Quartermaster --- Mar 2, 1863 Mar 19, 1863 Dismissed May 2, 1864. Disability removed Feb 18, 1865
NIEMAN, Anton Adjutant Chicago Sep 10, 1862 Sep 10, 1862 Discharged Jan 7, 1865
NYE, John H Quartermaster Shirland May 2, 1864 --- Mustered out Jun 10, 1865
PETTIBONE, Ira Fayette Chaplain --- Apr 8, 1864 July 1, 1864 Mustered out Jun 10, 1865
POTTER, Andrew M Adjutant Rockford Jan 7, 1865 --- Mustered out Jun 10, 1865
REMINGTON, Thos. J L Major Rockford Mar 2, 1863 Mar 16, 1863 Mustered out Jun 10, 1865
STRONG, Henry 1st Asst Surg. Rockford Sep 28, 1862 Sep 29, 1862 Mustered out Jun 10, 1865
TAYLOR, Timothy B Chaplain Durand Sep 4, 1862 Sep 4, 1862 Resigned Jan 28, 1863
WILLIAMS, Lewis Quartermaster Rockford Sep 4, 1862 Sep 4, 1862 Died, Nashville, Nov 26, 1862

74th Illinois Infantry
Non-Commissioned Staff
Name Rank Residence Date of Rank
or Enlistment
Date of Muster Remarks
ALLEN, Gardner S Comm. Sergeant Rockford --- --- Re-trans. to Co. D. Died Dec 4, 1862
BLANCHARD, Job Prin. Musician De Kalb Center --- --- Re-transferred to Co. F
CAIN, William Serg. Major Rockford --- --- Mustered out Jun 10, 1865
DICKERSON, George N Hosp. Steward Laona --- --- Mustered out Jun 10, 1865
DUNBAR, George E QM Sergeant Rockford --- --- Mustered out Jun 10, 1865
GERHAM, Charles W Prin. Musician Winnebago --- --- Mustered out Jun 10, 1865
HURD, George A Prin. Musician Howard --- --- Mustered out Jun 10, 1865
MILLER, Asher Prin. Musician Rockford --- --- Mustered out Mar 27, 1863
NORCROSS, Shepard Prin. Musician Rockton --- --- Mustered out Mar 26, 1863
PEAKE, Rudolphus W Serg. Major Rockford --- --- Prom. 1st Lieut. Co. K
RUGG, David Comm. Sergeant Pecatonia --- --- Mustered out Jun 10, 1865
WOODRUFF, Ambrose Hosp. Steward Rockford --- --- Trans. to US Army

74th Illinois Infantry
Unassigned Recruits
Name Residence Date of Muster Remarks
BOYCE, John J Harrison Sep 28, 1864 ---
CARMAN, John E Cherry Valley Mar 1, 1865 Mustered out May 29, 1865
GARDNER, Henry A Colona Sep 22, 1864 ---
HUSSEY, Josiah Rockford Jan 6, 1864 ---
MOREHOUSE, Lewis Rockton Sep 2, 1864 ---
RAY, Marshall Rockton Mar 15, 1865 Mustered out Jun 3, 1865

Transcribed by Jim Willison

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