Illinois Regiments in the Engagement at Spring Hill
(Spring Hill, Tennessee)
(November 29, 1864)


After the fall of Atlanta and the start of Sherman's March to the Sea, General Hood's Army of Tennessee began an invasion of middle Tennessee in order to try and draw Sherman back from his march to Savannah, Georgia. Opposing Hood in Tennessee was what remained of the Army of the Cumberland under General Thomas. Half of Thomas' troops were stationed in the fortifications of Nashville. The other half (4th Corps) were camped at Pulaski, Tennessee under General Schofield (Link to Regional Map).

Hood stole a march on Schofield and tried to cut his troops off from the road to Nashville by beating him to the Duck River crossings at Columbia. Schofield got wind of the enemy movements and beat Hood to Columbia.

Hood then attempted to out-flank Schofield again. While demonstrating in front of the Union fortifications at Columbia, Hood slipped most of his troops across the river and started marching north. The two armies began running into one another just to the east of Spring Hill. The attack began late in the day and failed to dislodge the Union troops before darkness fell. Hood intended to resume the attack at daybreak.

As the confederates camped for the night, Schofield's troops slipped past up the turnpike just out of earshot of the enemy. In the morning, the Army of Tennessee resumed the chase towards Franklin, 12 miles north (Link to Map of Battle, left panel).

The Illinois regiments which took part in the engagement at Spring Hill are listed below. The links will take you to the regimental pages.
Source: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Dyer's Compendium

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