Illinois Regiments in the Battle of Peachtree Creek
(north of Atlanta, Georgia)
(July 20, 1864)


During the Atlanta Campaign from Chattanooga to the Chattahoochie River, the Union and Confederate armies moved from one position to another closer to Atlanta, as the Union army outflanked the prepared entrenchments of the Confederates. This strategy saved the army, but gave up much land. After successfully crossing the Chattahoochie River, the Confederate government finally tired of the defensive maneuvering of General Joe Johnston and turned over command of the Army of Tennessee to General John Bell Hood on July 17th. Hood had a reputation for always wanting to attack and did not wait long for his first opportunity.

Major General Sherman had sent the Armies of the Ohio and the Tennessee to the east of Atlanta to attack the railroad at Decatur. This left the Army of the Cumberland under Major General Thomas in a position where it could not be supported by the other two armies. North of Atlanta Hood attempted to cut off and destroy Thomas as his army crossed Peachtree Creek. Hood's plan called for an attack by five divisions, starting on the right (east) and hopefully pushing the Union troops to the west pinning them against Peachtree Creek and the Chattahoochie River.

Hood's plans started late and were further delayed by troop placements so that when the attack started at 3 pm, the Union army was across the creek and ready for an attack. The attack was further hampered by difficult terraign and poor coordination. Two hours of fighting did not yield any tangible change in the lines. As night approached, Hood pulled off the reserve troops to check an advance by Union General McPherson's Army of the Tennessee further to the east. With the reserve gone and night falling, the attack was ended.

The Illinois regiments which took part in the Battle of Peachtree Creek are listed below. The links will take you to the regimental pages.

Source: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Dyer's Compendium

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