Illinois Regiments in the Chattanooga Campaign
(November 23-27, 1863)


In the aftermath of the defeat at Chickamauga to the south, the Army of the Cumberland took up defensive positions in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Bragg's Army of Tennessee surrounded the city to the south with positions on Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain that cut off the most direct route for supplies from the advance Union depot at Bridgeport, Alabama. To lift the siege of Chattanooga, newly appointed Commander in the West Ulysses S. Grant moved Sherman's Army of the Tennessee to the city. He also recieved two Corps under Hooker from the Army of the Potomac. Early efforts to reestablish a shorter supply route were successful over the "cracker line."

The main attacks in the Chattanooga Campaign took place between November 23 and November 27, 1863. The Army of the Cumberland made a demonstration on November 23rd and took Orchard Knob. On November 24, troops from the 11th and 12th Corps under Hooker cleared Lookout Mountain ("Battle above the Clouds") while Sherman's Army of the Tennessee prepared to move along the north bank of the Tennessee River, cross over on pontoon bridges and assault the north end of Missionary Ridge. Sherman's attack took place on November 25th, but stalled after fierce resistance.

Late on November 25th, Thomas' Army of the Cumberland was ordered to take the rifle pits at the base of Missionary Ridge, partly to prevent the movement of troops to the north end of the ridge. The rifle pits were quickly taken, but their possession was not that healthy for the Union troops as the Rebel troops and artillery on the ridge could easily fire on them.

In one of the most dramatic moments of the war, the Army of the Cumberland, without clear and specific orders to do so, charged up Missionary Ridge and drove the defenders back in disarray. Numerous artillery pieces were captured in the assault which came close to the capture of the Rebel Commanding General (Bragg). Pursuit was halted after a strong rear-guard defense at Ringgold Gap on November 27th.

The Illinois regiments which took part in the battles of Chattanooga are listed below. The links will take you to the regimental pages.

  • Bridges Battery, Light Artillery
Reserve Forces

Source: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Dyer's Compendium

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